TLC Upper & Lower term 5
Year - 2015/16
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Speaking and listening, photographs of practical tasks ,reading and writing .
1 & 2 / Planets of the Solar System / Computers/ipads. Lined / blank paper / Background on the planets of our solar system. Suggested activities:
- Produce factfile of the planets of the solar system, in Excel, as trump cards etc.
- Produce model or display of the solar system.
- Use of ipad solar system exploration apps.
- Write poems about the solar system or individual planets. (AO6)
Understanding of the consequences of their behavior and actions (M)
IT / Use of computer/ipadto research solar system
ILS / Using a clear speaking voice.Working in a group.
Numeracy / Figures of solar system, measurements of temperature, distances etc.
Communication / Speaking to an audience. Sharing findings of local organisations with rest of class.
Recall main points from simple texts eg put a simple story in sequence.
Locate some points and information in simple texts eg find the name of a shop on a business card.
Make simple inferences and deductions eg make a simple prediction to a question in a picture story.
Make simple comments/observations about personal preferences eg ‘I liked the book it was funny’.
Form most letters correctly with possible confusion over upper and lower case eg all letters upper and lower case are correctly oriented.
Inconsistently match writing to structure and understand that words have permanence eg work must be scaffolded within a writing frame and heavily modelled.
Sometimes arrange ideas in appropriate order eg sequence three related events in a picture based text.
Spell simple phonetically plausible and many high frequency words accurately eg monosyllabic words (‘it’, ‘on’, ‘up’), CVC words (‘cat’, ‘mum’) and high frequency words (‘the’, ‘I’, ‘in’) are usually correct or phonetically plausible.
Show some awareness of full stops and capital letters.
Use some simple descriptive language eg to indicate colour, size, emotion.
Talk to familiar peers and adults in supported groups or 1:1, especially on matters of personal interest.
Communicate feelings and ideas eg ‘I feel sad when…because…’
When speaking to familiar peers and adults add some detail to sustain interest.
Listen attentively to familiar peers and adults in supported groups or 1:1, especially on matters of interest.
Engage with others eg agree or disagree with a comment or idea.
Take turns. – Students peer assess - discuss their models
Use appropriate personal pronouns and begin to use different language to adults and peers.
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Speaking and listening, photographs of practical tasks ,reading and writing
3-4 / Being an astronaut. / Videos of Tim Peake, / Find out the challenges of being an astronaut and how they are equipped and trained to go into space. Suggested activities:
- Watch videos of Tim Peake broadcasts from the international spacestation, he describes the challenges of life in space.
- Research astronaut training and equipment.
- Write the diary of an astronaut going into space or make a ‘selfie’ video diary. AO9
- Produce a brochure for travel to a specific planet.
IT / Use of computers for research and production of work
ILS / Speaking and listening skills to discuss life of an astronaut
Numeracy / Calculation of lengths of journey etc.
Communication / Students could present ideas to the rest of the class. Discussion skills.
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Assessment of students designs and ideas.
5-6 / What should you make a space rocket out of? / Research basic properties of materials. Lots of good resources online (search for “ks2 properties of materials”). Students produce some sort of work comparing different materials. AO8
Then students think about the best materials to make a space rocket (comparing strength, weight etc). Students then make a model of their space rocket, labelled to show the materials used. / SEMSC
IT / Use of ICT to research and produce work
ILS / Potential group work activities to design and produce rockets.
Numeracy / Measuring and shape based work.
Communication / Expression of design ideas, group work communication.
Asdan Challenges to Complete
These are the most suitable challenges out of the Science and technology unit. They are optional depending on how suitable they are for the class and individual students. Remember that one
B Challenge – complete 1 for one credit. / 9B1 – Produce an in depth study into any two of the following topics:- Solar system / Space exploration
- Properties of materials and how these affect their uses.
Investigation into properties of materials optional, there are lots of good resources on this online.
A Challenges – Complete 4 for one credit. / 9A1 – Complete two problem solving tasks, one group, one individual / Group – bridge building exercise
Individual – make a model of a space shuttle
9A3 – Carry out a study to compare the properties of two synthetic and two natural materials. / Properties of metals vs plastic
9A6 – Complete three of the following tasks:
- Use a word processor to write, edit, save and print a letter.
- Use a digital camera to produce images, then edit your pictures.
- Use CAD software to produce a simple technical drawing
- Show that you can create and use a spreadsheet
- Use a scanner to scan a picture or text, then edit the results
- Access the Internet or a CD-ROM for an agreed purpose.
9A7 – Find out how you can keep yourself safe when using social networking sites (eg, Twitter, Facebook). Create a guide for others. / Covered in ICT – purple mash can be used to make an esafety leaflet.