Archives: February 2004

Sat Feb 28, 2004

Please check if you have the same error

I'm using Mozilla 1.6 and the last posts on the main Juggernuts page seem to have disappeared (in fact, something appears, but not the whole post).
I'd like to know if it's a Mozilla specific error or it appears on other browsers, too.

Posted by: SzG on Feb 28, 04 | 8:23 am | Profile

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Klaato Barada Nikto, Updated Solo:

Klaatu Barada Nikto

New Solo and remix, try and give it another listen... Solo is substantially better I think. I have the song up on my music site now. It is 3/4 finished. I need to add the bass guitar, some more electric lead fills, another vocal track and a decent mix on the solo part. Other than that give it a listen!!! It's 2:20 long and rocks pretty hard.
The top song on the list HERE!
Here are the lyrics:
Helen Benson saved our ass
Klaatu barada nikto!
Saved the world when she told Gort:
Klaatu barada nikto!
Helen Benson saved our ass
Klaatu barada nikto!
Saved the world when she told Gort:
Klaatu barada nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu told us: “this earth of yours will be:
Reduced to a burn-out cinder.
Klaatu told us: “this earth of yours will be”
Reduced to a burn-out cinder.
Klaatu told us: “this earth of yours will be:
Reduced to a burn-out cinder.
Klaatu told us: “this earth of yours will be”
Reduced to a burn-out cinder.
Reduced to a burn-out cinder!
Reduced to a burn-out cinder!
Reduced to a burn-out cinder!
Reduced to a burn-out cinder!
A black and white morality tale
Still here for us to see…
Did it succeed or did it fail?
The Earth’s not yet debris!
Yeah Helen Benson saved our ass
Klaatu barada nikto!
She saved the world when she told Gort:
Klaatu barada nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Klaatu Barada Nikto!

Posted by: Yarbz on Feb 28, 04 | 8:10 am | Profile

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Fri Feb 27, 2004

Toy Stores

Look out guys, women are finding that men are not necessary. All they need to do is shop at the newest sexuality boutique.

Posted by: cj on Feb 27, 04 | 12:15 pm | Profile

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Teed off

Former Vice President Dan Quayle got pretty teed when playing golf.
The gaffe-prone ex-veep startled fellow golfers when he lost his temper on a putting green in Scotland, according to a caddy, and smashed a golf club deep into the green at Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland.
“He emerged … as if something had jagged his bottom,” caddy James Bowman told the BBC of Scotland. “He then proceeded to three-putt the green. His nostrils were flared in rage and, to everyone’s shock, he buried the shaft of his club into the green. It took me a long time afterwards to get it back.” Bowman said that Quayle’s outburst was overlooked because of his political status, saying, “Anyone else would have been banned.”

Posted by: cj on Feb 27, 04 | 12:09 pm | Profile

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Star Trek Species Check

This is something fun and right out of Star Trek.

Posted by: cj on Feb 27, 04 | 8:50 am | Profile

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Here is what I have to say to all of you!.

Posted by: cj on Feb 27, 04 | 8:17 am | Profile

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Stale Stern Story

Does anyone really give a rats patootie?
Apparently, Howard "The King of All Media" Stern will lose over $1 million as the result of his suspension from Clear Channel radio stations. Does anyone really care? If Coward Sperm is edited, what about the rest of us? Are blogs the next voice to be silenced? Doesn't the FCC know there is a dial on the radio that you can use to tune in something else iffin you don't want to listen to Coward Sperm? You can always turn it off as well.
What about the impact this has on free speech? How do Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson feel? Did they really blow up the "Bartman" ball? What do Mancow and Mark and Brian have to say about all this?
More importantly, what do you think?

Posted by: FloridaBill on Feb 27, 04 | 7:16 am | Profile

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Thu Feb 26, 2004


Missouri Supreme Court OKs concealed weapons
By Terry Ganey
Post-Dispatch Jefferson City Bureau Chief
JEFFERSON CITY -- The State Supreme Court ruled 5-2 Thursday that Missouri's concealed weapons law could go into effect, but left open the possibility that some counties could challenge the law later on the grounds that it did not provide enough money to county sheriffs for its implementation.
The court ruled that a St. Louis circuit judge was wrong when he ruled last fall that the law was not unconstitutional. And the court dissolved an injunction that prevented the law from going into effect.

Posted by: cj on Feb 26, 04 | 12:34 pm | Profile

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A beer left alone may cause more trouble than anyone can imagine.

Posted by: cj on Feb 26, 04 | 11:40 am | Profile

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Chinese Food

Here is a little something for all of you chinese food lovers. Enjoy

Posted by: cj on Feb 26, 04 | 7:58 am | Profile

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Yarbz Morning Photo Caption:

Shut Your Mouth!

Yarbz Caption: Members of the DNC and National School Board (NSB) take down a Christian who had simply said "God bless you" to a pedestrian while in a public place. The DNC and NSB have stated that they will not stand for such public Christianity. Shortly after this photo was taken, the two Religion Police took the man around the back of a nearby building where witnesses say they heard two shots.
Original Caption: Secret Service apprehend an unidentified man on the lawn of the White House after he jumped a fence and ran across the North Lawn at the White House on Wednesday Feb. 25, 2004. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Posted by: Yarbz on Feb 26, 04 | 6:56 am | Profile

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Yarbz Out of Office:

FYI: I will be out of the office this afternoon and tommorrow. I hope that you all will keep the site alive.

I will be in Oak Ridge Tennessee looking at allegedly defective products. WooHoo!!!

Posted by: Yarbz on Feb 26, 04 | 6:28 am | Profile

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Wed Feb 25, 2004

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Technology keeps track of how many bottles of beer are on the wall these days.

Posted by: cj on Feb 25, 04 | 3:39 pm | Profile

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You, don't bother planning anything after the year 2007...

From this site: HERE
So that is the evidence. In 2007 the Battle of Armageddon will take place, there will be nuclear war and Jesus will return. However, some of these interpretations of the text are fairly loose, so if in doubt read through them again and make your own mind up. Whether you believe in this or not is largely a matter of faith, and either way, we will know in 6 years.
I can't wait. The Earth blows and we all should die anyway. I need a beer.

Posted by: Yarbz on Feb 25, 04 | 2:58 pm | Profile

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What a bunch of crap!

More Persecution

From FoxNews
PORTLAND, Ore. — The Hispanic Club, the Chess Club and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance are just some of the clubs that have displays in the hallways of Portland schools.
But after the Bible Club at Marshall High School (search) put a Bible and some other Christian books in a display case, some teachers complained to the principal. After a call to the district's lawyer, the display was taken down.
District officials said they felt the display gave the impression that the school was endorsing Christianity.

Posted by: Yarbz on Feb 25, 04 | 2:58 pm | Profile

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My Ass!

My butt is like a magnet I suppose. When it's not sitting in food particles, wet chairs, or attracting men, it's off picking up stuff I didn't know I needed. Like the yellow sticky the lady in the hallway just told me I had glued to it. Geez.. stupid butt!

Posted by: cj on Feb 25, 04 | 2:38 pm | Profile

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Breaking News:

Breaking News:

Lorena Bobbitt's sister Louella was arrested yesterday for an alleged attempt to perform the same act on her husband as her famous sister had done several years ago. However, sources reveal the sister was not as accurate as Lorena.
She allegedly missed the target and stabbed her husband in the upper thigh causing severe muscle and tendon damage. The husband is reported to be in serious, but stable, condition and Louella has been charged with a... missedtheweener.

Posted by: Yarbz on Feb 25, 04 | 2:23 pm | Profile

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What a shithead.

Posted by: The Theorist on Feb 25, 04 | 2:00 pm | Profile

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Bitching Post - Today's Topic: Employee Rights

A friend of mine sent me the following that was sent to her and other co-workers today. Last week they were notified that urine testing will be started and once everyone is checked, then there will be random tests done. Today they not only want what you do after work they want to pry further into private lives of these people who have not received a raise in four years and are forced to take work home because it is all priority and they do not have enough employees to get the work done. The stress the work load places on them has caused their department to have the highest turnover rate in personnel of any other in the State. Read the new directive below. What do you think? Sure business has the right to monitor employees, but when does the line of power stop? If it continues when you are off the clock how can these employees have total freedom in their lives and not be considered controlled by big brother? Additionally, a warrant check doesn't reveal prior criminal history, but the memo notes that any prior arrest not reported will be dealt with. Sounds like a witch hunt to me.
The Department has recently started running wanted checks for outstanding warrants involving Department personnel. We will also start running routine driver's license checks to ensure that employees driving Department vehicles are properly licensed within the state.
The initial records checks have been focused on individuals with human resources access and will extend in the near future to employees with financial access. Following that process, all employees will be checked for outstanding warrants and valid driver's license.
It is important that we maintain very high standards for our employees and appropriately deal with individuals that have criminal justice issues that have not been resolved.
In the event that convictions are found that have never been reported, disciplinary action may be taken. In the case that a felony warrant is determined to be active for an employee of the Department, the appropriate law enforcement agency will be contacted immediately to take action. Lesser offenses will result in the chief administrative officer (CAO) investigating the circumstances of the warrant. After investigating the circumstances of the warrant; the CAO will contact the Division Director to determine the appropriate action depending on the nature of the warrant and any other additional factors.
Individuals determined not to have a valid driver's license will be notified so that appropriate action can be taken, but will not be allowed to operate any Department vehicles until steps have been taken to reinstate their driver's license.
I hope that this does not result in an inconvenience to you. The intent is to ensure that individuals within the Department have the necessary driver's license in place and do not have any outstanding criminal justice issues that may affect their employment with this Department.

Posted by: cj on Feb 25, 04 | 1:11 pm | Profile

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Lunch Time Entree

NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio (AP) - One visitor to Home Depot has been hunting for more than home improvement items.
A Cooper's hawk has been flying above the stocked shelves at a suburban Cleveland store for more than a week while feeding on pigeons that live in the rafters.
The brown bird's three-foot wing span casts a moving shadow across the concrete floor, causing customers and workers to duck and cock their heads toward the 25-foot ceiling.
The hawk entered the store through an open door while chasing a pigeon last Saturday. It caught its prey above the electrical aisle, worker Craig Warth said. Witnesses saw the hawk rip the pigeon apart and feed until nothing was left but feathers and claws.
"It wasn't a pretty sight," said Terry McGuire, assistant manager. "Some of the customers were upset. Some said it was the neatest thing they had ever seen."
Workers said about 15 pigeons were living in the store, but since the hawk arrived, few are left. Cooper's hawks are a protected species, so the bird can't be harmed or killed.
Local wildlife experts say the hawk will likely leave when the pigeons are gone