01 February 2017

To all incumbents

Title Posts for Curates to be ordained to stipendiary ministry Petertide 2018

The Deployment Group (comprising the Bishops, Archdeacons, Diocesan Secretary, Director of Ministry and DDO/ADDOs) meets regularly throughout the year in order to discuss and deal with all matters relating to curates and their title posts.

Clergy have often asked about the process by which training incumbents and parishes/benefices are selected to receive curates each year. Traditionally, a number of incumbents and parishes/benefices have received curates because they offer the appropriate training context. In order to give other incumbents the opportunity to make the case for being considered for this responsibility, we are circulating all incumbents to ask whether you would like to register an interest in receiving a curate to train.

We do need to stress that registering an interest does not necessarily mean that you will be successful. The number of curates is limited and of course there has to be an appropriate match. In 2018 we expect there to be no more than 14 stipendiary curates.

If you are interested in receiving astipendiary curate then do please look at the documentation attached or here:

discuss it with your churchwardens. If you then wish to register your interest, please complete the Potential Training-Parish Profile and return it to Barbara Young, Vocations Administrator with the Finance Details and Curate Housing form, a copy of the Summary of your MAP and a covering letter signed by yourself and your churchwardens stating that you have discussed the papers and that you comply with the criteria.

The Finance Details and Curate Housing form has been amended this year to reflect budget constraints for renting houses for curates. Please let us know if there is anything you need help with, and also include information about anything in your particular circumstances which could be offered more widely to those in training.

If you put in an application last year but did not fix a Title Post with anyone it is not automatic that you will be considered this year. Please complete a new application in the usual way.

Your Profile needs to be with us by18 March 2017. We are afraid this deadline is firm and anything received after it cannot be considered for 2018.

If you are interested in receiving a self-supporting curate then you do not need to complete the paperwork outlined above.

Yours sincerely,

Revd Dr Quentin Chandler, Diocesan Director of Ordinands

01525 840477

RevdEm Coley, Associate Diocesan Director of Ordinands

01727 866089

and Revd Philip Waller, Associate Diocesan Director of Ordinands

01438 504318

Please return completed paperwork to Barbara Young