Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Adderbury Parish Council held at Church House, Adderbury on 22 June 2004.
PRESENT: Mr Higham (retiring Vice-Chairman), Mrs Bratt (Chairman), Mr Harper (Vice-Chairman), Messrs Atkinson, Harris, Mitchell, Thomas and Verdon, Mrs Lyons and Mrs Woodward
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Norton (Clerk)
APOLOGIES for late arrival were received from Mrs Bratt, Mr Thomas and Mr Verdon, and for early departure from Mr Harris.
On arrival each Member signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
04/089. / ELECTION OF CHAIRMANIt was proposed by Mr Mitchell, seconded by Mr Harper and unanimously carried that Mrs Bratt be re-elected as Chairman.
It was proposed by Mrs Woodward, seconded by Mr Atkinson and unanimously carried that Mr Harper be elected as Vice-Chairman.
In the absence of the Chairman, Mr Harper took the chair and Mr Higham retired from the meeting.
There having been insufficient nominations received at the recent elections, it was agreed to fill the two vacancies by co-option. Applications will be invited for consideration at the August meeting.
Mrs Lyons agreed to replace Mr Verdon as Council representative on FOCAL; Mr Harris agreed to represent the Council on the Cherwell DC Planning Control User Panel; Mr Thomas will be asked to join the Community Centre Committee; Mr Atkinson and Mrs Lyons agreed to join the Planning Sub-Committee; and Mr Atkinson and Mr Harper agreed to join the Traffic Calming Sub-Committee. It was agreed to disband the Newsletter Editorial Committee and the Post Office Working Group. All other Council representatives and sub-committees were re-appointed as existing (list appended to minutes). Mr Atkinson requested to be replaced as Allotments representative once the Council has its full quota of members and the vacancy on the Cemetery Sub-Committee will also be filled at that time. Mr Harper agreed to replace Mr Higham as the third councillor signatory for the Council’s bank accounts. Mr Harris agreed to take on Risk Assessment responsibility for Parish Council procedures (proper use of funds/financial controls and records).
04/093. / MINUTES
The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2004 were taken as read, duly adopted and signed subject to amendment to record that Mr Mitchell was only present for the first item.
(a) Proposed Pelican Crossing on Oxford Road – Mrs Bratt will represent the Parish Council at a site meeting with the County Council on 2 July 2004.
(b) Proposed Removal of Public Payphone – Due to unavoidable circumstances, the consultation period has been extended until 31 July 2004
(c) Youth Centre – Structural Survey – CTG Chartered Building Surveyors will undertake the survey on 24 June 2004.
(d) Parish Information Map Board/Problems in the Vicinity of the Coach & Horses PH - The map board is temporarily in storage. It was agreed to obtain quotations to have it set into a concrete base. The police are making regular patrols in the vicinity of the Coach & Horses PH on Friday and Saturday nights and the Licensing Officer at Banbury has also been made aware of the problems.
Mrs Bratt arrived, signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Chair.
04/095. / OPEN FORUM
There were no members of the public in attendance.
The following accounts were approved as paid:
1st Adderbury Brownies - Grant / £300.00
Adderbury Park Football Club - Grant / £50.00
1st Adderbury Guides - Grant / £350.00
Adderbury Parish Institute - Grant / £250.00
Friends of the Community of Adderbury Library - Grant / £500.00
Adderbury Methodist Church - Grant / £100.00
1st Adderbury Scout Group - Grant / £350.00
Adderbury Theatre Workshop - Grant / £100.00
Adderbury Lakes Management Committee – Running Costs 2004/05 / £500.00
Adderbury Youth Centre Management – Reimbursement for Loft Space Insulation / £700.00
It was agreed to pay the following accounts:
John Hicks & Associates – Play Area Inspections / £109.98
Clerk’s Pay (June) / £535.81
Oxfordshire Rural Community Council – Membership 2004/05 / £20.00
Bank reconciliations to 11 June 2004 and cash flow summary to 31 May 2004 had been circulated for information.
04/097. / GRANT AWARDS
(a) Financial Assistance for Victorian Christmas Market – Mr Atkinson reported on the meeting that he and Mr Thomas had held with members of the organising committee. It was agreed to defer further discussion until Mr Thomas arrived.
(b) Criteria for Grant Awards – Discussion deferred until Mr Thomas’ arrival.
04/098. / PLANNING
Planning Applications: No observations had been made by the Planning Sub-Committee in respect of the following applications:
04/01002/F John Sheppard
Erection of conservatory to rear and garden store adjacent to garage.
Bramble Cottage, Horn Hill Road, Adderbury
04/01051/F Mr & Mrs M Jelfs
Two storey extension to the rear and erection of porch to front.
13 Twyford Gardens, Twyford
04/01056/F Mr C Simms
Demolish existing conservatory and erection of single storey extension to
4 Margaret Road, Twyford
04/01055/F Mr & Mrs S Court
Erection of single storey side and rear extension.
23 Twyford Gardens, Twyford
04/01036/TPO Mr S Davies
Reduce crown of 1 No. Yew tree subject to TPO 13/2000.
22 Twyford Gardens, Twyford
04/01043/F Mr & Mrs Armstrong
Erection of rear conservatory.
2 Church Lane, Adderbury
04/00978/REM Dr G Appleton and Mrs Appleton
Reserved matters Application (Outline 04/00054/OUT refers)
Erection of 1 No. dwelling and garage.
Land North of Ridgeway Lodge formerly The Ridgeway, Manor Road,
04/01076/F Mr & Mrs Boden
Erection of detached double garage, with store above and timber store at
South House, The Green, Adderbury
04/01108/F Sir Peter Job
Replacement of wooden double gates.
The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Adderbury
04/0159/TCA Mr & Mrs J Hopper
Fell leylandii hedge.
The Cottage, Home Farm Court, Adderbury
Mr & Mrs J Vince
Erection of 1 No. dwelling (as amended by plans rec’d 04/06/04).
Lamorna, Manor Road, Adderbury
Mr and Mrs P Castle
Erection of two storey front extension, loft conversion with installation of 2 No. velux roof lights, construction of two storey detached garage and store and reposition existing electric gates with addition of new 2 metre high
pedestrian gate (as amended by plans rec’d 07/06/04).
Stag’s Leap, Sir George’s Lane, Adderbury
Observations had been made by the Planning Sub-Committee in respect of the following applications:
04/00276/F Mr John Lumbers
Construction of detached single storey garden room. Creation of new external doorway in existing house.
Meadow View, Chapel Lane, Adderbury
04/01016/F Mr P Wingrove
Erection of two storey side and rear extension.
2 Twyford Avenue, Twyford
04/00966/F Mr & Mrs G Barker
Removal of majority of agricultural buildings and conversion of stabling into residential as an extension to flat to create 1 No. dwelling.
Stud Farm, East End Lane, Adderbury
04/00967/CAC as above
04/01155/F Mr & Mrs A Fairweather
Demolish existing garage and replace with new store garage. Single storey extension to rear with internal alterations.
Haven, Church Lane, Adderbury
04/01182/TCA Mr & Mrs Rossington
Remove dead wood and storm damage of 1 No. Oak tree, crown raise 1 No. Yew tree over highway and remove dead wood and correct previous poor pruning of 1 No. Oak tree.
The Ridings, 1 Lambourne Way, Adderbury
04/01183/TPO Mr & Mrs Rossington
Fell 1 No. Ash tree subject to TPO 12/99.
The Ridings, 1 Lambourne Way, Adderbury
Temporary Uses of Buildings and Land at former RAF Upper Heyford: Review of Current Policy - Comments made by the Planning Sub-Committee on this draft supplementary planning guidance will be forwarded to the District Council.
Cherwell Local Plan 2011 – Pre-Inquiry Changes – The list of Pre-Inquiry Changes is being circulated to all Members. Representations must be forwarded to the District Council by 26 July 2004.
04/099. / PLAY AREAS
(a) Annual Play Area Inspections – Annual Play Area Inspection Reports by John Hicks were received. The recommendation to remove the centre swing from each three swing bay at the Lucy Plackett Play Area was noted. However, it was agreed that the swings are well used and, there being no accident record, the Council would accept the medium risk and leave the swings in place. The handyman will be asked to attend to protruding nails on seats at both play areas. All other issues relating to The Rise Play Area will be dealt with under the current refurbishment programme. Mr Atkinson will liaise with the Clerk and Mr Verdon over the possibility of a sign to indicate that the facilities are used at the individual’s own risk.
(b) Inspection of Play Areas – Mrs Woodward reported no problems with equipment at The Rise Play Area. The litter bin is now being emptied. A letter had been received from Mr P W Collins requesting that the bin be repositioned as, when it is used as a wicket for cricket games, the ball is frequently hit into his garden. A reply will be sent detailing the proposals for this play area and confirming that the bin is to be moved. Mrs Lyons reported no problems with equipment but there is an ongoing problem with teenagers congregating at the Lucy Plackett Play Area. She agreed to inspect the ‘tree den’ in the vicinity of the play area to assess whether the Arboricultural Officer should be asked to recommend works.
(c) The Rise Play Area Project – Comparative fencing quotations are being sought to progress the grant application. Residents are keen to see the new equipment in place and no objections have been received in response to the display in the Library.
(d) Former WABAG Site: Developer Contribution for Play Facilities – Mrs Lyons, as a neighbouring resident, declared a personal interest in the proposals for a skate ramp facility at the Lucy Plackett Playing Field. Members received a copy of a letter sent by the District Council’s Chief Executive to Tony Baldry, MP. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman agreed to meet with the Chief Executive to resolve the issue of the capital/maintenance ratio and to clarify whether the funding can be used for a skate ramp facility.
(a) Excessive Signing by Highways Authority – The Traffic Calming Sub-Committee will assess and report back at the next meeting.
(b) Problems at Playing Field 14/05/04 – The matter was dealt with at the time. It was noted that the headteacher has written to parents recommending against parties being held following the Warriner Year 11 Prom on 25 June. However, it was agreed to alert the police to the possibility of pupils gathering at the Lucy Plackett Playing Field.
(c) Litter Arising from the Day of Dance – This had been discussed by the Council at the April meeting and ideas put in motion for future years. It was suggested that the Parish Council could identify somebody to be in charge of all activities that occur on the day but this would not necessarily be within its remit as its only responsibility is as Trustees of the Lucy Plackett Playing Field.
(d) Refuse Collection in West Adderbury – It was not felt necessary to ask the District Council to revert to a Friday refuse collection in West Adderbury as wheely bins would still be put out in advance whatever the day of collection.
04/101. / GRANT AWARDS
(Continued from 04/097 above)
(a) Victorian Christmas Market – Following discussion, the general view was that the proposed Victorian Christmas Market had been very well planned and should be supported by the Parish Council. The Council’s only concern was that, although some stalls would be taken by local charities and voluntary organisations, others would be hired by commercial traders. The organising committee itself would make no profit but the event would have an element of business activity and it may, therefore, not be appropriate for the Council to provide funding. It was agreed to invite the organisers to make a presentation at the next meeting. A paper setting out the anticipated benefits to the community, the use to which any financial assistance from the Parish Council would be put and the proposed charitable destinations of monies raised on the day, would be requested in advance of the meeting. In the meantime, the Council will try to clarify its own legal position in respect of funding.
(b) Criteria for Grant Awards – Mr Thomas agreed to circulate suggested criteria for the award of grants.
(a) Parish Plan Workshops – Mr Thomas and Mrs Lyons reported on what had been an excellent event organised by ORCC. It was noted that, having received a grant towards the Village Appraisal, it is expected that Adderbury will move on to turn the results into a Parish Plan. Discussions will need to be held with the AVA Steering Committee regarding the transition to an Implementation Group and it must be made clear at the public meeting in September what will happen next. The advice is to tackle small projects first so that definite results can be seen at an early stage from the Plan. ORCC is able to offer help and advice and to facilitate funding.
(b) OPFA Away Day – Mr Atkinson reported on the OPFA event on 16 June 2004. A whole cross-section of recreational facilities had been visited and it was important to note that they had all included considerable consultation in the planning stages, especially with younger people who had formed working groups and selected equipment. Mr Atkinson had gathered information on noise levels, skate ramp surfacing specifications, site management, insurance and funding, all of which he passed on to Mr Verdon for the Play Equipment Working Party. He had also seen fine examples of village halls e.g. Bampton, Stanford in the Vale, which he urged members of the Community Centre Committee to visit.
(a) Oxfordshire Fire Control Staff – A letter was received from staff in Emergency Fire Control at Fire and Rescue Headquarters in Kidlington seeking support for their opposition to the Government’s proposed fire control regionalisation. In the absence of full details of the proposals, the Council did not feel able to respond.
(b) Thames Valley Police: Community Officer of the Year Award – It was agreed to take no action.
(a) Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils: AGM, 5 July 2004 (to include presentation by Roger Hampshire, Crime Prevention Design Adviser, on working with young people and preventing anti-social behaviour) – Details were made available.
(b) Upper Heyford Base Planning Forum: 7 July 2004 – Details were made available.
(c) Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils: Event for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Local Councils, 6 October 2004 – Mr Harper agreed to attend. Fee: £11.75.
04/105. / MINUTE BOOKS
It was agreed to place six Minute Books, covering the period May 1974 to April 1995, on permanent loan at the Records Office.
(a) Mr Verdon confirmed that works to the old railway bridge abutment will be taking place in August.
The meeting closed at 9.50 pm