Linda J. Tibbetts

198 Lakengren Dr. Eaton, Ohio 45320

(937) 456-7664 Cell 776-5614


6/06 to presentIndependent HR/MGT Consultant and Adjunct Faculty

Miami University, Middletown and Hamilton, Ohio

5/07 to 8/08Sr. Compensation and Benefits Specialist Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (formerly Aventis) 2110 Galbraith Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45327

Managed all compensation and benefit programs for this Cincinnati contract pharmaceutical manufacturing corporation with 600 local employees. Hay compensation analysis, administration of a $6M health and welfare program, plan administrator for HCE deferred compensation plan and 401K retirement savings account with $41M+ in assets. Negotiation of all health and welfare contracts. Oversight of short and long term disability, life, BTA, long-term care, and tuition reimbursement plans. Coordinate audits, compliance testing and Form 5500 submissions. Compensation and benefits policy development.

6/00 to 6/06Chairperson, Undergraduate Management, Human Resources, Project Management and Experiential Learning Programs

Antioch University - McGregor Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

Management of all departmental administrative functions, including faculty placement, course and program development, and student advising for all Management, Human Resources and Project Management majors. My departments comprised 42% of McGregor. Managed the experiential learning program toenable returning adult students to receive credit for significant life and work experience.Developed and released the Project Management Certificate program in 2005. Taught a variety of Management and HR courses part-time from 1992 to 2000, prior to my fulltime appointment.

9/97 to 9/2001Chairperson: Management, Marketing,Business Ownership,

Purchasing and Transportation Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio 45402

Administration and oversight of degree programs, curriculum development, management of 5 departmental budgets, faculty

(8 fulltime, 86 part-time) staff (1 fulltime, 2 part-time) and resources. Responsible for approx. 1500 MGT majors, and approx.800 MKT majors. Wrote and received grants for SCANS and distance learning projects. Developed community advisory relationships to strengthen degree program content. Scheduled and staffedclasses. Met or exceeded enrollment projections in student FTEs each quarter through aggressive marketing. Aligned departmental and program outcomes with community needs. Taught part time from 1992 to 1997, and during my appointment.

Linda J. Tibbetts

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3/88 to 1/92Vice President of Human Resources, United Way of the Greater Dayton Area, 184 Salem Ave. Dayton, Ohio

Directed the Human Resource function, including training, development, recruitment, selection, planning, EEO, payroll administration, benefits, Hay compensation and labor relations. Achievements included:

Structured community-wide health and pension plans to improve

benefit levels, comply with regulatory changes and decrease cost.

Responsible for a $3.6 million salary and benefits budget.

Served as Chief Negotiator for first year union contract. Union decertified after one year.

10/83 to 4/85Standard Register Company626 Albany Street, Dayton, Ohio

Personnel Generalist - Dayton Plant

Worker's Compensation administrationfor Corporate, Dayton, and Mechanical plants. Selection and wage administration for hourly employees under five separate union contracts. Affirmative Action Planning.


  • SCANS 2000 - led Pilot Team for skill assessment module implementation under a National Science Foundation Grant

Sinclair Foundation Grant recipient to implement teleconferencing in classroom

U.S. AID agency consultant for Human Resources and Business Incubation

projects in Moscow region, Tomsk, Stavropol and Zelenokumsk, Russia

Coordinated Westminster Development Corporation business plan service- learning project with University of Dayton

  • Speaker - 2005 National Academic Chairpersons Conference- Orlando, FL 2005

Speaker - 1999 Conference- National League for Innovation in Community Colleges

Seminar Leader-Ohio Community Development Council Conference 1989

Speaker - Center for Labor Management Cooperation Workshop 1988

Presenter - United Way of America H.R. Roundtable- Dallas, TX 1990

  • Employer's Healthcare Action Council - Treasurer, 1984-85 Education Committee Chair 1983-84
  • Hold current 5 yr. Ohio Substitute Teaching License
  • Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) (5 courses completed)

EDUCATIONMaster of Business Administration GPA 3.92

Bachelor of Arts, Communication

Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio

Academic courses - I have taught the following courses, often at more than one institution:

Human Resource Management (at both the undergraduate and graduate levels)

Compensation and Benefits (designed and taught, online and in class)

Decision Making in the Selection Process

Career Development

Experiential Learning Seminar (designed and taught)

Strategic Management and Policy (have also taught this content as Corporate Strategy)

Organizational Behavior (also taught as Human Relations and OB) and Organizational Theory and Design

Introduction to Business, Introduction to Supervision (online and in-class)

Management Theory and Practice,and Management Techniques and Methods


Quantitative Business Analysis (Statistics)

Academic curriculum development:

In addition to developing learning outcomes, and content for the courses in the majors for which I am responsible, I have done the following new course development:

Combined the BAN (Banking) CRU (Credit Union) and SAV (Savings and Loan) departments at Sinclair into a new, consolidated department called FIN (Financial Services; wrote the curriculum, eliminated redundant offerings, designed new courses, wrote master syllabi and implemented the new program. I used extensively the expertise of an Advisory Committee, which I put together from professionals at local financial institutions.

In concert with Edison Technologies, designed, staffed and marketed the first-in-area E-commerce (Marketing on the Web) classes at Sinclair.

Authored a certificate program at Sinclair, the "Human Resource Management - Professional Development Series"

Authored a 26 credit Project Management Certificate program at McGregor

Continuing education/professional courses and workshops developed and taught:

Antioch Workshop -"Developing Your Personal Management Style" parts 1 & 2

Antioch Workshop - "New Business Opportunities in Russia"

Antioch Workshop - "Explorer's Field Trip"

Antioch Workshop - "Interviewing"

Developed and taught a workshop for Graduate Education and Principal Licensure candidates on Experiential Learning

Taught the Professional Secretary Certification Review's Human Resource and Organizational Behavior segments for University of Dayton's Continuing Education dept.

Taught the Compensation portion of the preparatory review for Wright State University's (Professional in Human Resources)PHR certification

Presentations at academic conferences:
1998 Sinclair Fall Conference- invited to display at a "fair of heroes" for exemplary work in "Contextual and Collaborative Learning” - this resulted from peer nomination

Presentation to National Visiting Committee, 1999 for the National Center of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing Education - "Skills Assessment and Job Profiling" - invited

League of Innovation Conference 1999- New Orleans, LA presentation of paper "Matching Student Competencies with Employer Needs" - refereed

National Academic Chairperson's Conference, 2005 - Orlando, Florida - "Strengthening the Selection Process: Assisting Search Committees" - refereed

Participation in panels at conferences:

Miami Valley Venture Assoc. - Panel presenter "Training Opportunities for Small Business Owners

Professional presentations

Presenter, Human Resource Roundtable, Dallas Texas, 1990

The Center for Labor Management Cooperation Conference presenter, Wright Sate University, 1988 "Health Care in the Non-Profit Organization"

Ohio Community Development Council conference presenter, 1989 "Human Resource Essentials"

Keynote Speaker - Springfield Human Resource Management Association (SHRMA) "How Employers Make Pay Decisions" - January, 2004

Grants and other authored items:

  • Grant author and recipient - "Minds Across the Atlantic" a project to link students in England with Sinclair students through teleconferencing, 1998
  • Author of the instructor manual for Dessler’s “Human Resource Management” published in 2008 by Prentice Hall Publishing for national distribution
  • Authored the Assessment portion of Antioch's North Central Association (NCA) self study - October 2002
  • Textbook reviewer of two Management principles texts

University service:

Secured a scholarship from National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM) for Sinclair business students

Videotaped interview for television presentation of the Center for Interactive Learning (CIL) grant projects success.

Development of first departmental Web pages for Sinclair's Economics, Finance and Real Estate and Management, Marketing, Purchasing and Small Business depts.

Sinclair Business Division Academic Technology Committee member

Antioch Technology Committee member

Antioch Faculty Standards and Review Committee Chairperson 2002, 2003, 2004

Antioch Enrollment Management Committee

Advisory Board member Edison Technologies Business Incubator

Miami Valley Human Resource Association member

Part-time faculty Mentoring Committee - Sinclair Community College

Dayton Area Board of Realtors Scholarship Selection Committee member, 1999

Antioch University McGregor - President's Council Member 2003-04

Community and national service:

Developed and implemented a service learning project for University of Dayton Strategic Management and Policy students to work with Westminster Development Corporation (part of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton) to develop a packaging company to help people in Dayton get off welfare. This project was covered in the news and other schools inquired, wanting to implement similar programs as a result

ACDI/VOCA (part of the U.S. Agency for International Development) I was chosen as a member of their first American team of consultants to work with Moscow region government officials in establishing small business incubators. This team of 5 was put together by invitation. The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce recommended me. Spent one week in Moscow region training officials in management/marketing and Entrepreneurship areas. The next two weeks were spent visiting Social Business Centers and talking with their potential clients about ways to support new business. This was in the fall of 1998, following a severeRussian economic crash. Wrote extensive reports for U.S. government detailing our activities and outcomes.

ACDI/VOCA sent me (alone this time) on June 2000 to Tomsk, Russia in Siberia to work with several Russian companies through the Tomsk Innovation Support Center to establish hiring procedures, job descriptions, and performance review systems. These companies included a dry mix company (cement products), a uniform and electrical components firm, and an accounting services company. The companies were very appreciative of the results, and sent reports to ACDI/VOCA, which were subsequently published in their online world reports.

  • In June 2008, I was asked by ACDI/VOCA to go to Stavropol, Russia, to assist in setting up Management and Human Resources curriculum at Stavropol Agrarian University. I also traveled to Zelenokumsk to work with a large dairy on motivation, compensation and teambuilding issues.

Aided Artemis House (a battered women's shelter) in determining appropriate compensation structure

Sat on the Board of Dayton Area AIDS Task Force when they first began as an agency

Worked through United Way as part of a "Welfare to Work" task force

Personnel policies and procedure for New Futures, a nonprofit agency

Worked with the Dayton South Metro Chamber of Commerce and the Centerville Public Library to develop community marketing strategies

Hosted a Russian visitor in cooperation with the International Visitors Council of Cincinnati

Served as part of an assessment team determining college credit recommendations for eligible businesses for the American Council on Education. Clients include: The American Society for Pension Plan Administrators, Dale Carnegie, The Wharton School’s Certified Employee Benefit Program, Skillpath, Thomson’s Netg, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Federal Executive Institute, and others.

Worked with Navistar/International to offer McGregor college courses on-site

Worked with Clark State Community College to develop articulation agreements between their business department and McGregor's Management degree program

Professional consulting:

Human Resource, general Management and Compensation consulting for numerous clients

Grant project leader or participant

Project coordinator, team member and assessor for the Secretary's Council on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) 2000 project at Sinclair in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University (a National Science Foundations grant) I was responsible for leading the effort at Sinclair to implement SCANS in classes across the colleges, for assessing individual student levels of these skills both in the beginning (before they took designated SCANS classes) and ending (upon completion of each course), as well as for reporting progress, difficulties in implementation, etc. to Johns Hopkins staff managing the grant.

Other Educational Efforts

Hold current (renewed 2008) Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification (this requires 60 credits of continuing education every 3 years for renewal)