March 2007IEEE 802.11-07/0330r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

March 7th 2007 TGs Telecon Minutes
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Donald Eastlake 3rd / Motorola / 111 Locke Drive
Marlboro, MA 01752 USA / +1 508-786-7554 /



“LB93 Unresolved RFI Comments”, Guenael Strutt, 11-07/300r0.......

“Review of Extensible Path Selection Framework”, Michael Bahr, 11-07/306r0.......

Updated texts for frame addressing and forwarding in a mesh network, Joseph Kim, 11-07/302r0......



Minutes taken by Donald Eastlake.

The chair called the teleconference to order at 17:05.

The Chair inquired if everyone was familiar with the IEEE 802 IPR policy, and if there were any patents or applications about which the 802.11 WG Chair should be informed. No-one indicated unfamiliarity and there were no patents.

  1. Attendance
  2. IPR policy pointer:
  3. Agenda for call
  4. Discussion of open comment resolutions in the RFI area with particular emphasis on major issues as per 11-07/300r0 ("LB93 Unresolved RFI Comments", to be uploaded) or more recent version if available.
  5. Other presentations related to comment resolution.
  6. Agenda of upcoming TGs meeting in Orlando based on 11-07/213r1 or more recent version if available.
  7. Adjourn

Joseph Kim wanted to add an email he sent out shortly before the call.

Agenda was approved with that addition.

“LB93 Unresolved RFI Comments”, Guenael Strutt, 11-07/300r0.

Guenael went over the issue categories for the RFI area.

-“Propagation” was decided on as the term to use for management frames rather than “forwarding” which is used for data frames.

-Jan Kruys is preparing a submission in connection with Interworking.

-Rishikesh Gossain is preparing a submission in connection with RFI2.

-Malik Audeh is preparing s submission in connection with RFI13.

-RFI has set a goal of resolving 50% of its remaining comments in Orlando and 50% in Montreal.

“Review of Extensible Path Selection Framework”, Michael Bahr, 11-07/306r0.

Q: Dubious about removing specific reference to “addition”… HMWP and RA-OLSR using addition…

-some discussion

Comment: “addition” versus “aggregation” is not a big deal.

Updated texts for frame addressing and forwarding in a mesh network, Joseph Kim, 11-07/302r0 (to be uploaded; as referenced on slide 7 of 11-07/300r0).

-6 address scheme

-figures added

-relates to RFI7, RFI8, and RFI13 also

Joseph Kim, re email sent before meeting about Informal Comment ID#50 on broadcast addresses.

Special broadcast addresses needed if a station can have a legacy association with an AP and also participate in the mesh or source mesh broadcasts.

This lead to a discussion of the question as to whether it was reasonable for a station to connect to an AP as a legacy station but also form peer links as part of the mesh. It was noted that if such a station forwarded frames between these two logical interfaces, it could cause loops. So we should probably warn against this but it is not particularly different from a variety of other bad things a station could do.

The chair reviewed the current tentative agenda for next week in 11-07/213r1. He will be adding a list of presentations, which will initially have a presentation by the chair on amending the 802.11s PAR and a presentation that Mathilde has requested to make. Other presentation requests will generally be added in the order received unless there is a session designated for the topic. The Wednesday session is currently designed for Security. If there is extra time, other areas may also be considered.

It was suggested that there be a session on General and RFI. The chair suggested the second session Tuesday.

There was no objection to the tentative agenda as modified above.

There were no other topics for the call.

The chair at 18:15 adjourned the call.


Donald Eastlake 3rd

Guenael Strutt

Azman Ozman Lim

Michael Bahr

Jim Murphy

Guido Hiertz

Mathilde Benveniste

Rishikesh Gossain

Meiyuan Zhao

Joseph Kim

Chris Hinz

Michelle Gong

Submissionpage 1Donald Eastlake 3rd, Motorola