Who is eligible to apply for funding?

To be eligible for funding, an applicant must be a not-for-profit association as recognized by the Province of Ontario. Applications from public entities such as school districts, municipalities, or unincorporated groups or associations may also be considered. Every applicant can present one application only.

Are there regional restrictions?

Requests from locally-based organizations are given preference over organizations whose center of operations is located outside of the GTA. Should you choose to submit an application, you must specifically address how the requested funding will benefit the INDCI service area and how you will ensure that INDCI funds will not be used outside our service area.

What is the timing of the application process?

Applications must be sent to . Applications are reviewed within 30 days of the closing date that applications are received. All approvals or denials are provided in writing.INDCI Community Fund does not provide cash donations and does not reimburse any monies spent prior to approval in writing.

The closing date for applications is April3, 2017 (5pm EST), after which time the INDCI Organizing Committee will review all proposals and announce the recipients of the INDCI Community Fund.

What and how much funding is available?

The INDCI Community Fund is based on the net proceeds from the 2016 Italian National Day at Castello Italia. At every recipient can be granted a maximum of $10,000. Compliance with our policies and guidelines does not guarantee funding of any application.

What are examples of specific types of requests that INDCI would fund?

  • Italian arts & cultural initiatives
  • Education of Italian language in schools
  • Community programs that offer promotion of Italian culture and impact a group of people
  • Hosting of cultural exhibits from Italy
  • Italian film showcase | Retrospective | Exhibit
  • Italian culinary special events
  • Italian music | Concert performances
  • Scholarships aimed at enhancing the relationship with Italy

Does INDCI award funding for operating support?

INDCI will consider operating funds for start-up or existing organizations if the applicant can make a clear case for how short-term operating assistance can make a difference in the Italian arts & cultural community to those served or the capacity of the organization at this time.

Does INDCI award grants for existing programs?

INDCI awards funds to support new or existing programs/projects.

Are there examples of specific types of requests that would fall outside of the funding criteria?

  • Individuals
  • Direct lobbying expenses to influence legislation or elections
  • Expenses, including travel expenses to attend conferences, workshops, events or symposia, unless part of a broader capacity building request that improves the organization’s ability to deliver services
  • Endowments
  • Capital expenditures
  • Replacement of lost/expired government funding | Debt retirement
  • Programs addressing specific disease or health conditions
  • Fraternal organizations
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability.

What information do you consider when making a funding decision?

In addition to the specifics of your proposal, we will consider whether:

  • The organization appears to have the capacity to carry out the project, including necessary staff and financial resources
  • There is an adequate plan to collect outcome data and evaluate the impact of the project
  • The project is change-oriented, addressing root causes and systems, rather than just providing for current needs
  • Other funding been requested or secured (INDCI prefers to share funding responsibilities with other stakeholders rather than being the sole funder)
  • The organization has been timely in completing reports for previous awards, and the success of previously funded programs

Is the recipient requested to send INDCI a final report on the use of funds?

Yes. After the program sponsored by INDCI is over, the recipient of the grant is requested to send a report with all relevant information, including – among others – a summary of all invoices for costs associated with the project, as well the number of attendees and media and press hits.