Council March 27, 2017
Present for this regular meeting of the Village of West Liberty Council was: Mayor G. Hostetler, Mr. Mally, Mr. King, Mrs. McKelvey, Mrs. Coy, Mrs. Core Thomas, Chief Oelker, Phil Holycross Street Superintendent, Nate Dunham of WPKO, Nate Smith Bellefontaine Examiner, and Clerk Boyd. Absent: Mr. M. Hostetler. Guests: several members of Historical Society.
The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance and Lord’s Prayer.
The Bid was opened for the property located at 112 E. Columbus St. (Bailey House) from the Historical Society. The bid was $1,001.00. A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. King to accept this bid. Motion Carried. Art Newcomer said “Now the real work begins” and they look forward to move forward.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. King to approve the minutes of March 13, 2017 as written/read. Motion Carried.
A MOTION was made by Mr. King seconded by Mrs. Core Thomas to approve the following bills in the amount of $26,039.41. Motion Carried.
Shell Oil Co.gasoline797.52
Steve Stanleyservices234.00
Bill Detrick72 reg. 8 SL896.72
Phil Holycrosssalary1221.69
Dennis Lance64 reg. 16 Sl952.86
Lee Deloye80 reg.1045.44
Nate Fickle80 reg.818.21
Shane Oelkersalary1298.80
Marc Roberts80 reg. 5 OT1001.80
Hodge Hager8 hrs. 69.60
James Neidhardt8 hrs.69.73
Paul Salyer23 hrs.170.67
Postmasterstamps 98.00
Shell Oil Co. gasoline1313.11
CCAmunicipal tax270.17
Ohio Dept. Taxationstate tax620.11
Ohio School Dist.School tax367.07
IRSWH MC Emp. MC1389.81
Morgan Whitepremium saver653.22
Companion Lifelife insurance 96.00
D P & L electric Dodge 19.08
D P& L electric fire169.10
D P& L electric375.48
Gallsstorm sling 79.98
Sprintcell phone259.46
Fire Safetybutton, air mask 92.00
Fire Safetyrepairs316.50
Miami Valley street lights2129.04
Staplespaper 54.98
Bellefontaine Examinerannual financial reports 15.76
Bellefontaine Examinerbids for Bailey House304.05
Vectrennatural gas158.44
LeVans Power Equipmentfilters 35.77
Hieby Oilfuel242.40
Lowesshelf and microwave166.23
Cont. March 27, 2017
WL Bldg. Supplysupplies 6.65
Bellefontaine Autofilters, oil dry, etc.270.98
Hill and HamiltonBond for Zoning125.00
P S& L Loan 30791735.00
King Feedgloves 10.68
Hieby Oilfuel560.23
Cherokee Run Landfill31.87 Tn2306.79
Allied Wasterecycling pick up1787.50
Council and Liberty Township met with Town Hall committee tonight at 6:15 PM and they discussed how to proceed with the project. A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. King seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to proceed with stairs, elevator and leveling the floor upstairs in the Opera House. Motion Carried.
There will be an open House Friday, March 31st – 2:00 – 5:00 PM to tour the new Water Treatment Plant on Pickerlltown Rd.
Ordinance 2017-03 entitled “An Ordinance Levying Assessments for Curb and Gutter Improvements on North Detroit Street/Zanesfield Rd. and Declaring an Emergency” was read. A MOTION was made by Mr. King seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to adopt Ordinance 2017-03 on third and final reading. Motion Carried.
Ordinance 2017-05 entitled ““AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE SALARIES AND WAGES FOR THE EMPLOYEES IN THE VILLAGE OF WEST LIBERTY, OHIO AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF” was read. A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. Mally to pass Ordinance 2017-05 on 2nd reading only. Motion Carried.
Ordinance 2017-06 entitled “Annual Appropriation Ordinance” was read. A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. Mally to suspend the rule requiring 3 separate readings. Motion Carried. A MOITON was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. Core Thomas to adopt Ordinance 2017-06 on 2nd and final reading. Motion Carried.
Finance committee decided not to do the Columbus St. Project but approved additional $10,000.00 for sealing streets.
Finance Committee will be meeting Wednesday 5:00 PM to discuss salary for employees that do not have Health Insurance.
Fireworks will be June 24, 2017. A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded Mrs. Coy to donate $1200.00 for fireworks in June. Motion Carried.
Council read letters from West Liberty Salem 2nd graders. They had suggestions to make a skate park at Lions Club and repair the track.
Chief Oelker said the Transition Academy Day School at Adriel is working well. They have 4 students and could have up to 11.
April 5, 2017 Chief Oelker will be attending a Safety Committee at West Liberty Salem along with Fire Chief and EMS Chief.
Mitch Smith, The Force emailed Clerk Boyd and asked about West Liberty Ball Association asked if they can find somewhere else to hold their tournaments(June 24-26) because they want to hold a County Rec Tournament. Hopefully West Liberty Ball Asso.Will be coming to a council meeting soon.
Cont. March 27, 2017
Clerk said the hearing for Block Grant will be April 10th and she will not be here. Chief Oelker said he will go.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. King to approve Mosquito Control to Orkin same as last year $500.00 month starting in April. Motion Carried.
Street Sweeping will be second Monday of every month starting at 6:00 am- 12:00 pm. Please remove vehicles from curbed streets.
Mr. Holycross gave all council members a letter the street department wants sent to all residents. It states trash pickup, brush pickup, etc. Clerk will get it out with the bills this week.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. Mally to adjourn at 7:56 PM. Motion Carried.
Clerk Cindee M. BoydMayor Gregory J. Hostetler