Ninth Grade Literature and Composition (92)

Summer Reading 2016


  1. Read George Orwell’s Animal Farm and annotate.
  2. Complete a Character Chart.
  3. Complete a Plot Diagram with Visual elements.

Part 1: Reading and Annotating

Materials: The novel, highlighters, sticky notes, pens, pencils.

Process: Make notes, either on the pages of your text or on sticky notes, regarding the following:

Expectations and Anticipations

  • What do you think the book will be about?
  • Do you expect to enjoy it (despite it being required summer reading)?
  • What does the illustration and design of the cover imply about the book?

While Reading

  • Characters: name, species, qualities that make them stand out
  • Setting: where and when.
  • Vocabulary: unfamiliar words (look them up and write the definition as your annotation)
  • Figurative Language: simile, metaphor, irony, symbolism
  • Say What: anything that is confusing to you or that you don’t understand
  • Connections: does this remind you of anything else you’ve read or watched? or something that you have experienced?
  • Agree/Disagree: Is the idea or comment made valid or not?

After Reading

  • Is there a moral to the story? What is the author trying to tell us about human nature?

Part 2: Character Chart

Materials: The novel, attached chart, pen or pencil.

Process: Complete the chart with the following information (found in the text and *hopefully* in your annotations):

  • Name
  • Species
  • Role on Animal Farm
  • Quote that describes their personality (can be said by them or about them).
  • Quotes should include MLA citation.
  • “Blah blah blah blah blah” (Orwell 92).
  • Note that there is no punctuation within the quotation marks or inside the parentheses. Only if the quote is a question or an exclamation should there be a final punctuation within the quotation marks.

Part 3: Plot Diagram

Materials: The novel, provided character chart (you are using the back of the paper), pen or pencil.

Process: Complete a plot diagram with the following information summarized:

  • Exposition: How are you introduced to the characters and setting? What is the beginning action that gets the story moving?
  • Rising Action: What are seven of the major events that occur in the novel?
  • Climax: What is the turning point of the story?
  • Falling Action: What happens after the climax that leads to the resolution?
  • Resolution: How does the novel end? How are all of the loose ends tied up?

Check out the attached example for inspiration regarding formatting.

Um, I’ve got a question…

  • Yes, it is for a grade.
  • Yes, it is due the very first day of school.
  • Yes, you will be graded on accuracy of content, as well as presentation and neatness.
  • Yes, typing is totally okay. 12 point, Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins.

Animal Farm Character Chart

Name / Species / Role on Animal Farm / Quote about the Character / Citation
Old Major
Mr. Jones