Approved Minutes 11/11/2014
Page 414
City of Olmsted Falls
Minutes of a Council Caucus Meeting
Tuesday, November 11, 2014, at Olmsted Falls City Hall
26100 Bagley Road - Council Chambers, 6:30 p.m.
Council President Kathleen Fenderbosch called the Caucus to order at 6:32 p.m. Roll call was conducted. Councilmen Jay Linn, Linda Garrity, Bob Sculac, Kevin Roberts, Terry Duncan, and Sam Pulice.
Also Present: Gregory Sponseller, Law Director, Ann Marie Donegan, Mayor, Joe Borczuch, Service Director, Dan Gilles, Police Chief, Steve Presley, Finance Director, and Mike DeSan, Assistant Finance Director.
Service Committee: Chaired by Sam Pulice
Mr. Pulice asked Service Director Borczuch to update Council.
Leaf and Brush Pickup Update – Mr. Borczuch indicated that the Service Department is picking up leaves as fast as they can. He understands that City Hall and some Council members are receiving phone calls. The leaves are heavy and his department is picking up anywhere between 17 and 20 loads per day. He is using every employee he has. He stated that if another issue arises where he needs men that will slow down the pick-up.
Ms. Duncan asked where the leaves were taken once picked up. Mr. Borczuch indicated that he takes them to Morton’s as they are a certified EPA composting site. Ms. Garrity stated that there are other general contractor’s that clean up resident properties, are these individuals supposed to blow them on other people’s property or disposing the leaves. Mr. Borczuch indicated that they should not be blowing the leaves onto neighboring properties but he has no control over this aspect. He believes they are supposed to take the leaves with them.
Mayor Donegan indicated that next year she is going to attempt to create a little more communication where we have zones and something with ready notify or boards in order to let everyone know when the department will be in their area, to the best of their ability.
252 Underpass – Mr. Borczuch indicated that this project has been completed. He is pleased with the work that Morton’s completed.
New Service Garage Update – Mr. Borczuch indicated that he is still working with the company who is putting together the preliminary drawings and figures. He hopes to have some preliminary information by the next Council meeting.
Mr. Roberts asked if Mr. Borczuch spoke with Chestnut Grove Cemetery as their new building cost approximately $40,000. Mr. Borczuch indicated that he had not spoken with them but their building is nowhere near what he would need. That building is also not insulated nor is it a heated building.
Ms. Fenderbosch asked if there were any estimated costs. Mr. Borczuch indicated that the building itself could be $700,000 to $800,000. He stated that the current service department has 14,000 square feet under roof and he still has equipment outside that needs to be under a roof. Mr. Sculac asked what the square footage would be for the new building. Mr. Borczuch replied 20,000 square feet. You also need an administration section, lunch room and locker rooms. As the code is written, he will need to build a woman’s locker room even though currently he has no women in the service department, which is a large expense. Mr. Pulice asked what would be done with the current service building. Mr. Borczuch stated that he is looking into getting an appraisal of the property which will give the city an idea of what the building is worth.
Rock Salt Requisition – Mr. Borczuch indicated that he has a requisition for 500 tons of rock salt which he would ask that Council approve this evening.
Mr. Sculac moved to recommend to Council the purchase of 500 tons of rock salt at a cost of $50.05 per ton for a total cost of $25,025.00 from Cargill Salt; Mr. Pulice seconded. Poll: 3 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried.
Mr. Borczuch indicated that as Council is aware Mr. McLaughlin will retire at the end of this month. Once that happens he would ask Council’s approval to place the remaining Dodge Dakota on govdeals in order to sell.
Mr. Borczuch stated that Mr. Sprague has been working on some type of Welcome to Olmsted Falls signage on the underpass. He stated that Mr. Sprague has submitted some drawings and will bring those designs to the service committee.
Ms. Duncan stated that there are two areas at the underpass area that were not planted and asked if there would be plantings sometime in the future. Mr. Borczuch stated that he could only do the plantings of the trees on two sides. He indicated that in the spring time this same area will be planted with shrubs and then in the fall the remaining two sides will have trees planted and then shrubs in the spring.
Ms. Duncan asked if Mr. Borczuch had to remove service department employees from leaf pick up in order to move the finance department in the building. Mr. Borczuch replied that he did not. He used the employees from the finance department.
Ms. Garrity stated that there have been comments from residents regarding the money being spent on the plantings at the underpass. She would like to clarify the amount of money that was spent on the weeding of the area. Mr. Borczuch indicated that there are certain funds that can only be used for specific projects. The railroad money collected can only be used at the railroad sites and we are not taking this money out of any other city fund. He believes that is the issue that residents do not understand and see it as a waste of money because they believe other funds are being utilized.
Safety Committee: Chaired by Kitty Fenderbosch
Fire Chief Report – Mayor Donegan indicated that she will be presenting Chief Munteanu’s report as he could not be in attendance this evening. She indicated that the department’s run volume has increased. She stated that this past weekend one of our squad’s was involved in an accident on their way to Fairview Hospital. The other driver was cited and we are currently getting the estimates for repairs.
She indicated that the city is in the process of purchasing the landlines for Ready Notify and will be developing a policy.
Police Chief Report
Police Department Policy & Training – Lexipol – Chief Gilles indicated that he distributed copies of information regarding Lexipol to Council. This company is headquartered in California. This company handles risk management and policy development for law enforcement agencies. He spoke to other are police chiefs who also indicated that they are discussing the opportunities with Lexipol. He has been in supervision for 21 years and the common problem is wrestling with our policies and attempting to keep them updated, current, and legal. Our policies are always the first item requested when the department is in litigation. He spoke with Lexipol and they informed him that their pricing is based on the number of full time officer’s in the department. The costs for our department would be $3,950.00. If he signs up before the end of the year they will add additional options in for the life of our contract which is a $770.00 option that will be at no cost to the city. The option will allow his department to add procedures into the policies. In the last four years he has been attempting to get all the policies converted to word documents in order to get them onto the MDT’s in the cruisers as well as the server. He stated that Lexipol will do that automatically and also include a daily training bulletin. Every time an officer logs on to their computer a daily training bulletin will pop up. The bulletins are all policy related training with a test. This bulletin also tracks every time an officer completes the training which allows him the ability to track each individual officer.
Ms. Duncan asked if this company replaces any training or is additional training. Chief Gilles responded that it would be additional training.
Ms. Fenderbosch asked Mayor Donegan is she were in support of Lexipol. Mayor Donegan indicated that she is advocating moving forward with this. The city needs policies and procedures for everyone. She has spoken with Chief Gilles and would request Council approve Lexipol either at tonight’s meeting or by the next Council meeting.
Mr. Roberts asked what the daily training bulletin covered and if they would happen every day. Chief Gilles replied the bulletins happen 365 days a year. Mr. Roberts asked if the Chief could give some examples of the policies. Chief Gilles replied that they cover everything from use of force policies, hot pursuit, and car chases. The index is several pages long.
Ms. Garrity asked if these policies could save the city money on its insurance. Chief Gilles stated that each year he meets with a gentleman from risk assessment and we review the policies we have changed or revised. Within the literature from Lexipol it stated that this could reduce our liability. He stated that when these policies were adopted in Ohio they were developed to meet the regulations of the district courts that impact our policy decisions.
Mr. Roberts asked who writes the policies. Chief Gilles indicated that his department will have a certain limit as to what we can change but the basic policy is something he would not change. For example the use of force policy is quite extensive and there is nothing in that policy he would change. We can also link the procedures that an officer would go through should deadly force be used. This procedure would instruct the officer who gets notified, who we bring in for example the law director and prosecutor. These are in our current policies except for the fact that our policies are intermingled with procedures and they should not be. His department should have set policies which are then linked to the procedures.
Mr. Roberts asked if the department receives a policy on use of deadly force and it is wrong because Lexipol sent us the California policy and not the Ohio policy. The city then adopts it assuming it is correct things go wrong who will stand behind that policy. He also asked if there was a written contract that Council could review. Chief Gilles indicated that he does not have a written contract but his answer to the question is that he would imagine this would fall back on both agencies. Mr. Sponseller indicated that ultimately it would be the city’s policy and would adopt the policies based on recommendations from Lexipol. He stated that their representation is best practices and that should help in the event that there is a negative situation. If we are following those policies and procedures and they are the recognized best practices in the area then the city should be able to avoid liability. Immunity may or may not apply. So long as we are reasonable and following best practices we will have a defense.
Mr. Roberts asked if a contract would be provided. Chief Gilles indicated that he received a quote which would be signed if adopted. Mr. Sponseller indicated that he has not reviewed a contract per say, this is more a proposal to update our policies and procedures, integrate them and make them more consistent with best practices in the State of Ohio.
Mr. Pulice asked if there were other companies who could offer the same services. Chief Gilles indicated that he has not heard of any other company that could offer these services. He stated that years ago he went through training with one of Lexipol’s primary instructors.
Police Reports to City Website – Chief Gilles stated that he will be placing police reports on the city’s website once the city receives the new website. Basically this will place a redacted copy on the website that people can access. He went on to the same program that is currently in use by the city of Beachwood and was able to print out an accident report complete with photographs. This will allow individuals involved in traffic accidents or insurance companies to obtain the information from the city website versus sending in a written request. This service will become available to the community once the new city website is running. The cost is $1,500 which he believes is well worth it especially since our dispatch center will only be staffed a couple hours a day.
Full Time Officer – Chief Gilles indicated that he has been told that one of his full time officers will probably retire in the first quarter of 2015. He would like to hire another full time officer now in order to have him trained prior to the retirement. There is currently an open night shift that is open seven days a week. The new hire would be at a considerable savings because he would have a salary of a first year patrolmen. He would like Council to give serious consideration to moving forward with this request as opposed to hiring after the fact. Mr. Sculac asked if there was a current eligibility list. Chief Gilles indicated that the current list is through May of 2015. Mr. Linn asked if the Chief would like to hire from within his current department. Chief Gilles replied that would be his preference as there would be less training needed.
Ms. Fenderbosch indicated that Chief Gilles has already previously commented that he would like to hire younger officers in order to train them with the veterans. Chief Gilles indicated that is truly one of his biggest concerns. His youngest full time officer is 42 and is also on the SWAT team. This officer can only be on the SWAT team for a few more years. He needs younger officers to take these types of positions and to build his department for the future. His department is looking at a mass exit of probably six people that could occur within the next couple of years. So, he needs to start building the department for the future which is one of his biggest priorities.