Frequently Asked Questions
Will myboat pass through the bridge?
Most bridges have a gauge board which give you the definite current clearance available. Below you can see a pictureof a gauge board. Where the water lines up with a measurement will giveyou the clearance currently available at any given time. e.g. in the picture the water lines up with 9'9" and so this would be the clearance available. You still need to take account of other issues, including state of the tide, the shape of bridge (arch bridges can mean more clearance required for wider boats) and competency and experience of the person at the helm.
Most bridges also have advance gauge boards in place so you can see the available clearance before reaching a bridge in order to plan your timings ahead of your arrival.The 'air draught' of yourboat is the height of your boat from the waterline to the highest part of the boat.
Myboat will not clear the bridge so how do I get the bridge to open?
A single red flag indicates the bridge isworking and in service.
Two red flags indicate it is not working and it is not in service.
Here you can see Reedham Swing Bridgeflyingone red flag to show it is working and in service.
You will also need to take note ofany bridge keeper’s signboards. The 'bridge will open' board relates only to the waiting time.This is a fixed sign and will not be withdrawn even when the bridge goes 'off service'.
The signal requiring the bridge to open is three prolonged blasts on the horn or whistle.
Most bridges monitor VHF Channel 12, but during urgent or emergency matters relating to the rail network, the radio will not be answered.
If you have any problems you can contact Broads Authority River Control on 01603 756056.
Myboatmight notclear the bridge if I don't lower my screen, etc, but I'd rather leave the boat as it is.Will the bridge still open?
The bridge willONLY open for craft clearly unable to pass under.
What should I do whilst waiting for the bridge to open?
Power drivenboats navigating against the current or tidal flow should ease speed or stop when approaching a bridge to allowboats navigating with the current or tidal flow to have right of way.
Whilst waiting for the bridge to open, keep well clear.Tides can run very strongly, especially at Reedham, Somerleyton and on Breydon Water.
Dobridges have scheduled opening times?
Trowse Swing Bridge has scheduledtimes. Reedham Swing Bridge has no scheduledtimes, but it is usually closed from quarter to the hour until quarter past the hourto allowtrains to cross. Other bridges do not have scheduledtimes.
A train crossed over the bridge10 minutes ago but the bridge has still not opened, why?
The bridge operator has to wait for a safety clearance signal from operators further down the line before opening the bridge.
There may be another train due.
There may be an emergency and this takes priority over opening the bridge.
When I see the bridge open should I hurry through?
No.You should never ‘race’ for a bridge.Do consider moored boats and monitor your boat wash and keep to the speed limits