Cascade Foothills Soccer Club

Tuesday, October 21st -- 7:00 PM - Enumclaw Library


Sandi Straight – President Jennifer Osborn – Webmaster

Christy Billingsley – VP Kari Christensen - Equipment

Kim Skagen – Secretary/Treasurer Heather Ulrich – Scheduling

Linzy Scott – Registrar Paul Adams – Referees, Fields/Lining

Cari VanRuff - Coaches Coordinator

Meeting called to order 7:05 PM by Sandi, no Sept minutes available.


·  Better year for training. Lots of positive feedback, liked the additional practice

·  Trainers were all about less “fun” and more focus – saw a huge benefit

·  Families, kids are understanding the “repeat”, August is perfect time.

·  Attendance is improving, still could be better – next year phone calls, PHD emails, attend coaches meetings

·  Need to invest in some new equipment – cones, pennies, hurdles, etc.

·  Increase Awareness – a MUST! Maybe have player, coach give-aways


·  Club needs to add to registration page at beginning of season – “By registering your child, you agree to be contacted

by PHD Training and by UK Elite, two companies we do work with.”

·  Season for PeeWee thru U10 is 10 weeks from September into November.

·  Season for U11 and above is 12 weeks and runs from September into December.

·  Games are always on Saturdays and HOME games are played at Southwood fields.

·  Practices are scheduled by coaches and start in mid-July. They can be on any open grass area and usually

held Monday thru Friday. U10 and older only are allowed to practice on Southwood grass.

GU12 / Highline Soccer Club issue

Bad game at Highline. HSC Superstars very verbal and abusive team. Coach Ulrich was contacted by HSC President and asked to lodge a complaint. This team has bad history. Dan Adams is contacting WSYSA for guidance. HSC Parents were using foul language directed at Tamales players, instructing HSC players to hurt Tamale players. Referee was oblivious to parents and behavior of players. Allowed delay of game start for additional players to arrive. Tamale parents left field as a group to avoid continued confrontation with HSC parents, players. Tamales have a video of most of game.


·  Upcoming board openings for 2009 AGM: President, Coaches Coordinator, Equipment Chair, Referee Coordinator.

·  Added after: Registrar also open for 2009.

·  Need to be thinking of By-Law changes – if any. Sec/Treas merge? Better job descriptions?

·  November 12 (later changed to Nov 13) will be a U7 thru U10 parent meeting with MRSA and all clubs to discuss

Intra-Assoc play for 2008 and moving into 2009. Everyone invited, bring ideas!!


·  Checkbook balance AOK – before any fees go out.


·  Approx 12 – 15 mismatch jerseys. Sell or Donate?? DONATE.

·  Still discussing a Ball refund with 4Suns.

·  Submitted bill for uniforms from 4 Suns. Payment ok’d to go out shortly.


·  GU12 Hot Tamales is hosting a President’s Cup game on November 2. Need field and refs. Possible $200 fine from

State if we don’t comply.

Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, November 18, 2008, Enumclaw Library

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kim Skagen – Secretary/Treasurer

P.O. Box 937, Enumclaw, WA 98022 ~ 360.825.6434 501(c) (3) Organization 23-7240312