Name: ______

Digestive System Anatomy

1. Color (if there’s a O) & Label the following organs:


_Ascending colon


_Descending colon


_Esophagus O



_Large intestine O

_Mouth O

_Pharynx O

_Rectum O

_Sigmoid colon

_Small Intestine O

_Stomach O

_Transverse colon


Gall bladder O

Liver O

Pancreas O

Salivary glands O

2. Number the organs with a _ next to their names according to the order in which food passes through them

Alimentary Organ Actions

The Mouth

Does mechanical digestion take place in the mouth? If so, by what means?

Does chemical digestion take place in the mouth? If so, what is the polymer/s broken down, monomer/s it’s broken down into, and enzyme/s responsible?

Nutrient group / Carbohydrate / Protein / Lipid

Does absorption take place in the mouth? If so, of which nutrient/s?

The Esophagus

Does mechanical digestion take place in the esophagus? If so, by what means?

Does chemical digestion take place in the esophagus? If so, what is the polymer/s broken down, monomer/s it’s broken down into, and enzyme/s responsible?

Nutrient group / Carbohydrate / Protein / Lipid

Does absorption take place in the esophagus? If so, of which nutrient/s?

The Stomach

Does mechanical digestion take place in the stomach? If so, by what means?

Does chemical digestion take place in the stomach? If so, what is the polymer/s broken down, monomer/s it’s broken down into, and enzyme/s responsible?

Nutrient group / Carbohydrate / Protein / Lipid

Does absorption take place in the stomach? If so, of which nutrient/s?

What digestive juices are produced by the stomach, and what do they do?

The Small Intestine

Does mechanical digestion take place in the small intestine? If so, by what means?

Does chemical digestion take place in the intestine? If so, what is the polymer/s broken down, monomer/s it’s broken down into, and enzyme/s responsible?

Nutrient group / Carbohydrate / Protein / Lipid

Does absorption take place in the small intestine? If so, of which nutrient/s?

What do brush border enzymes do? Give examples of some brush border enzymes.

The Large Intestine

Does mechanical digestion take place in the large intestine? If so, by what means?

Does chemical digestion take place in the large intestine? If so, what is the polymer/s broken down, monomer/s it’s broken down into, and enzyme/s responsible?

Nutrient group / Carbohydrate / Protein / Lipid

Does absorption take place in the large intestine? If so, of which nutrient/s?

What is the digestive role of intestinal bacteria?

Accessory Organ Contributions

The following digestive juices and enzymes should occur at least once: bile, chymotrypsin, nuclease, pancreatic amylase, pancreatic lipase, and salivary amylase. You may find others as well.

Salivary Glands

What digestive juice/s do the salivary glands produce, what polymers do they act on, what monomers do they break it down into, and which alimentary organ they transported to?

Digestive juice / Polymer acted on / Monomer result / Alimentary organ transported to


What digestive juice/s does the pancreas produce, what polymers do they act on, what monomers do they break it down into, and which alimentary organ are they transported to?

Digestive juice / Polymer acted on / Monomer result / Alimentary organ transported to


What digestive juice/s does the liver produce, what polymers do they act on, what monomers do they break it down into, and which alimentary organ are they transported to?

Digestive juice / Polymer acted on / Monomer result / Alimentary organ transported to

What is the function of the gall bladder?

Nutrient Pathways

Summarize the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Label each organ with any digestive or absorptive action that it takes involving the nutrient in question. For instance, if that nutrient is mechanically digested in the mouth, write “mechanical digestion” by the mouth. If an enzyme that digests it is secreted by the pancreas, write “secretes [enzyme]” by the pancreas. At the organ where sucrose is converted to glucose and fructose, write “sucrose converted to glucose & fructose” by that organ. Etc.!


