Partial Notes for Joseph Section

Notice with this story how God can bring a ______from the consequences of an ______caused by his creatures.

Israel (Jacob) loved ______best of all his sons.

He made Joseph a long ______.

When his brothers saw that their father loved him best…they ______him. They saw the tunic as something like a coat of arms, the mantle of the father’s ______.

Joseph started having ______…


Joseph told his brothers about two dreams he had

In the first, Joseph and his brothers were depicted as ______with Joseph’s sheaf standing in the middle of a ring of the other sheaves, which were bowing down to him.

His brothers asked “are you really going to make yourself ______over us?”

The brothers began to hate Joseph even more because of this dream in which they bowed to him.

Joseph told his brothers about a second dream in which the ______, ______, and eleven stars were bowing down to him.

Even Israel questioned this dream and the brothers desired to injure Joseph.

While Joseph went out to Dothan where his brothers were tending to their flocks the brothers plotted to ______him.

______had another plan.

Planning to rescue his younger brother later, Reuben persuaded the others not to shed blood but simply to leave him to die.

So they threw him into the ______and then they ate lunch.

While they were eating they looked up and saw a caravan of ______coming from Gilead.

______had an idea; they could get rid of Joseph and make some ______at the same time and they would not be directly responsible for their brother’s death but rather his slavery.

Judah said, “What is to be gained by killing our brother and concealing his blood? Rather, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites, instead of doing away with him ourselves. After all, he is our brother, our own flesh” (Gen 37:26-27)

So Joseph was sold for ______pieces of ______to the Ishmaelites.

Joseph was taken to ______.

Reuben was really upset by this.

The brothers decided to conceal what they did by dipping Joseph’s ______in goats’ blood making it look as if he had been eaten by wild animals.

______(Jacob) was extremely upset by the “death” of his favorite son. “He mourned his son many days”

Meanwhile Joseph was sold to a man named ______, who was the chief steward of the Pharaoh.

The ______was ______Joseph and he brought success to Potiphar.

*remember this the next time Father says, “The Lord be with you”

Potiphar took a liking to Joseph and gave him a promotion to personal attendant and put him in charge of his ______and possessions.

Potiphar was not the only one to notice Joseph, his ______also noticed Joseph. She tried to get Joseph to sleep with her “day after day” but Joseph ______.

One day Potiphar’s wife tried to get Joseph to sleep with her, she grabbed hold of him but he got away leaving his cloak behind.

She decided that if she couldn’t have him she was going to make him suffer. She accused him of attempted ______(Gen 39:14)

When Potiphar heard his wife’s deceitful story he believed her. So he threw Joseph in ______with the other royal prisoners.

The ______remained ______Joseph even when he was in ______. Joseph was put in charge of all the prisoners in the jail.

The royal ______and ______offended the Pharaoh so he threw them in the same jail with Joseph.

One day Joseph noticed that they were disturbed so he approached them. They told him that they had dreams but they were concerned that there was no one to interpret them.

Joseph told them that ______come from______…then he asked them to share their dreams with him.

The ______told Joseph his dream first (Gen 40:9).

Joseph interpreted it and then asked the cupbearer to ______him to ______when he is released from prison.

The baker told Joseph his dream and Joseph interpreted it (Gen 40:16).

Both of Joseph’s interpretations proved ______just ______days later.

Unfortunately the cupbearer forgot to tell Pharaoh about Joseph.

Two years later Pharaoh had a dream about 7 handsome and fat cows came up out of the Nile and grazed in the grass. Then 7 ugly and gaunt cows came up out of the Nile and ate the handsome fat cows.

Pharaoh had another dream. This one was about 7 fat healthy ears of grain growing on a single stalk behind them grew 7 thin and wind blasted ears of grain which swallowed up the 7 fat and healthy ears.

Pharaoh was bothered by his dreams and wanted some interpretation. He called the magicians and sages but ______could ______the dreams.

Then the chief cupbearer ______Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.

Pharaoh summoned Joseph. Again Joseph ______God as the one who interprets the dreams.

Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams

Joseph told the Pharaoh that God was letting him know what was to take place in the near future.

The 7 fat cows and 7 healthy ears of grain represented 7 years of great ______.

The 7 ugly cows and 7 thin ears of grain represented 7 years of ______which will follow the 7 years of great abundance

______came up with a plan to store the grain so that they would not suffer the famine.

Pharaoh was so impressed that he set Joseph ______the land of Egypt, ______in command only to himself.

Notice the reversals that have taken place in Joseph’s life

Favorite son set to receive father’s authority and rule - sold to______

Head servant – ______

Prisoner – 2nd in command of

Joseph was given a wife, Asenath.

She bore him two sons, ______and ______.

All that Joseph ______came true regarding the famine.

Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians.

The Famine was so bad that the whole world suffered. Food could only be found in Egypt.

Since the famine was so wide spread ______was affected.

Israel sent his ______older ______to Egypt to buy grain. He kept Benjamin back because he did not want him to be harmed.

So it came to pass that Joseph’s ten half-brothers came and ______before him, just as his dream prophesied.

None of them ______Joseph as the prime minister of Egypt.

*notice that the elder sons of Israel didn’t recognize their savior/brother

Joseph recognized them immediately but did not show it.

Joseph set things up so that he would keep Benjamin as his slave.

Not wanting to commit the same sin twice and break his father’s heart again, ______ offered himself to Joseph instead of Benjamin.

This sign of ______brought Joseph to tears and he ______himself to his brothers.

Joseph did not hold a ______against his brothers, rather he acknowledged that it was ______who sent him to Egypt.

“It was really for the sake of ______that God sent me here ahead of you” (Gen 45:5)

Knowing that there was still five years of famine to go, Joseph told his brothers to go get their father and ______all their belongings to Egypt.

Israel and his sons moved to ______and Joseph took good care of them.

Genesis ends with the death of ______but before he dies he blesses his sons and two grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

Like his father Isaac did before him, Israel gave the blessing of the ______to the ______. In this case it was his grandchildren (Ephraim, though younger received a blessing of the firstborn – this is not the covenant blessing possessed by Judah)

Joseph lived to be 110 years old. On his deathbed he reassured his brothers that God would visit them and-______them up ______of the land of Egypt to the land ______to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

His last request was that they carry his bones with them.

As God’s timetable rarely corresponds to ours, we will have to wait and see if they do enter the promised land.