FHSAA State Boys Golf Series

District Tournament Results Report Form (page 1 of 7)

Class: / 1a / District: / 10
Host School: / Lake Mary Preparatory School / City: / Lake Mary
Tournament Site: / Redtail

Directions: List complete team and individual results. Provide both first and last names of each individual; give school name and name of city when school name is different from name of city or there is more than one school located in the same city. Complete, accurate and legible reporting is important and will be appreciated. Once completed, the form must be sent via e-mail as an attachment to the FHSAA Office at "” immediately upon conclusion of the District Tournament. Additional instructions on how to use this form are available at the end of this file.

Boys Team Results

(List all competitors who entered into the district tournament)

1st Place Team

School / Lake Mary Prep / Aggregate Score / 295
Player / Jason Hak / Grade / 11 / Score / 69
Player / Owen Curry / Grade / 12 / Score / 74
Player / Cristian DiMarco / Grade / 9 / Score / 76
Player / AJ Abel / Grade / 9 / Score / 76
Player / Jay Pinkos / Grade / 12 / Score / 79

2nd Place Team

School / Trinity Prep / Aggregate Score / 297
Player / Collin Engelhardt / Grade / 11 / Score / 69
Player / Hank Lebioda / Grade / 11 / Score / 71
Player / Carlito Fernandez / Grade / 11 / Score / 81
Player / Rocco Russo / Grade / 11 / Score / 76
Player / Tyler Conte / Grade / 12 / Score / 81

3rd Place Team

School / Orangewood Christian / Aggregate Score / 324
Player / Blake Chmielewski / Grade / 12 / Score / 84
Player / Jackson Palmquist / Grade / 12 / Score / 92
Player / Connor Shell / Grade / 12 / Score / 76
Player / Rhett Sutphin / Grade / 12 / Score / 90
Player / Christopher Thurman / Grade / 12 / Score / 74
2007 District Tournament Results Report Form (page 2 of 7) / Class: / 1a / District: / 10

4th Place Team

School / Masters Academy / Aggregate Score / 332
Player / Jimmy Ellis / Grade / 12 / Score / 74
Player / Shanren Brienen / Grade / 8 / Score / 86
Player / Sammy Hill / Grade / 10 / Score / 86
Player / Sean Casey / Grade / 10 / Score / 89
Player / Dean Gouldthorpe / Grade / 12 / Score / 86

5th Place Team

School / Father Lopez / Aggregate Score / 359
Player / Ryan Anderson / Grade / 11 / Score / 105
Player / Matt Deluca / Grade / 10 / Score / 105
Player / Austin Graves / Grade / 11 / Score / 88
Player / Brad Hampton / Grade / 11 / Score / 82
Player / Michael Ringlehan / Grade / 11 / Score / 84

6th Place Team

School / Mantanzas High / Aggregate Score / 382
Player / Bryce Goulding / Grade / 12 / Score / 85
Player / Carter Subers / Grade / 9 / Score / 92
Player / Ian Kemp / Grade / 9 / Score / 110
Player / Dylan Mulligan / Grade / 10 / Score / 106
Player / Jeff Monroe / Grade / 11 / Score / 99

7th Place Team

School / Atlantic High / Aggregate Score / 397
Player / Matt Thomas / Grade / 10 / Score / 84
Player / Ryan Darcy / Grade / 10 / Score / 108
Player / Shane Woodman / Grade / 12 / Score / 108
Player / Jamie Cirks / Grade / 9 / Score / 97
Player / Grade / Score

8th Place Team

School / The Geneva School / Aggregate Score / 410
Player / Chris Cox / Grade / 9 / Score / 113
Player / Michael Ikegami / Grade / 11 / Score / 109
Player / Gant Anderson / Grade / 7 / Score / 97
Player / Ian Seddon / Grade / 11 / Score / 102
Player / Danny Cabeza / Grade / 8 / Score / 102
2007 District Tournament Results Report Form (page 3 of 7) / Class: / 1a / District: / 10

9th Place Team

School / Trinity Christian / Aggregate Score / n/a
Player / Michael Castaldi / Grade / 10 / Score / 93
Player / Andrew Haynes / Grade / 12 / Score / 93
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score

10th Place Team

School / Crescent City / Aggregate Score / n/a
Player / David Haire / Grade / 12 / Score / 104
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score

11th Place Team

School / Calvary Christian / Aggregate Score / n/a
Player / Mark Francis / Grade / 11 / Score / 125
Player / Jacob Sadowski / Grade / 8 / Score / DNF
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score

12th Place Team

School / Croom's Academy / Aggregate Score / n/a
Player / Tristan Cople / Grade / 9 / Score / 144
Player / Joshua Evanock / Grade / 12 / Score / 151
Player / Ryan Trad / Grade / 9 / Score / 153
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score

13th Place Team

School / Aggregate Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
Player / Grade / Score
2007 District Tournament Results Report Form (page 4 of 7) / Class: / 1a / District: / 10

Boys Individual Results

(List all competitors who entered into the district tournament)

Player / School / Grade / Score
1 / Jason Hak / Lake Mary Prep / 11 / 69
2 / Collin Engelhardt / Trinity Prep / 11 / 69
3 / Hank Lebioda / Trinity Prep / 11 / 71
4 / Owen Curry / Lake Mary Prep / 12 / 74
5 / Jimmy Ellis / Master's Academy / 12 / 74
6 / Christopher Thurman / Orangewood / 12 / 74
7 / Cristian DiMarco / Lake Mary Prep / 9 / 76
8 / AJ Abel / Lake Mary Prep / 9 / 76
9 / Connor Shell / Orangewood / 12 / 76
10 / Rocco Russo / Trinity Prep / 11 / 76
11 / Jay Pinkos / Lake Mary Prep / 12 / 79
12 / Carlitos Fernandeez / Trinity Prep / 11 / 81
13 / Tyler Conte / Trinity Prep / 12 / 81
14 / Brad Hampton / Father Lopez / 11 / 82
15 / Matt Thomas / Atlantic / 10 / 84
16 / Michael Ringlehan / Father Lopez / 11 / 84
17 / Blake Chmielewski / Orangewood / 12 / 84
18 / Bryce Goulding / Mantazas / 12 / 85
19 / Shanren Brienen / Master's Academy / 8 / 86
20 / Sammy Hill / Master's Academy / 10 / 86
21 / Dean Gouldthorpe / Master's Academy / 12 / 86
22 / Austin Graves / Father Lopez / 11 / 88
23 / Sean Casey / Master's Academy / 10 / 89
24 / Rhett Sutphin / Orangewood / 12 / 90
25 / Jackson Palmquist / Orangewood / 12 / 92
26 / Carter Subers / Manatazas / 9 / 92
27 / Andrew Hayes / Trinity Christian / 12 / 93
28 / Michael Castaldi / Trinity Christian / 10 / 93
29 / Jamie Cirks / Atlantic / 9 / 97
30 / Gant Anderson / Geneva / 7 / 97
31 / Jeff Monroe / Mantazas / 11 / 99
32 / Ian Seddon / Geneva / 11 / 102
33 / Danny Cabeza / Geneva / 8 / 102
2007 District Tournament Results Report Form (page 5 of 7) / Class: / 1a / District: / 10

Boys Individual Results (cont’d)

Player / School / Grade / Score
34 / David Haire / Crescent City / 12 / 104
35 / Ryan Anderson / Father Lopez / 11 / 105
36 / Matt Deluca / Father Lopez / 10 / 105
37 / Dylan Mulligan / Mantazas / 10 / 106
38 / Ryan Darcy / Atlantic / 10 / 108
39 / Shane Woodman / Atlantic / 12 / 108
40 / Michael Ikegami / Orangewood / 11 / 110
41 / Ian Kemp / Mantazas / 9 / 110
42 / Chris Cox / Geneva / 9 / 113
43 / Mark Francis / Calvary Christian / 11 / 125
44 / Tristan Cople / Croom's Academy / 9 / 144
45 / Joshua Evanock / Croom's Academy / 12 / 151
46 / Ryan Trad / Croom's Academy / 9 / 153
47 / Jacob Sadowski / Calvary Christian / 8 / DNF
2007 District Tournament Results Report Form (page 6 of 7) / Class: / 1a / District / 10

Participation Data (mandatory)

List each school that participated in this District Tournament and the number of individual boys golfers from that school who actually competed in this District Tournament:

School Name (City) / Competitors
Calvary Christian / 2
Atlantic / 4
Mantazas / 5
Master's / 5
Cresecent City / 1
Lake Mary Prep / 5
Trinity Prep / 5
Orangewood / 5
Father Lopez / 5
Trinity Christian / 2
Geneva / 5
Croom's / 3
Name of Tournament Manager / Kathy Benefiel
Tournament Manager's Phone Number (Work) / 407-805-0095 x 133
Tournament Manager's Phone Number (Home) / 407-320-7085
Tournament Manager's Phone Number (Cell) / 407-252-8449
Tournament Manager's Email Address /

October 1, 2009


TO: The Manager of Each District Golf Tournament

FROM: Justin Harrison, Director of Athletics/Golf Administrator

Laurel Ring, Public Relations Specialist

RE: Online Form for Reporting District Tournament Results

To use the online form:

1. Name and save your file according to your Class and District number and gender. For example, if you are hosting the Class 3A District 6 Boys Tournament, name your file "3A6boys.doc." Be certain to include the .doc suffix in the file name.

2. Type in the requested information in the appropriate fields. Move from field to field in each table using the "tab" key. Move to the next table by clicking with your mouse in the first field of that table. Don't attempt to tab from one table to the next. It won't work. Instead, a new row will be created in the table you're currently in. If that happens, don't fret it. If you know how to delete the row, do so. If not, leave it. It may throw off the pages, but that won't matter to us. Don't type in the gray fields that contain FHSAA headers. Save the file periodically so you don't lose data if your computer crashes or the power is interrupted.

3. Be sure to answer the participation questions at the end of the form.

4. Once you complete the form, you must send the form via email as an attachment to "”.

Thanks for your assistance! If you have any questions about using the online form, please call Justin Harrison in the FHSAA Office at (352) 372-9551 ext. 390.

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