22nd October 2014
NOTICE of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council at Caldbeck Parish Hall on Monday 27th October 2014 commencing at 7.30pm.
1 /Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
2 /Minutes
To authorise the chairman to sign the minutes of the ordinary parish council meeting held on 15th September 2014 as a true record (copy enclosed)3 /
Declaration of Interest
a) Requests for Dispensations: The clerk toreport any requests received since the previous meeting for dispensations to speak and\or vote on any matter where a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest.b) To receive any other declarations by members of interests in respect of items on this agenda.
4 /Public Participation
At the Chairman’s discretion, to allow members of the public an opportunity to ask questions and raise matters of interest.a) David Ward, Northern Fells Group Representative. Report on Northern Fells Group AGM.b) Questions or matters of interest raised by residents.
5 / Planning decisions and applications
a)Decisions:T/2014/0131Sun House, Hesket Newmarket. Fell 3 silver birch. No objection.
7/2014/3112Millhouse, Hesket Newmarket, Diversion of overhead line.Approved Unconditionally.
T/2014/0126 Bridge End House, Caldbeck, Wigton, CA7 8EW, Silver birch - reduce by 25% and remove lower limb; cherry - cut overhanging branch across river; mountain ash - remove lower limb; alder - reduce height by 25%; cherry - fell; coppice mixed broadleaves. No objection.
b)Applications: 7/2014/2236 The Croft, Street Head, Hesket Newmarket, CA7 8JZ. Full application for dwelling as approved by planning approval 7/2009/2051 to incorporate design changes. Devolved decision by Clerk as response requested by 15 October. No objections.
c)Withdrawn:7/2014/21781, The Court Yard, Hesket Newmarket. Proposed installation of 12no. solar panels.
d)Consider response to email sent to Steve Ratcliffe, Director of Planning, LDNPA: 1. to ask the LDNPA to upload letters of support or objection, and letters of comment from Highways and other statutory consultees, on to the LDNPAPlanning website; 2. to request that the neighbouring parishes, whether within or without the National Park and the North Distinctive Area of the National Park, be automatically added to Cadbeck PC’s Locality for Local Occupancy conditions rather than requiring an application for Variation. Letter of response from Steve Ratcliffe emailed to Councillors 21.10.14
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7 Proposed off road path along HesketLonning
a)Clerk to report on first meeting of working group held on 29th September.b)To consider working group report and consider email from Councillor Roy Knowles and decide whether the proposed off road path should be proposed as a bridleway or a footpath.
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Bus Services
73 Service to Keswick stopping from 3rd November and restarting from 28 March 2015. Clerk to report and Council to consider future action in relation to this service.Recycling Services
a)Purple Bag scheme: information from Rob Kitchen, Allerdale BC Recycling Officer. Clerk to report.
b) Email from Clerk to Parish Hall Committee re proposed purple bins at the Bring Site. Clerk to report.
9 / Protection of Community Assets
Clerk to report.
10 / Parish Council Election Costs
To consider letter received from Rory Stewart MP
11 / Inequity of Funding Letter
To consider letter received from Councillor Michael Heaslip, Allerdale Borough Council.
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Parish Maintenance
a)Drainage problems School Hill to Commercial Row. Clerk to report.
b)To plan biannual visit to the Allotments.c)Suggestion ofgrasscrete at the edge of Hesket Newmarket central Green. Clerk to report.
d)Tenters car park, Caldbeck – grasscutting. Clerk to report.
e)Hesket Newmarket car park – proposed sets – has been included on new works programme, March 2015.
f)Upton Road – information from Highways – to be repaired in 2015/16.
g)Gulley drain opposite Caldbeck Shop cleaned out on 17th September following request to Highways.
h)Suspected leak at Hesket Newmarket Sewage Treatment Works reported to United Utilities 30.9.14 and was swiftly checked.
i)To consider any other urgent matters regarding Parish maintenance.
13 / Monthly Accounts and Annual Audita)a) To approve the monthly expenditure and record of income:
Receipts: S. Robson,Allotment Fee: £16.00; S. Delaney, Allotment Fee: £6.00; T. Hughes, Allotment Fee: £6.00
Payments:Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, Wreath for Remembrance Sunday: £18.00
T. Hughes, reimbursement of money overpaid for Allotment Fee: £4.00
Mark Binney, grasscuttingCaldbeck Green, September 2014: £73.75
Mark Monkhouse, grasscuttingHesketNewmarket Green, summer 2014: £850.00
Eleanor Benson, monitoring and cleaning of toilet for disabled people, Aug, Sept, Oct. £100.00
To be notified of the current financial position;
HSBC Current A/C 8thOctober 2014: £1,702.57
HSBCDepositA/C8thOctober2014:£10,603.55 Interest8thOctober:£0.61p
b)Consider first draft of Budget 2015/2016
c)Agree Norman Atkinson as new signatory on HSBC Account in place of William Cowx.
14 / Standing Orders
To approve amended Standing Orders in relation to filming and recording meetings, in response to recent legislation.
15 / Complaints Procedure
To consider, and, if approved, to adopt, CALC recommended Complaints Procedure. Emailed to Councillors 19.10.14.
16 / To note items of correspondence received since the last meeting and take action as appropriate.
- LDNPA North Area Distinctive Tour, Caldbeck area 19th Nov. Based at Caldbeck Parish Hall. Invitation for Caldbeck PC to describe a local project if wished.
- Alick Grieve, Application to Vodaphone Rural Open Sure Signal. Agree letters of thanks to hosts of the Vodaphone Sure Signal cells.
- Alick Grieve, LA Governor, Fellview School. Re proposed parking restrictions at Fellview School.
- Susan Beale. Fairtrade Recipe Cards. Request for one sweet and one savoury recipe.
- LDNP Parish Forum meeting 20th October at Brockhole. Chairman and Clerk to report.
- CALC Allerdale 3 Tier meeting, 25th September. Chairman reported and report circulated to Councillors 20.10.14
- S Sylvester, Clerk to Bassenthwaite Parish Council. Re 73 Bus. Emailed to Councillors 19.10.14
- J Rae, Clerk to Ireby/Uldale Parish Council. Re 73 Bus. Emailed to Councillors 19.10.14
- M Fitzgerald, District Councillor Boltons Ward. Re 73 Bus.
- A Macfadzean, re maintenance of the Green at Caldbeck
- Environment Agency, Flash Flooding Open Meeting 21st October. Clerk to report.
- L Woodham, Clerk to Governors of Fellview School. Re School field proposed as Community Asset.
- CALC. List of ENW Street lights to be removed, includes the one outside Hillcroft on Maidens Hill.
- CALC Training Session: ‘Good Councillor’, Keswick 12th Nov 2-4pm.
- John Bell, re proposed mobile phone mast at Newlands, Castle Sowerby parish; email to Councillors 21.10.14
- Cumbria Highways. Road closure notification, Caldbeck to Whelpo 20 – 27 Oct. To Councillors 6.10.14
- Geoff Davies, Allerdale PCs Member of LDNPA. Report Sept 2014. Emailed to Councillors 6.10.14
- CALC AGM Saturday 15 November, Market Hall, Wigton, 10.30am. Invitation.
- Cumbria County Council Budget Consultation, runs from 23 October to 20 January 2014
- Police Inspector Gary Hunter, Workington, has taken over from Inspector Dennis Kelly.
- Sally Scales, Area Engagement Officer. Allerdale North East update. Emailed to Councillors 13.9.14
- CALC Circular, October 2014. Emailed to Councillors 2.10.14
- LDNPA Autumn Update emailed newsletter, to Councillors 21.10.14
- Great North Air Ambulance. Request for continuing support for ‘Pride of Cumbria’.
- Allerdale Credit Union. Request for grant, either now or in 2015/16.
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Dates of future meetings:
a)Dates of next two meetings:8 December 2014
19January 2015b) Agree remainder of meeting dates for 2015
This meeting will aim to close at 9.30pm
Mrs Antoinette Ward – Clerk. Mardale, Upton, Caldbeck, CA7 8EU.
Tel: 016974 78220 Email: