Match the vocab word on the left with the definition/description on the right.

Unit 1, Reading 1, p. 7

1.  Ailments ____ / a.  Outside of one’s awareness
2.  Coincidence _____ / b.  Physical problems such as muscle pain, colds, etc.
3.  Pace ______/ c.  The rate at which something is moving; how fast
4.  Sensitive ______/ d.  One’s point of view towards something or someone
5.  Stimulating _____ / e.  When two or more events happen at the same time for unrelated reasons
6.  Attitude ______/ f.  To choose something from a group of things
7.  Contentment ______/ g.  To calm oneself or another using various methods
8.  Select ______/ h.  A state of happiness/satisfaction
9.  Soothe ______/ i.  To cause interest or excitement
10.  Subconsciously ______/ j.  easily influenced by others or the environment

Word Form Identification. The following are some of the other forms of the vocabulary words above.

Noun / Verb / Adjective / Adverb
Ailments / To ail
Coincidence / coincide / Coincidental / coincidentally
Sensitivity / Sensitize / Sensitive / sensitively
Stimulation / Stimulate
Attitude / attitudinal
Contentment / Content / contentedly
Selection / Select / selectively
Consciousness* / conscious / consciously

*This word means one’s overall awareness of oneself and the world around oneself

Vocabulary matching, Unit 1, Reading 2

1.  Superstitions _____ / a.  to continue despite opposition
2.  Omen _____ / b.  A sign that something bad will happen
3.  Consider ____ / c.  Bad luck
4.  Enterprise _____ / d.  How other people see/think of you
5.  Endurance _____ / e.  ability to continue despite great problems
6.  Assign ______/ f.  leave out or exclude something either by accident or on purpose
7.  Reputation ______/ g.  To give someone something to do
8.  Omit _____ / h.  To think about something carefully
9.  Misfortune ______/ i.  Not logical beliefs
10.  Persist _____ / j.  activity/business/project, etc.

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Superstition / superstitious / superstitiously
Consideration / Consider / Considerate / Considerately
Endurance / endure
Assignment / Assign
Omission / Omit
Fortune / fortunate / fortunately
Persistence / Persist / Persistent / Persistently

Vocabulary Matching, Unit 2, Reading 1

1.  Diversity ____ / a.  To develop/come out/appear
2.  Paste ______/ b.  Put things on top of one another
3.  Explode _____ / c.  Variety of types
4.  To line ______/ d.  An indication of something that was once present; a sign of something
5.  Pile something up _____ / e.  A tool for digging in the ground
6.  Bundle ______/ f.  To cover the inside of something with another surface
7.  Shovel ______/ g.  To group things together
8.  Pat down _____ / h.  To make an uneven surface more even, usually in the dirt
9.  Trace _____ / i.  To stick things together using a glue or other sticky thing
10.  Emerge _____ / j.  to come apart rapidly/blow up like a bomb

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Diversity / diverse
Explosion / explode
Emergency / emerge / emergent

Vocabulary matching, Unit 2, Reading 2

1.  Inspiration / a.  A person/experience that fills one with excitement to take action
2.  Accommodate / b.  Encourage others to take illegal or dangerous action
3.  Modest / c.  Basics
4.  Launching pad / d.  Comfort received after some sort of negative experience
5.  Incite / e.  To meet the needs of others
6.  Frustrate / f.  Can’t be anticipated due to the random nature of an event
7.  Unpredictable / g.  A small or limited amount
8.  fundamentals / h.  the place from which to fire an object into the air
9.  Auction / i.  An event in which people compete to buy something by offering various prices
10.  consolation / j.  prevent someone from reaching their goals/needs

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Inspiration / Inspire / Inspirational
Accommodation / Accommodate
Modest / Modestly
Frustration / Frustrate
predictability / predict / predictable / predictably
fundamentals / fundamental / fundamentally
Auction / Auction
consolation / console

Vocabulary Matching Unit 3, Reading # 1

1.  Reveal _____ / a)  To show secret or unknown information
2.  Trait _____ / b)  Angry/upset due to bad experiences
3.  Stern _____ / c)  Point out or show something
4.  Courageous ______/ d)  Thinking oneself is better than others; a sense of being superior
5.  Arrogant ______/ e)  A rounded surface that sticks out from something
6.  Prominent _____ / f)  Very serious/unbending/strict
7.  Indicates _____ / g)  A quality of one’s character/personality
8.  Bulge _____ / h)  To criticize or put down someone or something
9.  Ridicule _____ / i)  More noticeable
10.  Bitter _____ / j)  Able to act despite danger/fear

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Revelation / Reveal
Courage / Courageous / Courageously
Arrogance / Arrogant / Arrogantly
Prominence / Prominent / Prominently
Indication / Indicate

Vocabulary Matching Unit 3, Reading 2

1.  Treat ____ / a)  Notice something not easy to see or hear
2.  Significant ____ / b)  The way one acts toward others
3.  Overall _____ / c)  As a total/a summary
4.  Heart attack _____ / d)  Deal with something/someone difficult
5.  Cope with _____ / e)  A place that takes care of old people unable to care for themselves
6.  Emotionally disturbed _____ / f)  Unable to have normal feelings
7.  Do wonders _____ / g)  Do something very amazing/difficult despite a bad situation
8.  Nursing home _____ / h)  Move your hand along an animal
9.  To pet _____ / i)  When one’s heart no longer works
10.  Detect _____ / j)  important

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
treatment / treat
Significance / Significant / Significantly
Detection / Detect

Vocabulary Matching Unit 4, Reading # 1

1.  Daring ____ / a)  The act of talking with others
2.  Dedicate ____ / b)  A slight cut on the surface of the skin caused by a sharp object
3.  Mission _____ / c)  A cloth shelter one can carry
4.  Tent _____ / d)  Ability to remain calm and focused; not be in a hurry
5.  Conversation ____ / e)  Having strong emotions about something or someone
6.  Scratch _____ / f)  Upset or bother someone
7.  Patience ______/ g)  Cause others to want to do something important
8.  Disturb ______/ h)  Taking risks
9.  Passionate ______/ i)  Very important assignment especially for political or religious reasons
10.  Inspire _____ / j)  To focus one’s life on one purpose

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Dare / Dare / Daring / daringly
Dedication / Dedicate / Dedicated
Conversation / Converse / Conversational / Conversationally
Patience / Patient / Patiently
Passion / Passionate / Passionately
Inspiration / Inspire / Inspired / Inspirationally

Vocabulary matching, Unit 4, Reading 2

1)  Remote _____ / a)  Far away from everything/everybody
2)  Loyal _____ / b)  Being certain of one’s abilities
3)  Optimistic _____ / c)  A group of interrelated people; groups of families
4)  Tribe ____ / d)  Believe something will happen as one thinks
5)  Expect _____ / e)  The chance to do/get something
6)  Brave ____ / f)  Seeing the positive side of things
7)  Honors ____ / g)  Always supporting someone/something
8)  Opportunity ____ / h)  Require someone to do something without any choice or by threatening to hard them
9)  Force _____ / i)  Courageous/facing danger with strength
10)  Confident _____ / j)  Recognition for one’s work/behavior

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Loyalty / Loyal / Loyally
Optimism / Optimistic / Optimistically
Tribe / Tribal
Expectation / Expect
Bravery / Brave / Bravely
Confidence / Confident / Confidently

Vocabulary matching Unit 5, Reading 1

1)  Border _____ / a.  The line that separates one country from another
2)  To suit something/someone _____ / b.  Move liquid in a circle with a spoon or other object
3)  Ingredient _____ / c.  Asking for food in a restaurant/the food you get in a restaurant
4)  Seasonings ____ / d.  Fit with one’s likes, a match between what you like and what is available
5)  Appeal to _____ / e.  The things that are used to make food
6)  Order _____ / f.  When one thing goes together with another thing
7)  Recommend _____ / g.  Individual food dishes
8)  Accompany _____ / h.  Suggest that someone do or try something
9)  Servings _____ / i.  Things that give food its taste, e.g., salt, pepper, etc.
10)  Stir _____ / j.  Try to attract someone to your way of thinking

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Border / border
suit / suitable
Seasoning / season
Recommendation / recommend

Vocab matching, Unit 5, Reading 2

1)  Pastry / a.  When one thing is clearly different from other things, people, etc.
2)  Substantial / b.  Desserts such as cake, doughnuts, etc.
3)  Inevitable / c.  Take something quickly
4)  To savor / d.  Of great importance or worth
5)  To skip / e.  Leave quickly/suddenly
6)  Item / f.  Not do something one usually does
7)  Grab / g.  To really enjoy the taste of something
8)  Rush off / h.  No doubt about what will happen
9)  Reflect / i.  To show or represent something as it is
10)  Distinct / j.  Something on a list
Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Substantial / Substantially
Inevitable / Inevitably
Item / Itemize
Reflection / Reflect
Distinction / Distinct / Distinctly

Vocabulary matching, Unit 6, Reading # 1

1)  Invisible ______/ a.  An object made for a specific purpose; usually electronic
2)  Dip in _____ / b.  Can’t be seen
3)  Reliable ______/ c.  Dependable; something or somebody you know will help you do something
4)  Substitute ______/ d.  Send something electronically or through the air
5)  Decode _____ / e.  Figure out a code (like a computer code)
6)  Transmit ______/ f.  Use one thing in place of another thing
7)  Undecipherable ______/ g.  Put an object slightly into a liquid (like ink for example)
8)  Crack a code ______/ h.  Language or code that can’t be figured out
9)  Intercept ______/ i.  Stop something from reaching its destination (place where it is going)
10)  Device ______/ j.  Successfully decode a difficult code

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
Invisibility / Invisible / Invisibly
Reliability / Rely / Reliable / Reliably
Substitution / Substitute
Transmission / Transmit
Cipher / decipher / (Un)decipherable
Interception / Intercept

Vocabulary matching, Unit 6, Reading # 2

1)  Universal ____ / a.  To appear unexpectedly, often in an unusual place
2)  To borrow ____ / b.  Something that is seen/known everywhere
3)  To threaten _____ / c.  To get rid of something, completely remove it
4)  Fines _____ / d.  No longer visible; gone from sight
5)  To eliminate _____ / e.  Something that will happen with 100% certainty
6)  Concern _____ / f.  To say or show you will hurt someone if they continue doing something you don’t like
7)  To disappear _____ / g.  Money paid for doing something wrong
8)  Inevitable ______/ h.  Keep something in its original condition
9)  To preserve ______/ i.  Worry; of interest or importance
10)  To pop up _____ / j.  Take something that must be returned

Word Forms

Noun / Verb / Adjective / Adverb
Universe / Universal / Universally
Threat / Threaten / (pa) threatened, threatening / threateningly
elimination / eliminate / (pa) eliminated
disappearance / disappear / (pa) disappearing, disappeared
Inevitability / Inevitable / Inevitably
preservation / preserve / (pa) preserved

Vocabulary matching, Unit 7, Reading # 1

1)  To be founded on _____ / a.  Information (data) organized on a computer
2)  To Confine _____ / b.  The condition in which an entire species of animals is dead
3)  To Conserve ______/ c.  to protect something (like the environment) from destruction
4)  Dignity _____ / d.  To walk back and forth
5)  To pace up and down _____ / e.  Knowledge or abilities that exist at birth; not learned
6)  Endangered species _____ / f.  To keep in one place not allowing it to leave
7)  Database ______/ g.  The condition of honor or respect
8)  Extinct ______/ h.  to change one’s behavior to fit the surrounding conditions
9)  Instinct _____ / i.  To be based on
10)  Adapt ______/ j.  Animals whose existence is in danger
Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
foundation / To found / foundational / foundationally
Confinement / To confine
Conservation / To Conserve
Dignity / Dignified
Extinction / Extinct
Adaptation / To Adapt / Adaptive / Adaptively

Vocabulary matching Unit 7, reading # 2

1)  To determine ____ / a.  To soak up, take into
2)  Resistant to _____ / b.  Plants that people don’t want growing someplace
3)  Pest ____ / c.  Not wanting something to happen, working against something to happen
4)  Nutritional value ____ / d.  To go over some limit
5)  To exceed _____ / e.  To figure out exactly based on some analysis
6)  Developing countries ______/ f.  Existing in small amounts; not easily available
7)  Scarce ______/ g.  The value of what is in food
8)  Weeds ______/ h.  Something that could be harmful
9)  To absorb _____ / i.  Insect that we don’t like
10)  Risks _____ / j.  Poor nations that are improving their situation
Noun / Verb / Adjective / adverb
determination / To determine
Resistance / Resistant
Nutrition / Nutritional / Nutritionally
excess / To exceed
Scarcity / Scarce
absorption / To absorb

Vocabulary matching, Unit 8, reading # 1

1)  Capital ____ / a.  Very smart, clever
2)  Fortune _____ / b.  Money earned when you let someone else borrow your money
3)  Loans _____ / c.  Money borrowed that has to be given back at some point
4)  Scolding _____ / d.  Money, property or things of value that are used to build a company
5)  Interest _____ / e.  Sudden laughing
6)  Receipt _____ / f.  A very large amount of money; great wealth
7)  A burst of laughter _____ / g.  A document that shows that you paid for something
8)  Collect _____ / h.  Gather something together in one place
9)  Shrewd ______/ i.  Criticize someone for bad behavior
10)  Solid ______/ j.  dense

Word Forms