Lisa Rouse

Angela Bellman Lesson Plans: April 13 - 17

BELL RINGER ( all week)
First four in get on IReady Math or ST Math, the rest of the students
Computer Lab Schedule
8:00-8:30 IReady Math/ST Math
9:00-9:30-Iready Math/ST Math
Lesson / 2.G.A.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces. Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
Anticipatory Set – Material – White Board – Promeathian Planet – Geometry 2D Shapes. TSW answer ten questions from the Power Point about different shapes on their dry erase boards. All groups with 100% with win a reward of one clip up!
Iready Math Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Classifying Plane Shapes by Attributes
BrainPop, Jr. – Plane Shapes
We will be covering the following pages in the Math Ready Common Core Book Lesson 26.
Mon. – pgs. 224 - 225 – TSW identify circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles from a set of shapes. Hands on - TSW go on a shape hunt around the room, locate objects in the room that fit each of the labels (the shapes), and then place on the chart paper at the front of the room.
Tues. - pgs. 226 - 227 – TSW examine pictures of real objects and name the shape based on attributes. TSW sketch each shape according to their attributes. TTW look for error alerts; such as, shapes that are not closed.
Wed. – pgs. 228 - 229 – TSW explore ways to compose a hexagon from trapezoids and triangles. TSW have shape manipulatives to use on their desk for a visual and hands on. TSW explore ways to cover a hexagon and a new shape.
Thurs. – pgs. 230 - 231 – TSW use attribute and logical reasoning to answer questions about polygons. TSW shoulder pair while working the guided practice. TTW circulate between each group to assist where needed.
Pgs. 232 – 233 – TSW work independently to complete the Common Core Practice. After completion, TSW solve the problems on the board and explain to their classmates.
Fri. – Chapter Test on Recognize and Draw Shapes
Center 1 / Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center. Teacher drives DI based on class work, tests, I-ready reports, and ST math. As each group comes to the teacher center, work will be there based off the different skills levels need to learn at their pace. Also, any skill not mastered the week prior will be re-taught.
Center 2 / TSW complete a Shape Match up. TSW complete I Spy Shapes in the Classroom – they will have to locate items in the classroom that are in the six different shapes. TSW draw the item and name the items.
Center 3 / Computer center- I-ready Math/ST MATH.
Center 4 / TSW complete the Shape Book. They will circulate through out the classroom and locate items that match the names on the pages. They will draw, label and list the attributes of each shape.
Center 5 / TSW complete a Geometry Vocabulary Match worksheets from Ready Center Activity. The first is matching the shapes to attributes listed. After completing, there will be two games they will play out of Ready Center Activity. They will work in pairs, using dice, markers, and game board. The first game is for students on level. The second game is more challenging for those students on a higher level games. Attributes will still match, but the shapes will be different.
Extras / TSW have a matching game to play – one card will have the shape on it and the matching card has the attributes.
Assessments / TTW circulate throughout the lesson to check, praise or correct student’s work. TSW answer in group form to interactive questions via – white boards, yes/no signs, agree/disagree signs.
Chapter test given on Friday
Homework / Homework is given each week on Monday and turned in on Friday.
Vocabulary / Side – a straight line or segment that is part of a shape.
Angle – the place where two straight lines and segments of a shape meet.
Essential Question / How do I identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons based on the number of sides and angles they have?
How do I distinguish between shapes based on their attributes?
How do I form one shape from other shapes?
How do I draw a shape based on specific attributes?
I Can / I can identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons based on the number of sides and angles they have.
I can distinguish between shapes based on their attributes.
I can form one shape from other shapes.
I can draw a shape based on specific attributes.
Boost / The following students attend Boost at 2pm till 2:30 pm – Aalinah, Adrian, Janiyah, Trevon, and LaSamuel
Mr. Redmond / The following students work with Mr. Redmond four days a week and complete their testing with him: LaSamuel, O’reuna, Trevon, and Deshamus.

Lisa Rouse

Angela Bellman Lesson Plans: April 13-17, 2015

BELL RINGER -( all week)
TSW complete ask and answer questions about author’s purpose
Computer Lab Schedule
9:40-10:30-Iready Language Arts
1:15-2:00-Iready Language Arts
Objectives / RI.2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use
facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement
or section.
L.2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking.
RF.2.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
RF.2.3a Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one syllable words.
We will be revisiting the following pages in the Reading Ready Common Core book.
Theme of the lesson: Weather
The teacher will open the lesson using page 35 “Tap Student’s Prior Knowledge” resource section in the teacher Ready Common Core book. TTW explain to students that they will be working on technical procedures. TTW explain that technical procedures are a set of directions they must follow in order to complete a task. TTW then share with the class a set of directions and ask “What do these directions ask you to do?” Then, TTW guide the students in understanding steps in a technical procedure and sequence of steps.
Monday-TSW revisit page 35-36 in the RCC Reading book discussing how to make a weather wall. TSW then begin starting their c lass weather wall.
Tuesday-TSW revisit pages 37 in their RCC Reading book discussing the directions to “Make Your Own Rain.” TTW then make their own rain by following the directions.
Wednesday- TSW revisit page 38 in the RCC Reading book and look at the technical procedures for “Which Way Does the Wind Blow” TTW then walk the students through making a wind sock.
Thursday-TTW revisit page 40-43. TTW discuss the passage on “How to Make a Rainbow” and allow the students to make a rainbow with help from the teacher.
Friday-TSW complete a set of technical procedures by cooking in the life center. TSW will follow the steps by a writing assignment.
Center 1 / Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center. Teacher drives DI based on class work, tests, I-ready reports, ect. TTW have students working on various skills needed based on collaboration with BOOST teacher and I-ready Reports.
Center 2 / Skill Center:
Monday-Friday TSW complete various activities on following technical procedures.
Center 3 / Computer: I-ready reading/la
Center 4 / Language Center: This week’s center work for language will come from the skill of demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking. TSW complete various sheets and activities on writing complete sentences, capitalizations, and correct punctuation when writing. TSW also revisit project read phonics skills for decoding regularly spelled one syllable words. / Promethean, graph paper “Ways We Go To School”, scissors, glue
Center 5 / This week’s writing center will consist of students completing writing passage on technical procedures. TSW work on various assignments all week explaining how they completed their scientific procedures.
Assessments / This week’s summative assessments will come from the daily center work. Also, TTW walk around and monitor group discussions on the various passages read. TTW distribute exit slips at the beginning of the week that the students are to complete each day. TSW complete the reading unit RCC test this week. / Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center. Teacher drives DI based on class work, tests, I-ready reports, ect
Math/SS/Science integration: / INQUIRY 1. Understand how to plan and carry out a simple scientific investigation. a. Demonstrate an understanding of a simple investigation by asking appropriate questions about objects, organisms, and events. (DOK 2)
a. Demonstrate an understanding of a simple investigation by asking appropriate questions about objects, organisms, and events. (DOK 2) b. Compare, sort, and group objects according to their attributes. (DOK 2) c. Use simple tools (e.g., rulers, scales, hand lenses, thermometers, microscopes) to gather information. (DOK 1) Length, using nonstandard units (e.g., paper clips, Unifix cubes, etc.) and standard units (inches, centimeters) Weight, using a balance scale with and without nonstandard units Capacity, using nonstandard units d. Match a simple problem to a technological solution related to the problem (e.g., dull pencil – sharpener, bright light – sunglasses, hot room – fan, cold head – hat, heavy baby – stroller). (DOK 1) e. Use diagrams and written and oral expression to describe ideas or data. (DOK 2) f. Predict the results of an investigation if it is repeated. (DOK 2)
*****This will be an ongoing science unit. TSW start with the investigation process when dealing with creating their weather wall, and continue it through the week with passages that involve both technical procedures and science. / Compare and contrast the effects of location, weather, and physical environment on the way people live (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, transportation, recreation). (DOK 2)
Homework / Homework and spelling words are given to students on Monday in which work comes from the RCC book. They must complete it by Friday. / Exit slips, discussion, interactive math journal.
Formal test on Friday.
Vocabulary / Investigation, procedures / Homework is given each week on Monday, and turned in on Friday.
Essential Question / What is the purpose of a technical procedure? What are a set of directions? How are steps in a technical procedure connected?
I can statements / I can follow technical steps in a procedure to get the outcome I want.
Focus Questions / Monday-What is a procedure?
Tuesday-What different types of things make you follow directions?
Wednesday-When would following directions be helpful?
Thursday-How are directions and steps connected?
Friday-Create your own set of directions for a simple procedure.
Technology integration / Throughout the week, the teacher will show many videos, images of recipes, and other teaching tools to incorporate technical steps in procedures.
Links for Lesson
Differentiation / The low support students will be assigned to create a craft project, such as a paper airplane, paper bag puppet, or origami item.