Course: / Point Locations II / Date: / 3/26/08
Doc: / Study Notes – Point Info - Final

Heart Channel of the Hand Shaoyin

Pt / Category / Loc / Needling /
HT 1 / Depression at center of axilla.
To locate:
Method 1
¨  Find deepest point of armpit (hollow of axilla)
Method 2 (more accurate)
¨  Find anterior and posterior ends of the axillary fold.
¨  Use a measure to get the distance between the 2 and divide it in half.
/ Perpendicular 0.5 – 1 cun
1.  Avoid the axillary artery.
2.  Pnthx with deep medial insert.
HT 2 / 3 cun proximal to the medial end of the transverse cubital crease, in the groove between the medial side of the biceps brachii and the humeral shaft.
To locate:
¨  Locate with elbow flexed
¨  Find the medial end of the transverse cubital crease.
¨  Measure proximally 3 cun using hand measure (or measuring tool, dividing axillary crease end to med cub crease end into 3rds).
¨  Locate the point at this line in the groove between the humeral shaft and the medial border of the biceps brachii.
Note: LU 3-4 and LI 13 are on the lateral border of the biceps brachii. Also, this is generally in line between HT 3 and HT 1, but more important to locate the point in the groove between humerus and biceps. / Perpendicular 0.5 – 1 cun
Great point for blurry vision due to the cnx between heart and eyes.
HT 3 / He Sea point / Medial end of the transverse cubital crease when the elbow is fully flexed.
To locate:
Elbow slightly flexed:
¨  Midway between end of cubital crease and the bump of the humeral epicondyle.
Elbow fully flexed:
¨  Medial edge of the transverse cubital crease. / Perpendicular 0.5 – 1 cun
HT 4 / Jing River point / Radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 1.5 cun proximal to HT 7.
To locate, first find HT 7, measure proximally 1.5 cun.
Note: Ht 4-7 are all located inline. 1.5 cun total between Ht 4 and Ht 7. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
HT 5 / Luo Connecting point / Radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 1 cun proximal to HT 7.
To locate, find HT 7 first, measure proximally by 1 cun.
Note: Ht 4-7 are all located inline. 1.5 cun total between Ht 4 and Ht 7. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
HT 6 / Xi Cleft point / Radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5 cun proximal to HT 7.
To locate, find HT 7 first, measure proximally by 0.5 cun.
Note: Ht 4-7 are all located inline. 1.5 cun total between Ht 4 and Ht 7. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
HT 7 / Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point / At the wrist joint on the transverse crease that runs through the pisiform bone. On the radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris in the depression at the proximal border of the pisiform bone. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
Ulnar nerve and artery lie adjacent to this point.
HT 8 / Ying Spring point / Between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones where the tip of the pinkie rests when you make a fist.
Usually located between the two transverse palmar creases. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
HT 9 / Jing-Well point / Dorsal aspect of pinkie on the radial corner of the fingernail. / Perpendicular 0.1 – 0.2 cun

Small Intestine Channel of the Hand Taiyang

Pt / Category / Loc / Needling /
SI 1 / Jing-Well point / Ulnar corner of pinkie fingernail, opposite side from HT 9. / Perpendicular 0.1 – 0.2 cun
SI 2 / Ying-Spring point / Ulnar border (where skin changes color/txture) of little finger in a depression just distal to the metacarpo-phalangeal joint.
Make a loose fist and palpate for the depression – it’s usually right at the end of the crease.
(You locate LI 2 this same basic way.) / Perpendicular 0.2 – 0.3 cun
SI 3 / Shu-Stream point
Confluent pt of Du vessel
Du = Governing / Ulnar border of hand where skin changes color in a big depression proximal to the head of the 5th metacarpal bone.
Make a loose fist and it’s easier to find. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.8 cun
Needle it with hand in a loose fist also.
SI 4 / Yuan-Source point / Ulnar border of the hand where the skin changes colors in a depression between the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the triquetral bone.
Just distal to triquetral bone. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun.
SI 5 / Jing-River point / On the transverse crease of the wrist in the depression between the head of the ulna and the triquetral bone. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
SI 6 / Xi Cleft point / Dorsal aspect of the head of the ulna in a cleft level with and to the radial side of the high point of the styloid process of the ulna.
To locate:
1)  lie hand flat on table.
2)  Place point of finger on the styloid high point of the ulna.
3)  Have patient rotate the wrist toward their own body and the finger will fall into a depression.
4)  Be sure to locate the point on the distal side of this depression, not the proximal side. / Perpendicular 0.5 – 0.8 cun
Indicated for—
1)  eye degeneration due to aging.
2)  Headaches
3)  Acute lower back pain
4)  Shoulder joint pain such as bursitis or tendonitis.
SI 7 / Luo-connecting point / Inline with SI-5 and SI-8, 5 cun proximal to SI-5.
(5 to 5…just like LI 7 is 5 to 7. Both are 5 cun proximal to transverse crease of wrist.) / Perpendicular 0.5 – 1 cun
SI 8 / He-Sea point / Funny bone point…
In depression between the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the humerus. / Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.5 cun
Ulnar nerve lies deep to the point.
“Zap” isn’t Qi here! It’s the ulnar nerve! Pull out a bit, change direction and no damage if you do this quickly.
SI 9 / 1 cun superior to the posterior tip of the axillary crease when the shoulders are dropped and the arms are at the sides normally. / Perpendicular 1-1.5cun
SI 10 / Meeting of SI and BL with Yin Linking and Yang Motility / Depression directly below the acromion on the lateral side of the scapular spine. This point should be directly above the posterior tip of the axillary crease. / Perpendicular 1-1.5cun
SI 11 / In a depression on the infrascapular angle line. To find this point:
1.  Locate the mid point of the lower border of the scapular spine
2.  Locate the posterior border of the scapula.
3.  Draw a line between these two points and divide into thirds. SI 11 is located at the meeting point of the upper 1/3 and the lower 1/3. / Perpendicular or oblique toward manifestation .5-1.5 cun
SI 12 / Meeting of SI, LI, SJ, GB / In the suprascapular fossa at the mid point of the upper border of the scapular spine. Locate the point just above the bone. / Perpendicular 0.5-1cun
Caution: pnthx
SI 13 / Depression at the medial end of and superior to the scapular spine. To locate, find the medial border of the scapula. Should be about midway between SI 10 and the spinous process of T2. / Perpendicular or oblique toward the scapula 0.5-0.8 cun
Risk of pneumothorax if point is angled to medially.
SI 14 / 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T1 (Du 13) on or near the medial border of the scapula. / Oblique à scapula 0.5-1 cun
Caution: pnthx
SI 15 / 2 cun lateral to Du 14 (lower border of C7 spin process / Obliqueà scapula 0.5-1 cun
Caution: pnthx
SI 16 / Window of Sky / On lateral aspect of neck level with laryngeal prominence. Locate the point on this level on posterior border of SCM.
(in horizontal line with ST 9 on anterior border and LI 18 between the two heads of the SCM) / Perp 0.3-0.8 cun
SI 17 / Window of Sky / In a depression between the angle of the jaw and the anterior border of the SCM. Point is level with the angle of the jaw/mandible / Perp 0.3-0.8
SI 18 / Meeting of SI and SJ / Directly below the outer canthus of the eye and on the inferior border of the zygomatic bone. / Perp 0.3-0.5 cun
Contra: moxa
SI 19 / Meeting of SI, SJ, GB / Just anterior to the tragus of the ear (or the lower tragus if the pt has 2 of them) and posterior to the condyloid process of the mandible/jaw.
Note: with the mouth open there’s a depression. Locate and needle with the mouth open, then pt can close jaw. / Perp 0.5-1cun

Bladder Channel of the Foot Taiyang

Pt / Category / Loc / Needling /
Bl 1 / Mtg of all Yang but LI with Du, Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao / Depression just above inner canthus / All “eyeball” acupuncture precautions.
Bl 2 / Directly above inner canthus at supraorbital notch. Usually at medial end of eyebrow (watch out for unibrow types!) / Pinch, transverse insertion either 1) laterally or 2) toward Yuyao extrapoint.
0.3 – 1 cun
-or – Prick to bleed
Bl 3 / Directly superior to BL 2/inner canthus, ½ cun into the anterior hairline and level with Du-24 / Upward toward vertex or downward toward eye, depending on whether the patient is prone or supine.
Transverse ½ - 1 cun into 4th layer.
Contra to moxa
Bl 4 / ½ cun into anterior hairline and level with BL 3, following hairline. 1½ cum lateral to Du 24/midline.
Can also be measured laterally as 1/3 of the distance between ST 8 and DU 24. / Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½ cun
Bl 5 / 1 cun into anterior hairline, inline between BL 4 and BL 8. 1½ cun lateral to midline. / Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½ cun
Contra to moxa
Bl 6 / 2.5 cun into anterior hairline, inline between BL 4 and BL 8. 1½ cun lateral to midline. / Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½ cun
Contra to moxa
Bl 7 / 4 cun into anterior hairline, inline with BL 4 and BL 8. 1 ½ cun lateral to midline.
Use Du 20 as a reference at 5 cun into hairline and on the midline. / Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½ cun
Contra to moxa
Bl 8 / 5.5 cun into anterior hairline on same line as BL 4 – BL 47
Use Du 20 at 5 cun into hairline and on midline as a reference. / Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½ cun
Bl 9 / 1.3 cun lateral to DU 17 (which is located in the dperession just superior to the occipital protuberance on the midline) in a depression.
To locate:
1.  Slide finger up back of neck at midline.
2.  Feel base of skull and go up to “shelf”
3.  Just over the shelf is a depression and Du 17
4.  Go lateral to Du 17 by 1.3 cun and feel for the depression for BL 9
In vertical line with BL 10 also. / Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½ cun
Bl 10 / Window of Sky / At insertioin of trapezius muscle on the back of the neck ½ cun superior to the back hairline. It’s about 2 cun down from BL 9 and at the same lateral level, about 1.3 cun from midline. / Perp, ½ - 0.8 cun.
1st (1.5 cun lat) and 2nd (3 cun lat to mid)
Bladder lines begin here.
All are level with the tip of the lower border of the spinous processes, also level with the Du points.
Bl 11 / Hui Meeting point of Bone / Level with T1, 1½ cun lateral to midline. / Trans/obl à spine, ½ - 1 cun.
Caution: pnthx
Bl 12/41 / (wind gate, but not really a category) / BL 12: Level with T2, 1½ cun lateral to midline.
BL 41: Level with T2, 3 cun lateral to midline / Bl 12: Trans/obl à spine, ½ - 1 cun.
Bl 41: Trans/obl à scapula, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 13/42 / Back Shu of Lung / BL 13: Level with T3, 1½ cun lateral to midline.
BL 42: Level with T3, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 13: Trans/obl à spine,
½ to 1 ½ cun
BL 42: Trans obl à scapula, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 14/43 / Back Shu of Pericardium / BL 14: Level with T4, 1½ cun lateral to midline.
BL 43: Level with T4, 3 cun lateral to midline. / BL 14: Trans/obl à spine, ½ to 1½ cun
BL 43: Trans/obl à scapula, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 15/44 / Back Shu of Heart / BL 15: Level with T5, 1½ cun lateral to midline.
BL 44: Level with T5, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 15: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 44: Trans/obl à scapula, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 16/45 / BL 16: Level with T6, 1½ cun lateral to midline.
BL 45: Level with T6, 3 cun lateral to midline. / BL 16: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 45: Trans/obl à scapula, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 17/46 / Hui Meeting of Blood
Back Shu of Diaphragm / BL 17: Level with T7, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 46: Level with T7, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 17: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 46: Trans/obl à scapula, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 18/47 / Back Shu of Liver / BL18: Level with T9, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 47: Level with T9, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 18: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 47: Trans/obl à lateral, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 19/48 / Back Shu of Gallbladder / BL 19: Level with T10, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 48: Level with T10, 3 cun lateral to midline. / BL 19: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 48: Trans/obl à lateral, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 20/49 / Back Shu of Spleen / BL 20: Level with T11, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 49: Level with T11, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 20: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 49: Trans/obl à lateral, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 21/50 / Back Shu of Stomach / BL 21: Level with T12, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 50: Level with T12, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 21: Trans/obl à spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 50: Trans/obl à lateral, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pnthx
Bl 22/51 / Back Shu of San Jiao / BL 22: Level with L1, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 51: Level with L1, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 22: Obl or perp/obl à spine, 1 - 1½ cun
BL 51: Obl à lateral,
½ - 1 cun
Caution: kidney puncture
Bl 23/52 / Back Shu of Kidney / BL 23: Level with L2, 1½ cun lateral to midline
BL 52: Level with L2, 3 cun lateral to midline / BL 23: Obl or perp/obl à spine, 1 - 1½ cun
BL 52: Obl à lateral,
½ - 1 cun
Caution: kidney puncture
Bl 24 / Level with L3 and 1½ cun lateral to midline / Perp, 1 - 1½ cun