Elected Members / Officers / Elected Members and OfficersDate / Seminar, Event or Knowledge Shot
10/09/12 / Business Rates Retention
The Government is reforming the local government finance system to introduce local business rates retention from April 2013. This event, organised with CLG, will provide an opportunity to understand the detail of the changes, the impacts upon local government and to input into the consultation on the details of implementing the reforms.
This event is targeted at Chief Executives, Finance Directors and Deputy Finance Directors.
11/09/12 * / Community Budgets
The Local Government Association, in partnership with West Midlands
Councils, is delivering a regional event to explain Community budgeting, most
particularly at the neighbourhood level, to ward councillors and to explore the
implications for and benefits to them as community leaders and facilitators.
The event will include sessions on:
· What Community Budgeting is
· How it works in practice
· What the role of the ward councillor is and could be
· Finding other sources of funding to support community initiatives
12/09/12 / New Councillor Event
This event is aimed at new elected members and will introduce the role of the National LGA and West Midlands Councils and provide a choice of introductory sessions on ‘housing’, ‘health & wellbeing’, ‘community safety, police & crime’ and ‘planning’.
13/09/12 / Saving Lives, Saving Money
A timely, bespoke seminar from the Road Safety Foundation which will consider the role of councils and councillors in relation to road safety and introduce a booklet for elected members on promoting road safety, particularly infrastructure safety, in the period to 2020.
13/09/12* / Reuniting Health with Planning
WMC and the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) are delivering this event which will enable participants to understand the changes to both the health and planning systems and the opportunities which this presents to embed public health in planning. The TCPA have produced an insightful report entitled ‘reuniting health with planning – healthier homes, healthier communities’ which will be introduced at the event. The report will be a valuable tool for Health and Wellbeing Boards.
14/09/12* / Employment Law Update
WMC is working with the LGA to deliver this event which is aimed at senior HR and Legal professionals in the public sector. Employment Lawyer Darren Newman will lead a discussion on the latest employment law developments; drawing on case law analysis to help set out the implications for local government and other public sector organisations.
24/09/12 / Leaner, Cleaner, Greener – Delivering Low Carbon Planning
A knowledge shot which will enable elected members, particularly those involved in Planning Committees, to get to grips with the energy reduction and low carbon agendas. As a result members should feel better equipped to assess planning applications for their low-carbon credentials.
10/10/12 * / Health and Wellbeing Boards Simulation Event (By Invitation Only)
Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) are vital to the better integration of public health, social care and the wider NHS. However, they face the challenge of complex change in a time of severe austerity, and rising demand for services against a background of increased health inequalities in local communities.
This simulation event will provide an opportunity for HWB members to explore these challenges, and understand the inherent complexities and conflicts of interest within their roles, within a safe and developmental space.
Early November. Date TBC / Preparing for Local Plan Enquiry with Planning Inspectorate and Planning Advisory Service (By Invitation Only)
A tailored session for local authority officers preparing for their local plan enquiries with expert input from the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and the Planning Advisory Service (PAS).
In development / date to be confirmed
Police and Crime Panels
Asset Based Approaches and Outcomes Based Commissioning
DWP – Universal Benefits
Planning and Housing Masterclass
Migration Events
Consultation Events on the new West Midlands Socio Economic Framework
Health Scrutiny
Understanding your Economy / Regionalisation of Pay(very early stages of development)
The Barnet Graph of Doom(very early stages of development)
For further information on any of these events please email: Telephone: 0121 678 1017.
All to be held at the Partnership Centre except those marked *