Application Form - Carers Grant 2014/15

  • This form should be completed and returned to Barnsley Participation Team at the address below
  • Refer to Carers Grant Guidance Notes for any assistance with completing the form
  • This grant is time limited and the project must be completed within this financial year i.e. all monies must be spent and invoices submitted by the 31st March 2015
  • The grant is open to applications throughout the financial year, with the panel meeting in April and September to assess all applicationsreceived
  • Individuals and organisations can submit more than one application but it must be for different projects
  • The total amount of the grant is £52,000. There are no restrictions on the amount you can apply for, however you must meet one or more of the Carers Strategy 2013-16 objectives
  • The grant is open to organisations or individual carers
  • The form should be completed electronically (where possible) or in black ink
  • For extra space add sheets or, if online, make the sections bigger
  • If you need any additional supportwith completing this form please contact:

Barnsley Participation Team, PO BOX 679, Barnsley, S70 9JE, Telephone: 01226 772308, e-mail:


Name of organisation or group:

Main contact for Organisation or Group:
Title / First Name / Last Name
Position in Organisation or Group:
Telephone / Fax
*If you are an individual applicant please go to section 3
How long has your organisation been operational?
Type of organisation (e.g. charity, club, association) if a charity or company please provide registration number
Does your organisation have a constitution (if yes please submit a copy with this application)
Website address (if applicable):
Has your organisation had funding to support Carers through a Carers grant previously? If so please give details (You should include dates, outcomes, impacts and funding received)
Please describe the project, event or service for which the grant is being sought and detail how this project will support Carers(no more than 100 words please)
What areas of Barnsley will your project or service cover?
What outcomes will be achieved during 2014/15?
Taking into account equality and diversity, what difference will your project make to the following?
Target Group / How your project will make a difference to:
Individual carer
Young carers
Older carers
Carers from all diverse groups in Barnsley
New carers
Please detail how the grant will support the delivery of the Carers Strategy, particularly how this grant will contribute to any of the following objectives
Carers Strategy Objective / How your project will contribute to meeting the objective
Objective 1 - Improve Services, develop and implement processes for early identification, referral, assessment and support
Objective 2 - Enable carers to co-produce and co-deliver solutions in delivery of services
Objective 3 - Develop opportunities for support outside caring roles and treated as individuals in their own right
Objective 4 - Have access to advice on financial management and support into employment
Objective 5 - Promote the health and wellbeing of carers including emotional and physical wellbeing
Please clarify if your organisation will charge people at any time for using the project, event or service.Please provide details of your charging policy.
What will you spend the grant on?Will you be buying items, or hiring things, or paying someone to do something? Please list the items and the cost
Please note that staff salaries will not be considered. The grant cannot be used as an alternative to benefit payments.
Item / Basis of costing (e.g. quote / catalogue price) / Amount (£)
How does your project represent goodvalue for money?
For example have you sourced the cheapest materials, looked at alternative quotes, etc?
What other sources of funding have been explored and what is the level of commitment given?(What is your own contribution and have you applied to your council or any other statutory agency and the lottery or charitable trust)?
Income or funding
Please give details / Forecast / Comments
If there are any gaps in your funding, how will you deal with this?
Are there any similar projects or services operating in Barnsley? If yes has consideration been given to collaboration and sharing of resources?
Any other information you feel we should have?
This section should be completed by the individual applicant or a person authorised to do so by the organisation:
  • I hereby certify that the information contained in this application form is accurate, and that I have the authority/permission of our group to apply for these funds.
  • I acknowledge that in the event of a grant being made, the application form and guidance notes will be the basis of a binding agreement.
  • Any award made will be used only for purposes for which it is granted, if it is found during monitoring that any item(s) funded are ineligible, I will return any money requested immediately.
  • The monitoring information required by BMBC will be provided as and when requested. All financial records, receipts etc. will be kept for at least 7 years following any award.
  • Applicants may be required to provide copies of receipts of expenditure within 6 months of any award or evidence of action if an order is placed.
  • Any unspent money must be returned in the form of a cheque payable to ‘Barnsley MBC’ within 6 months.
  • Groups receiving awards may be required to report to the Carers Expert Partnership about the benefits received from the grant.
  • Barnsley MBC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This law gives the general public the right of access to information held by the Authority. Some informationmay be exempt from disclosure such asbank account details. The Authority will consult with third parties who supplied the information but the final decision on the release of the information rests with the Authority.
  • I understand that failure to comply with the above requirements may result in the recovery of money paid.
Name: Date:
Individual/ Chair / Secretary / Treasurer/Paid worker-(please delete as appropriate)