You and your team are heading to the 2015 USTA ADULT 65 & OVER SECTIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
You will experience the very best elements of tennis – spirited competition, achievementand fun, and provide your team with a chance to be the next “SOCALSECTIONAL CHAMPIONS.” There were 50 teams that competed inlocal league playand only 14teams made it to this championship - you have something to be proud of.
Good luck and have fun!
*Special thanks go to those who help make events like this one fun and memorable for the teams:*
*SCTA and Facility Staff*Captains*Volunteers
DATE:December12-13LEVELS:7.0F, 7.0M, 8.0F, 8.0M
(If available, warm-up courts will be given on a first come - first served basis at the Championship Desk)
The Claremont Club
1777 Monte Vista Ave
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 625-6791
Click here for Directions
CHAMPIONSHIP DESK:(During the event) (559-593-5191)
(Prior or after event) (310) 208-3838
CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE:Participating Coordinators and Staff
HOST HOTEL: Double Tree by Hilton
555 W. Foothill Blvd
Claremont, CA 91711
Room Rate: $115. King/ + tax or Dbl/Dbl
Click here forreservations Reservation Deadline: 12/4/15 --OR--Call 800-826-9316/310-590-4720
Captains must fill out and submit the Championship Registration form (Click Here) as soon as the team is declared the Local League Winner by their Area League Coordinator, but no later than 2 weeks prior to the event in order to secure their team's spot, otherwise, the team will not be included in the schedule. If you will not be able to field a full team, you must request a “waiver” under “Comments”. Teams are spending significant amount of time to attend and participate at the event and can reasonably expect to play all positions in all scheduled matches. If your team is unable to participate, let your ALC and SLC know immediately in case that spot needs to be filled. Teamsthat drop out and fail to complete the event once it has started, can result in loss of future rights to play in the USTA/SCTA League program. Penalties may be given at the discretion of the Championship Director and Committee.
(Refer to the USTA League Regulations 2.03K/2.03L –Team Defaults). (Exceptions may include: illness, injury, or personal emergency).
Review your championship match schedule and read the information provided.
Click hereto view your schedule in Tennislink.
1) League Type;
2) NTRP (Team Level);
3) Gender;
4) Level (Section Championship or District Championship for Area Playoffs);
5) Section (So. California). If selecting District Championship, click on So. California twice;
6) Click on "View Championship";
7) Click on the championship link;
8) Click on "Match Summary".
*The schedule as posted is subject to change for a cogent reason. Please check back frequently*
CHECK IN: Captains need to pick up and fill in their match scorecard at the championship desk 30 minutes prior to the
start of the match. All players need to be available and ready to play once the scorecard is turned in. Any membership or
eligibility issues will be reviewed at that time. Inform the championship desk of any line defaults as soon as possible.
REPORTING SCORES: Immediately after an individual match is finished, the winning team/player reports their score at the
championship desk. Once all individual matches are completed, both captains must verify the scores and sign the match
scorecard. Any score discrepancies will be addressed at that time. If only one captain signed the scorecard and there is a
discrepancy, those results may be FINAL.
TEAM BAGS: Are given to the Captains to distribute among their players. They consist of:
- Local League Awards for teams that won their local league (None for wildcard teams)
- Sectional Gift (Hats/Visors) for all teams at Sectional Championships.
- Lunch Tickets for participating players at all Sectional Championships.
RAFFLE PRIZES: Random drawings will be conducted at Sectional Championships only. To win, your name must be in the line-up.
AWARDS: For Champions and Finalists of each level at all Sectional Championships. The Awards Presentation will take place after a winner has been declared. Additionally, a customized Bag Tag will be given to players that played on the winning team at all USTA Adult and MxD Sectionals.
The following number of Sectional Gifts and Awards will be distributed per team:
*5-line format = A maximum of (16)
*3-line format = A maximum of (12)
**Additional amounts may be purchased on-site while supplies last**
A player’s luncheon will be offered at the following site on Sunday 12/13.
- Claremont Club (11:30am-1:30pm)
**Food is available to purchase Saturday in the Club café
AREA / vs / AREA / DATE / TIME / SITECV / vs / SD / SUN / 10:00AM / CC
CV / vs / SDNC / SUN / 1:00PM / CC
SD / vs / SDNC / SUN / 4:00PM / CC
AREA / vs / AREA / DATE / TIME / SITECV / vs / SGV / SUN / 10:00AM / CC
CV / vs / OC / SUN / 1:00PM / CC
SGV / vs / OC / SUN / 4:00PM / CC
AREA / vs / AREA / DATE / TIME / SITECV / vs / OC / SAT / 10:30AM / CC
SFV / vs / VENT / SAT / 10:30AM / CC
CV / vs / SFV / SAT / 1:30PM / CC
OC / vs / VENT / SAT / 1:30PM / CC
CV / vs / VENT / SUN / 11:30AM / CC
OC / vs / SFV / SUN / 11:30AM / CC
AREA / vs / AREA / DATE / TIME / SITESDNC / vs / CV / SAT / 12:30PM / CC
SGV / vs / VENT / SAT / 12:30PM / CC
SDNC / vs / SGV / SAT / 3:30PM / CC
CV / vs / VENT / SAT / 3:30PM / CC
SDNC / vs / VENT / SUN / 11:30AM / CC
CV / vs / SGV / SUN / 11:30AM / CC
The following will be given to the winning team:
- National Championship informaiton for USTA Adult and MxD Divisions. Follow the steps to register on-line no later than 7 days after the completion of the Sectional Championship in order to secure your spot at the National Championship.
- Invitational information for the SCTA Trilevel & Adult 65 & Over Division.
- Team Travel Assistance formto fill out and submit.
Tournament pictures will be posted on the USTA Southern California Facebook page after the Championship. Be sure to check them out and tag your teammates!
USTA Rules and League Regulations will be enforced during Championships (Section Regulations)
ELIGIBILITY: All team members must have current USTA Memberships through the last day of championship play. Players can renew or check expirations There will be random Photo ID checks at all Area Playoffs and Championships.
- Minimum Age Requirements: All team members shall have reached the minimum age requirement prior to, or during, the calendar year in which such player plays his/her first local league match:
18 yrs old: USTA Adult & MxD 18&Over; SCTA Trilevel and SCTA Doubles leagues
40 yrs old: USTA Adult & MxD 40&Over
55 yrs old: USTA Adult 55&Over
65 yrs old: SCTA Adult 65&Over
- Minimum # of players required for a full team: Captains must request a "waiver" from the Championship Director as soon as possible, but no later than 2 weeks prior to the event in order to participate with less than the minimum requirement:
8 Players for 5 - line formats
6 Players for the 3 - line formats
5 Players for USTA Adult 18&Over: 2.5 & 5.0+ Levels
- Minimum # of matches required to advance pass local league:
USTA National Championships in the Adult and MxD Divisions: 3 matches (no defaults)
SCTA Area Playoffs and Sectional Championships: 2 matches (1 default received may count as a match)
SCTA Trilevel Invitational: No matches required, but must be computer rated.
SCTA Adult 65 & Over Invitational: 2 matches (1 default received may count as a match)
*The SCTA Doubles League is a Section league, therefore, there is no advancement pass the Sectional Championship.
*The NTRP Level of all individual team members must be from the appropriate level of play in accordance with the NTRP system.
USTA Adult Division:
18 & Over Age Group:2 Singles & 3 Doubles positions (3.0 - 4.5 levels); 1 Singles & 2 Doubles positions (2.5 & 5.0+ levels)
40 & Over Age Group:2 Singles & 3 Doubles positions (3.0 - 4.5+ levels)
55 & Over Age Group:3 Doubles positions – Combo (6.0 – 9.0 levels)
USTA MxD Division:
18 & Over Age Group:3 Doubles positions (6.0 – 10.0 levels)
40 & Over Age Group:3 Doubles positions (6.0 – 9.0 levels)
SCTA Doubles League:3 Doubles positions (2.5 – 4.5 and Open levels)
SCTA Trilevel League:3 Doubles positions (2.5/3.0/3.5; 3.0/3.5/4.0; 3.5/4.0/4.5)
SCTA Adult 65&Over:3 Doubles positions – Combo (6.0 – 9.0 levels)
All matches played will be the best of two sets, with regular scoring and a set tiebreak (first to 7 by 2) at 6-all in each set. In the event of
split sets, a deciding match tiebreak (first to 10 by 2) shall be played in lieu of a third set. The Coman Tiebreak Rotation (change ends after
the first point and every 4 points thereafter) will be used for the Set and Match Tiebreak. Two minute rest between the 1st and 2nd set and
between the 2nd set and aMatch Tiebreak. Teams will participate in a round-robin format within their flight. The winner of each flight
will be determined by team matches won. In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken by the first of the following procedures:
a) Individual Matches: Winner of the most individual matches
b) Head-to-Head: Winner of head-to-head match
c) Sets: Loser of the fewest number of sets
d) Games: Loser of the fewest number of games
e) A method to be determined by the championship committee
When two flightsare used, a single elimination playoff will be used to determine a winner. When three flights are used, two Semi-Final
Rounds will be played to determine who will go into the single elimination Final Round. The winner of each flight will advance into the
Semi-Final Rounds and the remaining Semi-Final play-off spot will be filled by the best 2nd place team overall. The following procedure will
determine the best 2nd place team:
a) If each flight has the same number of teams, the team with the most team wins will advance. In the case of a tie, the procedures shall
be the same as those above.
b) If any of the flights have different number of teams, the procedures shall be determined as:
1. Games: The second place team with the highest percentage of games won by them vs. games played by them in their round robin.
Defaults RECEIVEDshall not count. Retirements: only games played will be counted.
2. A method to be determined by the championships committee.
If the championship or part of the championship is cancelled due to unplayable conditions, the championship may not be rescheduled. If the
championship is not rescheduled, the Championship Director and/or Championship Committee will determine a champion and finalist by
using one or a combination of the following based on completed matches at the championship: Team(s) with the best record and/or highest
percentage of wins.
The Section League Coordinator or the Championship Committee shall have the right to modify the format and scoring or use alternate sites
and court surfaces in order to complete play on schedule in the event that there are more or fewer teams than anticipated, defaults, unplayable
conditions, or any other reason, which would necessitate a change in the announced format.
*Singles sticks will not be used* *Scoretenders will be used if available on-site*
COACHING: Coaching is not permitted. (No cell phones or electronic devices allowed on court)
WARM-UP & DEFAULT: There will be a five minute warm-up period, including practice serves.
The USTA Point Penalty System shall be used:
- 5:00 minutes or less - Loss of Toss + 1 game
- 5:01 to 10 min. - Loss of Toss + 2 games
- 10:01 to 15 min. - Loss of Toss + 3 games
- Over 15 min. - Default
Medical time-out: A medical time-out consists of evaluation time as determined by the referee plus a maximum of three minutes treatment time for a treatable medical condition. The maximum time allowed for evaluation and treatment is 15 minutes. One medical time-out for heat-related conditions & cramping in warm-up and one in match, even if the heat related condition or cramping occurs in different parts of the body. Full regulations on Medical time-out may be found in Friends at Court, USTA Reg.
Medical condition: Medical condition includes, but is not limited to, an injury, illness, and heat-related conditions or cramping, or any condition that the player believes requires diagnosis or treatment. Also includes aggravation of pre-existing condition.
Non-treatable medical condition: After a qualified medical person or trainer determines if the problem is untreatable, players may not receive a medical timeout or treatment any time during a match or a warm-up for the following medical conditions: a) Untreatable condition such as degenerative conditions not helped or eased by on-court treatment; b) General fatigue not accompanied by cramps, vomiting, dizziness, blisters, or other similar treatable conditions; c) Conditions requiring injection, intravenous infusion, or supplemental oxygen, except under those authorized by USTA Regulations.
Bleeding time out: The maximum time allowed to stop visible bleeding, clean up the court, and dispose of contaminated items is 15 minutes.
Penalty: If more than 15 minutes elapse between the time an official is notified of the medical condition and resumption of play (re-warm-up, if any), the player shall be subject to the Point Penalty System.
EMERGENCY: Claremont Medical Center–995 W Foothill Blvd. Claremont, CA 91711 (909)399-1900.
ATHLETIC TRAINER: May be available for injury assessments, on and off the court.
ROVING UMPIRE : Roving umpires are officials who exercise jurisdiction over more than one court. Their duties are similar to those of a chair umpire and include but are not limited to the following:
- Ensuring that assigned courts are ready for play
- Enforcing the warm-up time and Point Penalty System
- Resolving scoring disputes
- Overruling line calls and calling foot faults when they are in direct observation of the courts
- Controlling spectators
Roving umpires may be positioned inside the fenced areas and will interfere with play as little as possible. Players should be encouraged to
play tennis without the need for umpires. In the case of disputed calls and upon the request of the player, a roving umpire may be supplied to
oversee the match, if available.
MOVE UP/SPLIT UP RULE: No more than 3 players (2 for Adult 2.5 and 5.0+) who were on the roster of any team or combination of teams, that
advanced to, or qualified for, any National Championship the previous year may play together in any age group within the same Division and NTRP level or
lower NTRP level as the National Championship team, if their NTRP rating allows. Move Up/Split Up requirements only apply to players who participated
in three (3) or more matches (excluding all defaults) for that team during the championship year. The “at level minimum %” requirement will be “waived”
for those teams that choose to “move-up” one NTRP team level.
The Move-up/Split-up regulation will be “waived” for the SCTA Doubles & Trilevel leagues.
FEES:NATIONALS:*$55/per player. Adult 18, 40 and 55 & Over . MxD 18 and 40&Over. Team Travel Assistance available.
INVITATIONALS: *$500.00/per team: Adult 18 and 40&Over Open (Men&Women); Adult 18&Over 5.5 (Men). Team Travel Assistance not available..
*$125/per player: TrilevelBNP Paribas Open 3.5-4.0-4.5 team level only (/Men & Women). Team Travel Assistance available.
*$400/per team: Adult 65&Over (Men&Women). Team Travel Assistance available.
2.04B NTRP Disqualification Procedures. Dynamic ratings will be calculated for the Adult Division players during local league competition and at every level of championship competition below National Championships, to determine if any players have reached the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification criteria stated in the USTA NTRP Computer Rating System Procedures. Players subject to NTRP Dynamic Disqualification will be dynamically disqualified if they reach the disqualification level three times based on all matches except retirements.
Who cannot be NTRP dynamically disqualified:
- C Computer Rated Players
- B Benchmark Players
Who can be NTRP dynamically disqualified:
- A Appealed – all granted appeals including Medical
- S Self-rated players
- D Dynamic or NTRP Complaint Disqualified
*Note:MMixed Doubles PlayersYear-end (M) and (T) rated players who are required to self-rate to enter the AdultDivisionautomatically become
TTournament Players(S) rated players and therefore become subject to NTRP dynamic disqualification.
2.04C NTRP Dynamic Disqualification Review Procedures. Reviews are based solely on missing or incorrect data..
2.04C(2) Championship. If the team captain or the player disqualified during the championship competition desires a review of the disqualification, a
written request must be submitted to the NTRP Coordinator or Site Director (if the NTRP Coordinator is not available), asking for a review before the
NTRP Dynamic Disqualification Review Committee within the deadline set by the Chair of the Championships Committee or designee. A review shall
be held as soon as reasonable.
2.04E(2) Championship NTRP Disqualification. SCTA will choose the following option at Adult Sectional Championships and below: