To: …………………………..…..[name of electricity supplier] and to:
Minister of Health
Minister for the Environment
Minister for Infrastructure
Human Rights Commission c/o Margaret MacDonald
Local Mayor:
CEO of local council
TAKE NOTICE that I ………………………………………………....[full name]
am the occupier of the premises at :
……………………………………………………………………[street address].
1I DO NOT consent to a smart meter being installed on my property.
2I DO NOT consent to any employee, agent or representative of my electricity supplier entering onto any part of my property for the purposes of installing, testing or replacing a smart meter.
3I DO NOT consent to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (“RF EMR”) being transmitted over my property by or for my electricity provider, including to or from any of my neighbours properties.
4Take notice that RF EMR was classified by the World Health Organisation and IARC as a Class 2B carcinogen in May 2011 based on research which showed evidence of genotoxicity and other harm as summarised in the IARC Monograths volume 102. RF EMR is the only Class 2B carcinogen to which children and the wider public continue to be forcibly exposed by the NZ governmentwithout consent and despite express non-consent.
5Take notice that Dr Sophie Walker of the NZ Crown Research Institute ESR undertakes a bi-annual survey of recent international research on RF EMR. Her most recent report (for the six month period to August 2013 refer: summarises 131 publications which show wide ranging biological effects of RF EMR from wifi, cellphones, cordless phones and/or smart meters on:
* molecular and cellular function,
* stress type effects,
*melatonin disruption and its resulting effects on human health,
*changes to human neurophysiology,
*electro-sensitivity and
*effects on unipolar cardiac pacemakers.
6Take notice that to date the NZ government has failed to act on the advice provided by its employee Dr Sophie Walker, and has failed to undertake any other comprehensive review of the biological effects of RF EMR .
7The NZStandard NZS2772:11999 is dated, influenced by vested interests and was designed to protect only against 100% proven heating effects of RF EMR on humans (iedeath, burns and electric shocks).
8NZS2772:1 1999 provides no protection against any biological effects from RF EMR and no protection for the wider environment.
9Biological effects from RF EMR can occur at levels of one ten-thousandth or less of the levels which cause heating effects (ie at 0.01% of the levels which cause heating effects.
10There is no known safe level for protection from biological effects of RF EMR.
11The NZ public bears the risk of ongoing harm from the genotoxic and many other biological effects demonstrated in peer reviewed published international research, including the research summarised by Dr Sophie Walker for her employer the NZ government.
12Information released by promoters of smart meters is misleading and deceptive and in apparent breach of the Fair Trading Act.
13Smartmetersare causing pain and suffering around the world and offer no apparent consumer benefit. Refer “Take Back your Power” at
For all these reasons I do not consent to a smart meter on my property and I do not consent to RF EMR from smart meters or related equipment on any other property emitting on or over my property.
Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by reply email, and ensure my non-consent is registered on your database.