Señora Rigby’s Grading Policy

In this class you will be expected to work diligently. There will be plenty of grades to fairly assess your progress in Spanish class. If for whatever reason you feel that something may have been inaccurately graded, please see me for confirmation. The following is a brief description of my grading policy…

Vocabulary quizzes – Each vocab quiz will be worth approximately 20-30 points. Depending upon the range of vocabulary introduced, the value of a vocab quiz may be more or less. They will vary from matching, fill in the blank, sentence writing and translating as well as what I deem fair. It is imperative that you not only recognize words, but can also apply them in context.

Regular quizzes – Regular lesson quizzes generally follow the same format as vocabulary quizzes. Usually they are announced with 2 days notice, but occasionally students can expect a “pop” quiz.

Chapter/Topic tests – Chapter/Topic tests are worth approximately 30-50 points. They assess students’ knowledge of the material covered in one chapter of text or a topic that much time was spent covering. Chapter tests have many different parts to them. Fill in the blank, multiple choice, listening and writing are just some examples of what may be covered on them.

Listening Assessments – Listening assessments are given at the end of each chapter. They will prepare you for the listening portions of the quarterly/9 week assessments as well as for the final exam. Their point values vary.

Projects – There may be a few major projects assigned each year. The reason for projects is for the students to independently work on various topics discussed in class. Their value ranges from 75–100 points each. Guidelines are given and when necessary, students may see me after school for further guidance and/or explanation. They are also presented to the class in Spanish.

Homework – In my Spanish classes, all students begin each marking period with 100 points for their homework grade. It is the responsibility of the student to keep those 100 points. Homework is checked everyday and if it is not totally 100% complete, the student will lose 10 points from their original 100 points. The lost points cannot be made-up. In extenuating circumstances (prolonged illness, death in the family, etc.), of course, this policy may have to be altered. If a student completes every homework assignment on time he or she is guaranteed a D for the marking period. If a student is on a field trip all work is expected to be handed in as scheduled. Students can check

Class Participation – Students can earn up to 50 points in class participation. The amount of class participation that you earn is based on the number of “pegatinas” (stamps) that you acquire in a marking period. It is your responsibility to keep track of your calendar and not lose it. If it becomes lost, you will have lost all of your pegatinas. A new calendar can be given to you, but not your old “pegatinas.”

Extra-credit – There will be no extra-credit assignments available for individual students. If extra-credit is made available, it is made available to all students in the class. There may be an extra-credit question on a quiz or test.

Cheating/Plagiarism – Any student caught cheating on a quiz, test, homework, or any assignment will receive a zero (0) as the grade. In addition, you will be written up. Your parents and guidance counselor will be called.

Name/Date – If a student forgets to put his or her name on an assignment, five (5) points will be deducted from the grade of that assignment. This applies to all students. However, if students write the date in Spanish on their quizzes/tests/handed-in work, they will receive 2 extra points.

Quarterly Assessments–At the end of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd marking periods, a quarterly assessment (QA) will be given. The grade earned on these assessments will be averaged with the other grades from the marking period.

Final Exam – All students are expected to complete the final exam. The exam consists of three separate components: Scantron (multiple choice), writing and speaking. The written and spoken parts will be done in class prior to the scheduled exam day. It is at the discretion of your teacher to inform you of the topics for writing and speaking. He/She is not obliged to do so.

Make-up Work – In the event of an absence on the day of a quiz/test, the student will have one week to make up said quiz/test. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for this. If the quiz/test is not made up within one week’s time, a zero (0) will be given as the grade.

Handing in work – If a student hands in a quiz, test, activity, etc. in something other than blue or black ink or pencil, 2 points will be deducted from the assignment (unless it is a creative project in which case, other colors would be acceptable).


Parent SignatureStudent Signature

Updated on August 21, 2012
