BAND: This course is open to all students who enjoy music and would like to perform in the TJMS band. Students of all levels are welcome to join. Students with no prior band experience should first obtain approval from the middle school band director. At this level, band provides students the opportunity to read and understand more complex and challenging music notation, including notes, symbols, and terms, as well as a chance to develop a greater proficiency on their musical instrument. Students will have the opportunity to perform in band concerts, as well as solo, ensemble, and large group competitions. Any student who elects band is also strongly encouraged to participate in Band Club on Thursday afternoons for full ensemble rehearsals that correspond to lessons in class.
STRINGS / ORCHESTRA: This course is open to all students who have prior experience in with a stringed instrument – violin, viola, cello or bass. A wide variety of materials suitable for string orchestra and ensemble will be studied. Concerts, assemblies and outside performances are features of this program. Orchestra meets after school once a week and before school when needed.Students who have no previous orchestral experience must meet with Mrs. Pasquarelli to discuss class requirements and expectations.
CHORUS: This course explores areas of music from medieval times to today's top music. Students will learn proper singing technique and performance practices to make each student a better singer, both individually and with a group. In this class, students have the opportunity to learn and understand musical notes, symbols and terms, which will help students become stronger musicians and leaders. Students will also participate in a choral ensemble that travels for performances and participates in competitions, including a Six Flags trip at the end of the year!
VISUAL ARTS: This course features instruction through a discipline-based approach with a focus on understanding and appreciating art. Each area of study incorporates specific goals, objectives and structured learning activities that develop and expand a student’s knowledge of art. Ceramics, painting and drawing, sculpture and art history will be part of this course.
TECHNOLOGY: This course incorporates hands on learning using tools and materials as well as the computer. Various software applications and online programs are used as tool for creation. Some of the units include, typing tutorials, online research skills, Google applications and computer programming. Some of the projects consist of: Lego robotics, mousetrap vehicles, bridges, electronic devices and rockets.