In attendance: Patrick Michel, Sam Thiess, Cathy Doughty, Rich Everett, Dan Rainko

SELCRA STAFF:Jason Spiller, Cheryl Royster

Absent: Mark St. Charles

  1. Call to Orderby Michel at 6:42pm
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Call to the Public: None
  1. Additions to the Agenda
  2. MOU w/BAS – Spiller - add to New Business, Item d
  3. St. Pat’s and Meijer Park – Michel - add to New Business – Item e
  1. Approval of the Agenda:Motion to approve the July 2017 meeting agenda by Doughty, second byEverett. Approved.
  1. Introduction of Guests: Colleen Triezenberg. New Sports Manager. Introduced her to the board. They welcomed her to SELCRA.
  1. Approval of the Minutes: Motion by Doughty, second by Theisto approve the minutes from the June2017 Board Meeting. Approved.
  1. Receive the Financials: Motion by Theis and second by Doughty to receive the June2017 financials. Received.
  1. Old Business

a)Articles of Incorporation

Motion by Doughty and seconded by Rainko to approve the Second amended and Restated articles of Incorporation. Roll call: Michel: Aye. Doughty, Aye. Theis, Aye. Everett: Aye. Rainko: Aye. Approved.

  1. New Business

a)Master Plan

SELCRA received a draft of the Master Plan from Carlisle/Wortman. Met with Paul Montagno to go over some changes and hope to have a draft for the Board at the August meeting. When approved by the Board we can schedule the public input meetings and then have plenty of time to get it finished and presented to GOT and BT Boards.

b)Sports Manager Position

Spiller gave the board a synopsis of Triezenberg’s qualifications and let the board know what she was going to handle and what she can do for us in the near future, including Day Camps next summer. Bachelors in Marketing and Master’s in Sports Management.

c)Director’s report

Spiller passed out a handout of recent activities and new programs on the calendar. (see attached) In addition a handout of all the programs SELCRA will be doing this fiscal year was sent to the Township managers to put in the Board packets next week. Spiller also presented copies of the new brochure style. The board likes the concept.

d)MOU with BAS

Current MOU expired on June 30th, 2017. Everett met with Dr. Gray, BAS Superintendent. Both parties are happy with the MOU at this time. Everett did ask for a waiver of the 6% fee which Gray stated could be revisited at a later date, since the MOU needed to be in place as soon as possible. Michel asked for approval to sign the MOU from the SELCRA Board. Motion by Everett to approve signing the MOU with BAS, second by Doughty. Roll call: Rainko; Aye. Doughty; Aye. Everett; Aye. Theis; Aye. Michel; Aye. Approved.

e)St. Pat’s Partnership – Michel asked about the status of talks. Spiller has touched base with the principal and is waiting to hear back on a meeting. Rainko mentioned there was a new priest and vicar who we may want to include for the meeting. New key for the gate is in place. Need to get a current contract for usage with insurance for liability stated. Michel – make it known that we want to be good neighbors. Spiller – There are opportunities for both sides.

  1. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn byDoughty, second byEverett. Adjourned at 7:51pm.

Board proceeded to meet the GOTHS Board, who generously provided snacks and a tour of the facility.

Respectfully submitted, ______

Cheryl Royster, Recording Clerk Sam Theis, Board Secretary