Prevention and Health Promotion Administration

Michelle Spencer, MS, Director

Donna Gugel, MHS, Deputy Director

Ilise D. Marrazzo, RN, BSN, MPH, Director, Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Deborah B. McGruder, MPH, PMP, Director, Infectious Disease Bureau

Clifford S. Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH, Director, Environmental Health Bureau

Donald Shell, MD, MA, Director, Cancer and Chronic Disease Bureau


DATE: February 18, 2014 HO Memo #14-006

TO: Health Officers

Communicable Disease Directors

Communicable Disease Staff

Environmental Health Directors

Nursing Directors

TB Coordinators

FROM: Nancy G. Baruch, RN, MS, MBA

Chief, Center for TB Control and Prevention

Office of Infectious Disease Prevention and Care Services

THROUGH: Chris Aldridge, MSW

Assistant Director

Infectious Disease Bureau

Re: Center for TB Control and Prevention Annual Update

“TB Elimination: One Contact at a Time”

March 20, 2014

You are invited to attend the Prevention and Health Promotion Administration’s Center for TB Control and Prevention 2014 TB Annual Update Meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2014 from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This year’s update, “TB Elimination: One Contact at a Time” reflects the theme chosen by the Center for

Disease Control and Prevention for this year’s World TB Day. World TB Day is officially commemorated worldwide on March 24. The annual update will be held at the Ten Oaks Ballroom in Clarksville, Maryland. Topics will include review of the current epidemiology of TB in Maryland; findings and recommendations from the Maryland TB Expert Panel, design and application of new assessment tools, cohort reviews, contact investigation findings and analyses, new vs. old diagnostic tools, using genotyping and B-waiver data to enhance local program prevention and control efforts, contact investigations in correctional facilities, and the role of public health TB programs in the new health care environment.

Howard Community College is co-sponsoring this update and will be granting the college CEU’s for those who attend the entire day. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. This course is directed to health department staff involved with TB surveillance, prevention and control activities, and patient case management.

All registrations must be made on-line by March 7, 2014 at the following URL:

This will be a “green” conference. A confirmation email will be sent to all registered participants who will be provided a web link to access presentation slides.

Please contact Roxanne Farrar or call 443-518-4972 if you cannot attend the program after registering so adjustments can be made to the lunch count and prevent incurring additional cost.

We anticipate the day to be informative and enjoyable. We look forward to seeing you!


cc: S. Adams C. Aldridge D. Blythe

S. Cain D. Gugel R. Hayes-Cozier

L. Herrera I. Marrazzo D. McGruder

C. Mitchell D. Shell M. Spencer

R. Thompson

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