Subject MFL HoDIlariaMallozzi

Half Term / Year 7 / Year 8
Autumn / Introducing oneself: pupils will work on phonics and basics of French pronunciation, develop saying and writing longer sentences usingmost common connectives and simple opinions. They will be regularly tested with differentiated spelling and vocabulary tests. / Hobbies: pupils will be tested with a differentiated test on infinitives to measure their knowledge of opinions and near future tense. They will then consolidate knowledge of activities they like to do and will door would like to do during their spare time, using present and near future tense plus a variety of time markers, connectives and opinions and justifications, and more than one personal pronouns.
Autumn / Family: pupils will consolidate understanding of the impact of the gender (masculine and feminine) and plural on the sentence. They will develop their knowledge of irregular verbs avoir and être, using more than one personal pronouns, most common connectives and simple opinions. They will be regularly tested with differentiated vocabulary and small tests. They will be also be asked to perform a small conversation with their teacher to introduce themselves and their family. / Grammar module:pupils will consolidate knowledge of present, near future, and conditional, Infinitive.They will learn how to create past tense using the present tense of avoir and être(auxiliaries)plus past participle. They will use the metaphor of small and big family to distinguish when using avoir and when using être. They will focus on gender and number agreement in case of auxiliary être. They will be tested with a differentiated grammar test on past tense and use of the correct prepositions (LWIB: du, de la, des, au, aux, en, à la, à l’, but also un, une, des, le, la, les, in case of a transitive verb).
Christmas Break
Spring / School: pupils will consolidate and develop how to express preferences about school subjects, using present and conditional (je voudrais) tense to speak about their school life. They will be regularly tested with differentiated vocabulary and small tests. They will develop their use of opinions and justifications, and will produce a small paragraph about school life. / Media (TV, Music, Film Genres): pupils will learn vocabulary about media and they will use present, near future – and possibly conditional – plus past tenses to speak about what they like to watch and listen. They will produce a speaking and writing piece using opinions and justifications, and change tense according to the correct time marker.
Spring / Leisure Activities: pupils will learn and use the most regular forms of verbs and some of the most frequent irregular verbs (faire) as a sentence core in the present tense. They will be regularly tested with differentiated vocabulary and small tests. They will use more than one personal pronoun to perform a conversation with their peers and teacher to speak about what they like to do, using present and conditional tense, and the correct preposition according to the verb –jouer (au/aux) and faire (du/de la/des) – they decide to use. / Activities to do in Paris and transport: pupils will have reviewed and developed their knowledge of three/four tenses, and they will be able to use them together with a variety of time markers, connectives and opinions, to speak about how to travel to and in Paris, plus monuments to visit, places to go, and a future visit to the French capital. Elements of French culture will be explored and pupils will be asked to do independent research on French cities.
Easter Break
Summer / Local Environment: pupils will consolidate knowledge of regular and irregular verbs. They will focus on the irregular verb aller, and its importance in the creation of the near future tense. Pupils will use a variety of infinitives after the present tense of aller to speak about things to do in town. They will be regularly tested with differentiated vocabulary and small tests. They will produce a paragraph to speak about their local environment and what they like or dislike to do in town. / Food: pupils will learn vocabulary related to food and the correct use of prepositions (du/de la/des, plus the negative de) when using verbs: manger, boire and prendre. They will alternate their knowledge of three/four tenses to speak about what they like to eat, when and where, using a variety of time markers, connectives, and opinions and justifications. They will be tested with a differentiated reading and listening test.
Summer / The French Speaking World: pupils will acquire and be able to express opinions about cultural aspects of the Francophone world: cinema, festivals, sport events, folklore, and literature. They will produce an independent research that will be displayed on a poster which will be the fruit of a collaborative work among them. / Fashion: pupils will analyseand consolidate the grammar rules during the past terms,and they will be able to evaluate and producea piece of work related to fashion, in order to show abilities and progress concerning gender and number agreement, opinions and justifications, use of prepositions, alternation of tenses and related correct use of time markers and connectives.