Dear Parents,
I thought I would write to keep you informed about progress at BredonSchool during the Easter break.
School Updates
The school is moving forward in many positive ways, the new Junior School will be open after Easter when we return on 28th April. We continue to improve our IT facilities and classroom provision. We have improved boarding accommodation in Stable House and Pull Court. We have started to improve the Cricket Pavilion facilities in time for the Cricket season and the 5th May Country Fair. The main staff room has now relocated to the main teaching area as the Junior School has moved into its own building. Pull Court entrance, the old Library and Music room will now undergo a face lift of painting & replacing lighting to be used for external functions such as educational conferences, meeting areas and 6th Form quiet work areas.The new school uniform will be available soon,but in the meantime please could you send children back for the start of the summer term in their usual winter uniform. Mrs Roberts will fit the new uniform when it arrives.
Staff internal Academic & Pastoral Appointments
Sue Webb our senior Deputy Head and her husband are retiring at the end of this academic year so we have appointed two Academic Deputies to share her roles, Mr Benson Ferrari to look after the Curriculum and Assessment & Tracking and Mr Simon Williams to oversee the Operations within the school with a new timetable for September and Inspection preparation. We will advertise to appoint to cover Mrs Webb’s SEN work. We have also appointed Mrs Gwen Hamilton to support Mr Tony Abrahamas Deputy Head Pastoral. Mr Nick Allison continues as Head of Boarding & Safeguarding/ Child protection. All tutors emails are up to date on the school website, following the latest progress and predicted grades please contact staff and tutors to discuss any aspect and the setting of targets for the Summer term.
Fee Increases from September 2014
A priority for the governors was to ensure the staffing salary structure was such for us to retain talented teachers and attract new experienced well qualified boarding, pastoral, academic and support staff to Bredon School. To ensure our students achieve their potential we wish to keep our staffing class size ratios low. We will continue our budgeted improvements around the school. To facilitate these improvements the Governors have provisionally agreed to a 3.9% increase in fees with effect from September 2014.
Inspection preparation
We will placethe newly publishedDepartment of Education Safeguarding'Keeping Children Safe in Education’, April 2014 on the school website. You may recall during my first two weeks at Bredon the schoolhad a monitoring visit from the Independent School Inspectors to look at how new students and staff had settled and to monitor our compliance and policies. The school in response produced an action plan to improve the policies, working very closely with Independent Schools Association consultants. We await a return visit next term to ensure our guidelines are now compliant to the new regulations and standards.
Staff return on Friday 25th April for INSET training and boarders return on Sunday 27th April after 5pm. Term starts for all on Monday 28th April, I hope you enjoy the remainder of the school Easter holidays.
Yours sincerely
David Ward MA