The Sunday Class 4th September 2011

Provisional crib


1- 8 1s followed by 2s cast on own sides below 3s, meet & lead up to top, 1s cast & face 1st corners while 2s end at top

9-16 1s dance round 1st corners (RSh), pass LSh in centre, dance round 3rd corner RSh, pass partner LSh to face 2nd corners

17-24 1s repeat above Fig round 2nd corners & 4th corners to end BtoB facing corners

25-32 1M with 2L+3L also 1L with 2M+3M circle 3H round to left, dance ½ Double Triangles & turn (about) to end in 2nd places

THE GLOBE INN (J8x32) Jackie Johnstone

1- 4 1s & 3s ¾ turn RH & set to partner

5-16 1s+2s+3s Dance to each 'Corner' & Set (diamond shaped square with corners on sides & ends) : -

2s set while 1s & 3s change places with partners passing RSh & 1L+3M pass RSh face side 'corners',

1M & 3L set while 1L+2M also 3M+2L change places passing RSh & 2s pass RSh to face end 'corners',

1L & 3M set while 1M+2L also 2M+3L change places passing RSh & 1L+3M pass RSh to face side corners (partners),

1s & 3s change places with partners passing RSh & 1L+3M pass RSh to face end ' corners',

1M & 3L set on sides while 2L+3M also 1L+2M change places passing RSh & 2s pass RSh to face side 'corners',

2L+1M also 2M+3L change places passing RSh & 1M+3L pass RSh to face partners (2s in places opposite sides & 3s+1s in centre)

17-24 1s+3s dance ½ reel of 4 up/down centre, 1s+2s+3s set & turn partners LH to end 1s+2s in centre for Poussette & 3s in own places

25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette 2 1 3

BARBARA’S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) Sue McKinnell RSCDS Book 46

1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 (1M up round 2s, 1L down round 3s)

9-16 2s+1s+3s set & 1s cross passing RSh, 2M+1M also 1L+3L turn RH 1½ times on sides

17-20 1s+2s+3s dance 3 couple Bourrel: -

`1M+3L also 2M+1L set advancing & ¾ turn 2H into line up/down middle then ½ turn single to face own partners as 3M & 2L chase anticlockwise to face them

21-24 All set & turn 2H to own sides 3 1 2

25-32 All chase clockwise ½ way, all ½ turn partners RH & twirl to places 2 1 3

SCOTLAND'S GARDENS (R8x32) Roy Goldring

1- 8 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides

9-16 1s turn 2s RH on sides 1½ times, 1M casts up on own side followed by partner & dances down centre to pick up 3s as 1L picks up 2s

17-24 1s with 2s & 3s dance down the middle & back to top with 1L+2s turning to face down

25-32 2s+1s+3s set, 1s petronella turn to opposite sides, set & 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides

Teacher’s Choice

THE SALTIRE MEDLEY (M-S48+R48) Derek Haynes Carnforth Collection 4

Sq.Set with 4 Ladies at corners and 2 Men BtoB in centre facing up and down


1- 8 Men turn 1st corners RH, pass RSh, turn 3rd corner LH and pass RSh to face own 2nd corner

9-16 Men turn 2nd corners RH, pass RSh, turn 4th corner LH and dance LSh round each other to face 3rd corners (Hazel Tree Corners)

17-24 Men change places RH with 3rd corners, 3rd corners turn LH in centre and return to places giving RH to Men who turn LH in centre to face 4th corners

25-32 Men repeat with 4th corners and end facing 1st corners (Corner Chain)

33-40 Men ½ diagonal Reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh and dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners

41-48 Men ½ diagonal Reel with 3rd corners then with 4th corners and end facing 1st corners (Mairi's Wedding reels)


1-32 As Bars 1-32 above

33-48 Ladies dance double diagonal reels of 4 twice (giving LH in centre) as Men dance ½ reels with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th corners and passing LSh in centre

Interval – Tea and cakes!


1- 8 1s ½ turn RH into centre to Balance-in-Line across with 2s, ½ turn 2s into centre LH & Balance-in-Line

9-16 1s ½ turn 2s LH & again Balance-in-Line across, 1s turn RH & to places

17-24 1s lead down the middle & back

25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette

LAURAINE’S DELIGHT (R3x48) John Brenchley Kangaroo Paw

1- 8 2s ½ turn RH twirl & dance out, 2s dance clockwise to ends & dance in (up/down) while 1s & 3s ½ turn RH twirl & dance out

9-16 2s turn LH 1½ times while 2s & 3s dance clockwise ½ way, 2s dance RH across (2M with 3s at top, 2L with 1s) to end facing 3rd corner (position)

17-24 2s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corners & end passing LSh to face 2nd corner (position)

25-32 2s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners & ending 2nd place own sides 3 2 1

33-40 3s+2s ½ turn partners RH & dance RH across ½ way, 3s+1s ½ turn partners RH & dance RH across ½ way 2 1 3

41-48 All set & cross RH, all chase clockwise ½ way 3 1 2

SUMMER SUNDAY STRATHSPEY (S4x32) Sq. set Amanda Peart

1- 8 All set, advance and individually pivot to right, dance on one place (¼ anti-clockwise), petronella turn out to sides

9-16 Interlocking R&Ls:

2s face 4s (new end couples) whilst 1s & 3s (on sides) face partner and all dance standard R&Ls within those couples and finish facing corners

17-24 All set, turn corners 2H (once or twice in 4 bars), all set, joining hands in circle

25-32 All circle 8H round & back

JENNIFER'S REEL (J8x32) Heinz Duewell SCD Archives

1-12 1s set, cast 1 place into centre & dance reflection reels of on own sides (1s between 3s to start)

13-16 1s set (2nd place), Lady casts up & Man down 1 place (2L steps down & 3M up)

17-24 1s cross RH with opposite person, change LH on side with 2L/3M & dance ½ Diag R&L

25-32 1s dance LSh round 1st corner positions to 2nd place opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH to own sides

THE SOUND OF HARRIS (R3x48) John Drewry Canadian Book

1- 8 1s set, cross down RH into Double Triangle position & all set, 1s turn 1st corners RH to form lines across 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s

9-16 All set & change places RH with opposite dancer, set & cross back RH, 1s turning to face up in centre (one behind the other) & 2s+3s facing down on sides

17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Tandem reel of 3 across (1M+1L, 3L+2L & 3M+2M each pair dancing as 1 person), 1s end in centre 1M giving LH to 2M+3M & 1L RH to 2L+3L

25-32 Men dance LH across & Ladies RH across once round, continue but change places with partner when passing thru centre (as Alison Rose)

33-40 1s followed by 3s+2s dance up, cross & cast to 2 3 1 & all turn partners RH

41-48 All circle 6H round & back

THE MORRISON MEASURE (R5x32) Roy Goldring Reel for Alice

1- 8 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides

9-16 1L followed by partner casts to 3rd place (2s+3s up) and cross to opposite side, 3s+1s dance RH across

17-24 1s dance LSh reels of 3 on opposite sides with 4s+5s

25-32 1L followed by partner casts to bottom and cross to own side, 5s+1s dance LH across