OneontaCitySchool District
Board of Education
March 24, 2010
Location:RiversideElementary School – Cafeteria
Time:7:00 p.m.
- Opening
- Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Resolved, to adopt the agenda as presented.Action Item
D. Resolved, to accept the minutes of the Action Item
March 10, 2010 Board of Education meeting
as presented.
- Communications
- Opportunity to Address the Board
III. Personnel
- Approval of Personnel Memorandum 2010-05 Action Item
- Non-Certificated
Resolved, that the reading of the Non-Certificated
Personnel Memorandum #2010-05 be waived and
that the action items dated March 24, 2010 be
approved as recommended by the Superintendent
of Schools.
- Teaching and Administrative Action Item
Resolved, that the reading of the Teaching and
Administrative Personnel Memorandum #2010-05
be waived and that the action items dated
March 24, 2010 be approved as recommended by
the Superintendent of Schools.
Page 1.
- New Business
A. Superintendent’s Report
1. Resolved, to approve the 2010-2011 schoolAction Item
calendar as presented.
2. Resolved, to approve a field trip to Ellis IslandAction Item
and the Statue of Liberty for the 4th grade
students at CenterStreetSchool on June 16, 2010.
All expenses paid by the students.
3. Energy Education Award presented by Information Item
Lonnie Palmer, Energy Education, Inc.
B. Business Manager’s Report
1. Resolved, that the reading of Financial Action Item
Memorandum #2010-05 dated March 24, 2010
be waived and that the financial action items be
approved as recommended by the Superintendent
of Schools.
2. Resolved, to approve as presented a resolutionAction Item
authorizing the purchase of two 2011 66-passenger
diesel buses and for the CitySchool District of the
City of Oneonta, Otsego County, NewYork ,
to replace two 2000 66-passenger diesel buses,
at a maximum estimated cost of $199,295 and
authorizing the issuance of $199,295 bonds of
said School District to pay part of the cost thereof.
(Roll call required, affirmative vote of not less than
three-fifths of the total.)
3. 2010-2011 Budget Information Information Item
- Opportunity to Address the Board
- Roundtable
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
Page 2.