TOService Group 3 Scrutiny Select Committee

ON 18th February 2013

TITLE: Connecting Salford

RECOMMENDATIONS: That Members note the report.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As part of Scrutiny review Members asked that a report be prepared which highlighted issues within Directorate Business Plans and their links to ‘Connecting Salford’. The attached report has identified key aims within the ‘Connecting Salford’ consultation document which are within the remit of the committee and provides evidence of how Cluster 3 work streams are supporting these aims.

BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: ‘Connecting Salford’ October 2012.



1.1As part of the Scrutiny review, members requested that a report be prepared highlighting links between directorate business plans and ‘Connecting Salford’.

1.2As far as possible, links have been identified between Directorate Business Plans and the key aims within ‘Connecting Salford.’ Where Directorate Business Plan evidence could not be referenced, then officers have provided examples of work being carried out as part of their remit which has resonance with ‘Connecting Salford’.

1.3The report therefore showshow services within Cluster 3, support the key aims contained within the ‘Connecting Salford’ consultation document.

Community Safety / Links to ‘Connecting Salford’
The directorate is piloting the City Mayor’s Street Champions initiative. Street Champions are volunteers who act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of a local area and inform the council by reporting environmental issues in their neighbourhoods such as litter and fly-tipping or broken street lighting.
We continue to provide significant funding support to ensure PCSO coverage in every ward. PCSOs are now tasked with extra duties including the issuing of environmental crime fixed penalty notices.
The Community Safety Unit continues to run a full programme of SNAP weeks, with six completed this year and Boothstown and Ellenbrook and Swinton South scheduled for February and March 2013. Activities include litter picking, family fun days, fire safety checks, bulky waste collections, public transport ticket checks, youth club activities and recycling road shows.
All remaining ‘SmartWater’ kits have been delivered to partners including the police and social housing providers for distribution to vulnerable households. We continue to assist householders to seek funding to support alleygating projects.
32 Salfordcommunity membershave beentrainedin restorative practice which enables them to facilitate Neighbourhood Justice panels. There have been eight successful Neighbourhood Justice Panels - 2 criminal and 6 ASB/neighbour nuisance. Outcomes include reductions in ASB calls and complaints coming in to the local authority and community payback for offenders rather than a criminal charge.
We continue to use interventions that are available to address anti-social behaviour in our hotspots. We have recently successfully closed a residential premises on the grounds of anti-social behaviour and breaches of the first gang injunctions served in Salford has resulted in three of the four respondents receiving custodial sentences.
Each neighbourhood receives a CCTV report quarterly which outlines deployment of cameras and successful outcomes, such as police arrests using CCTV evidence.
The Drug and Alcohol Team runs the recovery service through the facility at Mona Street. We are currently reconfiguring the service in partnership with our health improvement teams.
The directorate is fully engaged with the Troubled Families Programme and is the lead agency for the Ending Gang and Youth Violence (EGYV) Programme. A multi-agency team (MASH) set up through EGYV manages the most problematic young people and families.
Regulatory Services carry out underage sales checks to prevent the sale of alcohol to children. / Connected communities page 7.
Promoting volunteering in the city to ensure local people can be involved, share and develop their skills and help local organisations thrive and develop.
Connected residents page 12.
Continuing to support locally based PoliceCommunity Support Officers if residentsagree they are playing a valued role.
Continuing to deliver eight SNAP weeks peryear which involve local people in activitiesand improving neighbourhoods.
Distributing 1,000 ‘SmartWater’ kits andworking with residents to identify funding toprovide alleygating to their streets to makeproperty safer from burglary.
Recruiting volunteers to sit on newNeighbourhood Justice Panels to provide localviews on reducing crime.
Continuing to reduce anti-social behaviourby identifying and focusing on hot spots andmaking direct contact with ex-offenders.
Publishing a regular public report on whatCCTV achieves in each neighbourhood, soresidents can better understand the value ofCCTV to their communities.
Helping people suffering from alcohol anddrug misuse with a new recovery supportservice to help in long term life changes.
Connected residents page 14
Supporting 835 families struggling withworklessness, poor school attendance andcrime or anti-social behaviour issues to turntheir lives around.
Further improving children’s safeguardingservices so that all young people are safer inSalford.
Regulatory Services –Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing. / Links to ‘Connecting Salford’
Providing support and guidance to help businesses understand and comply with legal requirements e.g. consumer protection laws.
Protecting consumers and legitimate businesses from rogue traders’
Helping to create a fair and safe trading environment by taking enforcement actions against dishonest and illegal traders.
Undertaking intelligence-led projects which aim to protect the health and well-being of the residents of Salford e.g.
  • Sunbed safety.
  • Warning of the dangers of ‘legal highs’ both to the purchaser and retailer.
  • Advising and monitoring of food standards /nutrition in take-away foods.
  • Preventing the sale of illegal and counterfeit medicines.
  • Preventing the sale of cigarettes to young people and combating the supply of counterfeit and illicit tobacco products
  • Ensuring food premises comply with food safety requirements.
/ Connected economy page 5.
Continuing to support our business community.
Connected residents page 18
Helping individuals and communities who
struggle to address key health issues, such as obesity and smoking, make lifestyle changes.
Operational Services – Refuse Collection/Recycling, Street Cleansing, Parks and Green Spaces, Citywide, Bereavement Services and Transport / Links to ‘Connecting Salford’
Providing support for the development of plans and employing dedicated Bridgewater Canal Project Officer to promote volunteer projects which improve key sites along the canal and raise awareness amongst communities about the canal and its long-term future
Responsibility for developing and maintaining new and existing facilities within the city’s parks and green spaces, as well as general grounds maintenance services. Providing support and horticultural expertise to community committees involved in the ‘In Bloom ‘competition
Supporting Friends groups and volunteers to help develop quality local environments which more closely meet local need and allow greater opportunities to interact and place-shape at a local level e.g. community clean –ups and green space improvements.
Provide increased opportunities for residents to engage in recreational and leisure activities which promote healthier lifestyles e.g. outdoor gyms, health walks, environmental improvement projects, allotments etc.
Providing household waste recycling services for all the City’s residents, including increased service frequencies and the introduction of a new food waste service, beginning in April 2013.
Offering apprenticeships in grounds maintenance and street scene services. / Connected economy page 5
Developing the BridgewaterCanal plans andsubmitting a Heritage Lottery Fund bid bysummer 2013 to develop the area as a majorleisure and visitor attraction.
Connected residents page 16
Improving the city’s country parks, deliveringnew facilities and events in our public parks,and promoting ‘Colouring Salford’ throughcontinued support for In Bloom and similarcommunity projects.
Connected residents page 18
Involving local people in improving their ownwellbeing, putting resources into helpingpeople improve their own lives.
Helping individuals and communities whostruggle to address key health issues, such as obesity and smoking, make lifestyle changes.
Connected services page 22
Working with Greater Manchester WasteDisposal Authority to minimise waste andmaximise recycling opportunities, with thelong term aim of zero waste being sent tolandfill.
Connected staff page 23
Building on our Salford Futures programme to support the creation of apprenticeships in the city and respond to youth unemployment.
Communities and Neighbourhoods / Links to ‘Connecting Salford’
Funding is allocated to Salford CVS to provide advocacy, advice/training and guidance to the community & voluntary sector and also to directly support the running of the Volunteer Centre.
A review of volunteering in the city is currently underway.
Neighbourhood Management teams work closely with colleagues and the Health Improvement service to provide opportunity at local level to support wellbeing such as the development of community allotments.
Support is provided across the city for engagement in community committees and in a number of areas new forms of social media (eg Facebook) are being successfully trialled. / Connected communities page 7
Promoting volunteering in the city to ensurelocal people can be involved, share and developtheir skills and help local organisations thriveand develop.
Using co-operative principles to look at howwe can make the best use of the assetsavailable to us, our public buildings, ourresources and most importantly the people ofthe city.
Connected residents page 18
Developing the council’s new role andresponsibilities for improving the public health of residents together with key agencies in the city.
Connected council page 21
Creating more opportunities for both digitaland face to face contact with residents,businesses and community groups so we can engage, listen and learn.
Salford Community Leisure Client/ Cultural Strategy / Links to ‘Connecting Salford’
Working with Salford Community Leisure (an independent co-operative organisation) to provide and improve sport, culture and leisure opportunities throughout Salford.
Working with local, regional and national partners to encourage and attract more national and international sports and cultural events
Enabling Salford Community Leisure, British Waterski and Wakeboard and Sport England to provide a new wakeboarding facility at Salford Quays (Dock 9) to attract national events, visitors and local families.
The partnership with the City Council enables the BBC Philharmonic to continue to run a community programme and involve local residents in its events within the City
Implementing a first phase of improvement to Salford Museum and Art Gallery by March 2013, plans being made for a second phase of improvement and preparing to submit a Heritage Lottery Fund bid by November 2013 bid for longer term refurbishment of the museum
Working with Salford Community Leisure,
School Sports Coordinator and others to maintain activities in schools and links with community sports organisations and opportunities / Connected communities page 7
Using co-operative principles to look at how we can make best use of the assets available to us, our public buildings, our resources and most importantly the people of the city
Connected city page 10
Continuing to host and attract major national and international events, such as the forthcoming Rugby League World Cup 2013, to create benefits for the city economically and culturally
Developing Salford Quays as a key tourist destination, puttiing on more live events and involving local families
Connected residents page16
Continuing links with BBC North and the BBC Philharmonic, to involve families, develop educational programmes and increase the participation of local residents in their events.
Making improvements to SalfordMuseum and ArtGallery to provide a welcoming, interactive and inspiring new reception and cafe area.
Looking at how we can build on the legacy ofthe Olympic Games to encourage more people to get involved in a wide range of sports and activities
Supporting the Police and Crime Commissioner Transition Programme / Links to ‘Connecting Salford’
The Strategic Director for Environment and Community Safety is taking forward a programme of work to ensure that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is taking account of Salford’s crime and policing priorities. We are also engaging at the Greater Manchester level to inform the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan and to identify GM wide commissioning opportunities. / Making sure that the new Police and CrimeCommissioner understands Salford’spriorities.

1.4It is apparent from this brief report, that there is clear evidence that much of the work of Clusters 3 is supporting the ideas and suggestions contained within the ‘Connecting Salford’ consultation document, and as such can be seen as playing a vital role in delivering the type of Salford the City Mayor and residents of the City wish to see.








CONTACT OFFICER: Wayne PriestleyTEL NO: 925 1399


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