Rockville Town Council Meeting

June 11, 2014

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Rockville Town Council

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

June 11, 2014

Rockville Community Center

1.  CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – Mayor Tracy Dutson called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. The following members of the Rockville Town Council were present: Bernie Harris, Pam Leach, and Megan Honer-Orton.

2.  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dutson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.  ACTION ON A RESOLUTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A COUNCILMEMBER TO FILL A VACANCY FOR THE REMAINDER OF A TERM – Mayor Dutson announced that an application was received from Mr. Terry Bell, who is a highly qualified candidate to fill the vacant Council Member position. Clerk Harris read the resolution number as 14-0611-1.

Bernie Harris MOVED to pass Resolution 14-0611-1 and accept Mr. Terry Bell as the new Town Council Member. Pam Leach SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

4.  ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO APPOINTED MEMBER OF COUNCIL – Clerk Harris swore in Terry Bell as a Member of the Rockville Town Council. Mayor Dutson welcomed Mr. Bell as the newest member of the Council.

5.  DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH AN AGENDA ITEM – No declarations of conflict were declared.

6.  PUBLIC COMMENT – There were no public comments or questions.

7.  PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO AMENDING THE TOWN OF ROCKVILLE FY 2013/2014 BUDGET – Pam Leach MOVED that the Council move into a Public Hearing to discuss amending the Town of Rockville FY 2013/2014 Budget. Bernie Harris SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Dutson read a statement prepared by Clerk Harris regarding the budget. The statement explained that the Town needs to take $28,190 from the General Fund and DeMille Trust Account, which has been set aside for major needs of the Community Center, to balance the 2013/2014 budget. Funds from the DeMille Trust Account will also need to be added in the amount of $30,459 to balance the 2015 Budget, for a total of $58, 649. Mayor Dutson pointed out that the Bridge Road property and the ditch repairs have been the two major expenses for this budget year. A difference from $291,481 to $493,018 was noted. There were no further public comments. Terry added that he had a chance to review the proposed amendments prior to the meeting.


Pam Leach MOVED to adjourn the Public Hearing. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.


Pam Leach MOVED to pass Resolution Number 14-0611-2, A Resolution to Amend the Annual Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the Town of Rockville for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014. Bernie Harris SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

10.  REPORT AND ACTION, IF NECESSARY, ON RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION – Planning Commission Chair, Sharon Hatfield, reported that no actions were taken during the Planning Commission Meeting held on June 10, 2014. The Commission discussed grading issues as presented to Ms. Sherry Teresa in a letter dated April 22, 2014. Ms. Teresa came before the Commission to provide a status report on the outstanding issues. Ms. Hatfield reported that Ms. Teresa is making progress; however, there is currently a property line dispute with one of the neighbors. While the Town typically does not get involved in these types of disputes, the Commission feels a sense of obligation to the particular situation since they initially granted Ms. Teresa a grading permit.

11.  ACTION ON A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED CERTIFIED TAX RATE FOR 2014 TO INCLUDE A PROPOSED INCREASE – The Resolution number was given as 14-0611-3, which was then read by Mayor Dutson. He noted that reserve money has been used over the past five years to cover a gap in revenues and those savings funds are almost completely depleted. Therefore, the Town can't continue to operate by borrowing funds from their savings. Mayor Dutson reported that there have been two work meetings where each budget line item was reviewed. The Council was only able to identify about $1,000 as unnecessary expenses.

Megan pointed out that the Town has used the reserve funds for big projects, which is why they are short on available funds. She agreed, however, that now is the time to implement a tax increase. Pam asked how long it has been since the Town implemented a tax increase. Clerk Harris answered that the Town of Rockville was incorporated in 1987, at which time the tax rate was set. The taxes were increased in 2008, specifically to fund the Police Department.

Pam Leach MOVED to pass Resolution Number 14-0611-3, A Resolution to Approve the Proposed Certified Tax Rate for 2014 to Include a Proposed Increase. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

12.  DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY TO ESTABLISH BINDING FUNDING DISTRIBUTION GUIDELINES FOR ANY REVENUE DERIVED FROM A COUNTY-WIDE SALES AND USE TAX FOR FUNDING RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS AND FACILITIES – Mayor Dutson explained that the above item will go on the ballot. The funding, as a Recreation/Arts, Parks Tax, will be distributed based on population and revenue collections. For example, St. George will receive a large portion of these funds, because it is a large city with significant revenue. Realistically, if the Revenue Distribution Guidelines are passed, Rockville will receive about $5,000 annually. Bernie pointed out that Rockville is one of the smallest communities in Washington County and reiterated that the larger areas will receive more money. He was of the opinion that the smaller municipalities should receive a larger portion of the funds, since they have less starting funds. Mayor Dutson suggested that any funds the Town receives be given to the Grafton Heritage Partnership, or to meet other recreational needs. Approving the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement would signify that the Town of Rockville supports the Revenue Distribution Guidelines, if the tax is passed.

Megan Honer-Orton MOVED to approve the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Washington County to establish binding funding distribution guidelines for any revenue derived from a county-wide Sales and Use Tax for funding recreational and cultural organizations and facilities. Pam Leach SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

13.  DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE RENTAL APPLICATION AND RENTAL CONTRACT FOR THE BRIDGE ROAD PROPERTY – Clerk Harris reported that advertisement of the rental property will begin on June 16 and will close on June 30. The property will then be ready for move-in on July 15. Mayor Dutson suggested that the description in the first portion of the application indicate a limit of persons that can occupy the home. There was further discussion about what the limit should be, as well as several safety considerations. It was decided that the number of tenants would be capped at two adults and two children at any given time. Pam suggested that only the parties listed on the application should be able to reside on the property. However, if a tenant wants to bring in a roommate, the roommate will also need to complete the application and sign a rental agreement with the Town.

Other sections of the Rental Agreement were reviewed. The Council determined that a maximum of one dog and one cat will be allowed with an additional $200 pet deposit. Mayor Dutson proposed that the minimum lease term be set at six months, rather than 12 months as currently listed in the agreement. A deposit of $300 will also be due at time of occupancy. Other conditions included keeping trash cans on the back portion of the property, no major vehicle repairs, and being good neighbors to surrounding residents. The agreement will also clearly state that the tenant agrees to the conditions listed in the document. Any other concerns or exceptions can be reviewed on an individual basis during the interview process. The Mayor and Council Members then discussed their availability in showing the property to prospective tenants. Bernie added that holes need to be drilled in the bottom of the concrete pit so that water drains properly.

Pam Leach MOVED to approve the Rental Application and Rental Contract for the Bridge Road property, with the changes discussed. Bernie Harris SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

Clerk Harris reviewed the advertisement details of the rental property.

14.  APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2014 – Town Clerk – The May Expenditures were reviewed and discussed.

Bernie Harris MOVED to approve the Expenditures for the Month of May 2014. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

15.  APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 08, 2014 TOWN COUNCIL WORK MEETING AND THE MAY 14, 2014 REGULAR MEETING – The Minutes were reviewed and modified.

Bernie Harris MOVED to approve the Minutes of the May 08, 2014 Town Council Work Meeting and the May 14, 2014 Regular Meeting, as modified. Pam Leach SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Abstain

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

16.  MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS AND COMMENTS – Mayor Dutson reported that he attends the quarterly Public Safety Meetings, where the monthly Citation Report is reviewed. It was noted that Virgin has 49% of the area's ticket revenues. Terry asked what time the police officers go home at night. Megan replied that Clerk Harris gets a schedule of police coverage, although she is the only person who receives it. If there is a particular problem, the Town can request police coverage at a specific time. The Council then discussed that police coverage would be valuable later at night when employees of restaurants or motels are leaving to go home.

Mayor Dutson also reminded the Council that he sent each a copy of the Bi-Annual Bridge Inspection Report about a month ago. Based on the findings in the report, it doesn't appear that the bearings are imminently going to fail. This has, therefore, lessened the Town's argument to UDOT to use emergency funds for the bearings, which is an issue that is still being debated.

Bernie reported that three lengths of pipe were taken from storage near the road right-of-way and placed on a private individual's property. Allen Lee will take one of the pipes to put at the top of the Smithsonian Butte and Tower Road to help water drain from one side to the other. The Town will supply the pipe, and Mr. Lee will hire someone to do the grading work. The pipe was purchased when the Town had the 1,000-year flood and two pieces of pipe and culvert were removed and stored by the roadway. Mr. Lee informed Bernie that he will be able to begin the wash at Hirschi Lane after July 1. Lastly, Bernie provided updates on the ditches.

Megan reported that there was a CERT Meeting held on June 10, 2014. Those in attendance included the CERT Coordinator and the Red Cross. Megan also shared that she contacted Dave Marble from the Division of Dam Safety last week. Mr. Marble informed her that an engineering company was hired for the Sanctuary Ranch. Bernie added that he had contact information for the new ranch owners. Lastly, Megan made announcements relative to the Town's 4th of July celebrations.

Pam announced that this year Rockville Daze will either be held on October 4 or October 11. She will make sure there aren't any other events that will conflict with those dates, particularly on October 4.

17.  STAFF REPORT AS NEEDED – There was no staff report.

18.  ADJOURN – Bernie Harris MOVED to adjourn. Pam Leach SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Bernie Harris – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Terry Bell – Aye

Tracy Dutson – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:

Teri Forbes, Owner

T Forbes Group


__Tracy Dutson______

Mayor Tracy Dutson