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346th Sep Mech Inf Bde
Baku, Atropia
(U) References:
(a) (U) Maps (various), as provided by TRISA CTID.
(b) (U) Road To War (slide)
(c) (U) Mission Briefing Capstone PE
(d) (U) Decisive Action Training Environment Version 2.2
(e) (U) ATROPIA A Country Study FINAL Volumes I-V
(U) Time Zone Used Throughout the Order: (U) LOCAL GMT-6.
(U) Task Organization: See PE Capstone materials.
1. (U) Situation.
a. (U) Area of Operations. Area of Operations (AO) is defined roughly by 38TPK542532 (near Martakert), 38SPJ744631 (near Jabrayil), 38TQK304555 (near Zardab), and 38SQJ503927 (near Parsabad). Refer to the Area of Operation Overlay for a graphical depiction of the AO.
b. (U) Area of Interest. The 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde area of interest encompasses the western sector of ATROPIA.
c. (U) Area of Operations. The 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde Area of Operations (AO) is defined in the West by the 38S PK/PJ 67 Northing and in the East by the 38S PK/PJ 93 Northing. To the South the AO starts along the 38S PJ 84 Easting and extends to the 38S PK 13 Easting. Refer to the Area of Operations Overlay for a graphical depiction of the AO.
(1) (U) Terrain. Refer to PE material for a detailed analysis of the terrain in 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde AO.
(a) (U) The GREATER and LESSER CAUCASUS MOUNTAIN ranges dominate ATROPIA’s topography and extend beyond its borders. ATROPIA occupies a total land area of 32,200 square miles. The country possesses two geographic regions; the mountain ranges and the vast flatlands (sometimes referred to as the KURA-ARAS lowland). There are two major river systems which cut through ATROPIA, the KURA RIVER and the ARAS RIVER.
(b) (U) The 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde AO is dominated by the foothills of the LESSER CAUCASUS MOUNTAIN RANGE and their steep slope will limit movement and compound vehicle and equipment breakdowns. Due the incline, almost all the rivers of the region flow from the western and southwestern mountains to the east and southeast into the Lower Janga Valley. Over centuries, these fast-flowing mountainous rivers formed deep canyons and picturesque valleys. The roads across the AO are already in a poor condition and will likely be greatly damage by heavy tracked movement; the rail infrastructure is also poorly maintained.
(2) (U) Weather. ATROPIA exhibits a wide variety of climates depending on location, elevation, and proximity to the Caspian Sea. The majority of the AO exhibits a dry-subtropical climate averaging 8-12 inches of precipitation a year. Most precipitation occurs in spring and early summer. July and August produce the highest temperatures with highs in the 90s F. ATROPIA’s coldest month is January with temperatures averaging 36F.
c. (U) Enemy Forces. Refer to PE Capstone OB.
(1) (U) Refer to Capstone PE material for a graphic representation.
(2) (U) Overview. The ARIANIAN Armed Forces (AAF) are likely to invade, they are well trained and capable of conducting combined arms and joint operation, they will attempt to employ overwhelming force. NATO forces are likely to intervene if ARIANIAN forces threaten Atropia’s sovereignty.
(3) (U) Strategic Center of Gravity. The strategic center of gravity is the Council of Guardians Revolution and its Supreme Leader Ayatollah MAHMOOD MEKHENEI. It wields power through the legitimacy of the theocratic regime in the eyes of the ARIANIAN populace, and the regime’s ability to control the population through its internal security apparatus, the civilian government and their allies in the regular military. Critical vulnerabilities include ethnic unrest in ARIANA’s northwest provinces and leverage in the region.
(4) (U) Operational Center of Gravity. The operational center of gravity is ARIANA’s interior lines of communication, connecting sustainment nodes in the northwest ARIANA provinces to the battlefront. Critical vulnerabilities include exposed C2 and RISTA networks, exposed logistical ground lines of communications (GLOCs), sustainment bases, surface-to-surface, and surface-to-space missile command nodes.
(5) (U) Road to War. The AAF established Tactical Assembly Areas (TAA) near the ATROPIA-ARIANA border upon the conclusion of their annual war games. Concurrent to this provocation, the ATROPIAN’s were subjected to cyber attacks, of which ARIANA is expected to claim responsibility.
(6) (U) Most Likely Enemy Course of Action. The AAF will cross the international border to conduct offensive operations to secure Lines of Communications (LOC), logistical nodes, and population centers preventing NATO forces from intervening.
(7) (U) Most Dangerous Enemy Course of Action. The AAF will overrun and defeat ATROPIAN forces seizing key infrastructure and isolating BAKU.
(8) (U) Non-State Actors.
(a) (U) South Atropian People’s Army (SAPA). In support of the political objectives of the South Atropian Peoples Party (SAPP), SAPA is expected to conduct asymmetric attacks throughout the Joint Operations Area. These attacks will focus on sustainment operations and lines of supply and lines of communication as well as targeted attacks aimed at turning the citizens of ATROPIA against the CJTF.
(b) (U) SADVOL operates in southeastern ATROPIA and advocates the violent overthrow of the ATROPIA Government.
(c) (U) Limairan Liberation Front (LLF) is a Christian paramilitary organization within the LOWER JANGA region that seeks to maintain Limairan control over the LOWER JANGA and conducts small cross-border attacks against the FJLM and ATROPIAN civilians towards this cause.
(d) (U) Free Lower Janga Movement (FJLM) is a Shia Islamic insurgent organization that seeks to expel Christian Limairans from the Lower Janga region and is clandestinely supported by the ATROPIA government.
(9) (U) Major Criminal Organizations. There are three major criminal organizations existent with ATROPIA.
(a) (U) AL-ISKAR CARTEL (AIC) operates within northeastern ATROPIA and southern DONOVIA and specializes in weapons smuggling and human trafficking.
(b) (U) ATROPIAN ORGANIZED CRIME (AOC) operates within BAKU and specializes in the black market.
(c) (U) BOCYWICZ CRIME FJLMILY (BCF) operates in northwestern ATROPIA and is a third generation criminal organization seeking to expand their political unofficial control over the Province.
d. (U) Friendly Forces.
(1) (U) Higher Headquarters Mission and Intent.
(a) (U) Supreme High Command (Two Levels Up).
1. (U) Mission. Conduct defensive operations to deter ARIANIAN forces from invading ATROPIA. BPT conduct offensive operations to expel ARIANIAN forces and restore ATROPIAN sovereignty.
2. (U) Commander’s Intent.
a. (U) Purpose. Maintain ATROPIAN sovereignty and deter future ARIANIAN aggression. Reinforce ATROPIAN standing as a regional military power to ensure the security of our borders.
b. (U) Key Tasks.
(1) (U) AAF are defeated.
(2) (U) ATROPIAN borders are secured from future threat.
(3) (U) Conduct multinational joint operations with NATO forces.
c. (U) Endstate.
(1) (U) Enemy. ARIANIAN forces are defeated and expelled from ATROPIA.
(2) (U) Friendly. ATROPIAN forces remain combat effective.
(b) (U) Mission & Intent (One Level Up).
1. (U) Mission. O/O defend in the Western sector to deny ARIANIAN forces FoM and to protect population centers and key terrain. BPT transition to the offense and exploit gaps against the AAF.
2. (U) Commander’s Intent.
a. (U) Purpose. Block and delay the ARIANIAN offensive in the Western sector in order to unbalance enemy forces and create the conditions for a counter attack.
b. (U) Key Tasks.
(1) (U) Deploy to the Western Sector of ATROPIA.
(2) (U) Defend ATROPIA border.
(3) (U) Conduct reconnaissance
(4) (U) Protect important infrastructure.
(5) (U) Protect population centers and displaced persons.
c. (U) Endstate.
(1) (U) Enemy. ARIANIAN forces are defeated and expelled from ATROPIA.
(2) (U) Friendly. ATROPIAN forces remain combat effective.
2. (U) Mission. 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde defends IVO the town of AGJADEBI to defeat AAF NLT MAR 2016. BPT counterattack and conduct Forward Passage of Lines (FPoL) IOT force the withdrawal of the ARIANIAN forces to the International Border.
3. (U) Execution.
a. (U) Commander’s Intent.
(1) (U) Purpose. The purpose of this operation is to defend the AO and set the conditions for counterattacks and cause the subsequent withdrawal of the ARIANIAN forces to the international border.
(2) (U) Key Tasks.
(a) (U) Deploy from BAKU to the Western Sector of ATROPIA.
(b) (U) Defend IVO AGJADEBI.
(c) (U) Defeat ARIANIAN forces.
(d) (U) BPT facilitate FPoL for follow-on troops to launch counterattacks.
(3) (U) End State.
(a) (U) Enemy. ARIANIAN Forces are defeated and are unable to conduct Plt level attacks either through lost C2 or combat power. ATROPIAN forces have gained the initiative and have transitioned to offensive operations.
(b) (U) Friendly. 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde forces defend IVO AGJADEBI. ATROPIAN forces have greater than 60% of our initial combat power, consolidated and reorganized, and are prepared to facilitate a follow-on forces attack.
b. (U) Concept of Operations. This operation is comprised of five phases. The phases are deliberately sequenced actions to maintain tempo. Each phase allows 346th Sep Mech Inf Bde to focus effort, concentrate combat power in time and space and deliberately accomplish our objectives. The phases are PHI (Deploy), PH II (Delay), PHIII (Defend), PHIV (Transition) and PH V (Counter Attack).
c. (U) Scheme of Movement and Maneuver.
(1) (U) PH I (Deploy - Complete) ATROPIAN forces conduct a rapid deployment to the Western Sector. Conduct INFOWAR to reassure the population that ATROPIAN forces will defend ATROPIA. Conduct recruitment and support humanitarian operations.
(2) (U) PH II (Delay). Deploy vic AGJADEBI to identify and eliminate as needed ARIANIAN elements conducting incursions into Atropia and to engage all vulnerable smaller units to include Engineer, ADA and Artillery. Use counter-mobility assets to reinforce positions to conduct defensive operations, forcing the ARIANIAN’s into engagement areas in order to defeat them.
(3) (U) PH III (Defend). Defend IVO AGJADEBI until reinforced.