COURSE TITLE: 9th Literature/Composition DEPARTMENT: Special Education
10th Word Literature
INSTRUCTOR: A. Burzynski E-Mail:
Conference: Period 7 (2:10 – 3:00pm); best time to see me: 2:10 – 5:00pm
Telephone No.: (626) 441-5820, Ext. 2416 (phone does not ring in room until after 3:00pm)
Best time to contact me: 2:10 – 5:00pm daily
Length of Course: 2 semesters each Course Grade Level: 9 and 10
Type of Course: Required Number of Credits: 5 per semester
Placement: Through IEP and/or Department of Special Education
Understanding the beliefs, norms, and practices of multiple cultures is critical to our young adults' realizing their place in the world, both locally and globally. As they learn to read, derive meaning, analyze, synthesize, and communicate about world-renowned literature and informational text, our students also learn to “show respect for others,” “demonstrate integrity,” “contribute to the community,” “solve problems,” and “apply knowledge” (SPHS Expected School-wide Learning Results) in a myriad of ways. Through this 9th/10th Literature and Composition course, our students are exposed to a new world of adventure, intrigue, social dilemma, and possibility as they continue to develop their skills in reading and writing.
Over the past few years, California, and South Pasadena High School, had been in transition. Wanting to improve students' academic outcome, SPHS has now implemented the California Common Core. This approach encompasses a shift from strictly skills-based learning, to more critical thinking, more problem solving, more application of skills, and more technology integration. In your student's work, be sure to look for:
· emphasis on both literary and informational text
· analysis of and communicating about theme/central ideas, character development, series of events/instructions, plot development, and language usage
· broadening research as evidence and support for claims
· integration of multiple sources for learning and writing – text, internet, film, theater, lectures, demonstrations
Major Units of Study (Addresses major components of the CCCS 9/10 ELA Standards for Reading, Writing, Written & Oral
English Language Conventions, and for Listening & Speaking)
· Literary elements, emphasis on characters, setting, time, plot, and theme
· Short story – American and world literature
· Novel – comprehensive study of a variety of authors and styles
· Modern drama and Shakespeare
· Poetry – construction, analysis, poetic devices such as rhythm and rhyme
· Nonfiction – expository writing as literature
· Composition – 5-paragraph essay; autobiographical narrative, literary analysis, compare and contrast, persuasive, expository
· Grammar – emphasis on grammar for sophisticated written expression (compound/complex sentences)
· Vocabulary development
COURSE TITLE: 9th Literature/Composition DEPARTMENT: Special Education
10th Word Literature
INSTRUCTOR: A. Burzynski Page 2 of 2
Course Expectations:
· Be prepared for class; bring all necessary school materials.
· Regular attendance, classroom participation, classwork.
§ Classroom participation and engagement are extremely important for learning executive functioning skills taught in class and for demonstrating developing critical thinking skills.
· Frequent assessment of major units of study.
· Group and individual projects; oral reports.
· Homework: nightly reading; worksheets 1-2 times/week, to be done completely, and on time
§ Homework is posted daily onto the SPHS website. It is posted by due date.
· Make-up/late work is accepted within two weeks following assignment due date (no penalty for excused absences; points penalty for missed due dates and/or unexcused absences)
Online Gradebook: I update my gradebook at least once per week – more often as time permits. Points for each assignment will appear next to the assignment, if that assignment has been completed and turned in. An orange box will appear if the assignment has been graded, but the student has not completed or turned it in. A blank space means that assignment has not yet been graded and entered into the gradebook.
Grading Policy: Students earn points for each activity. Points are added at the end of each 5-week period.
Grades are assigned as a percentage of points earned from total points possible.
· Grades/assignment points are posted onto the SPHS Aeries Browser website.
Distribution: Grades Assigned:
Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 40% 90 – 100% = A 60 - 69.9% = D
Classwork/Participation: 20% 80 - 89.9% = B 59.9% = F
Homework: 25% 70 - 79.9% = C
Final Exam 15%
Student reviewed this Course Syllabus with parent/guardian:
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)