What is a Job Club?
It’sasmallgroupofindividuals–between5and12members–whichactivelycometogether weekly to support each other in their job hunting efforts.
Functions of a Job Club
Members come together for networking, sharing job leads, individual accountabilitytothegroupasmemberscreateactionplansfromweektoweekandreportontheirindividual progress, career training tips and techniques, and professional peermentoring and networking with industry professionals.
Success Rates
National Career experts indicate that individuals seeking support through job clubs have an 84% success rate when job search techniques are conducted in groups,comparedwitha15%chancewhenjobseekersgoitalone.(Bolles,R.WhatColoris Your Parachute)
Why Join a Job Club?
Thetheorybehindsmallgroupdynamicsandsupportgroupsshowthatduringajobsearch, participation in a job club reduces the stress and feelings of isolation that comewithbeingintransitionor“crisis”mode.Careerexpertsclaimthatjobseekerstend to burn out shortly after the onset of their job search, failing to realize thateffortsmightrequireweeksorevenmonthsofrigoroussearching.Jobclubparticipationcan stave off the depression that sometimes sets in during aprotracted job search.
What Career Experts know
Jobclubsprovideaweeklypick-me-upormotivationthatre-energizes,re-motivates,and reconnects job seekers with other dislocated workers who have the sameconcerns, mitigating the solitude and isolation of the job search. Job club members oftenteamuptooffersupport,motivation,andaccountabilityforindividualjobclubparticipants.Thisisextremelycriticalwhenjobsearchparticipantsaresufferingfromlong term unemployment.
The Job Club Method
JobClubsofEasternKentuckyfollowstheAzrinorBehavioralModelofdemonstration,practice,feedbackandpositivereinforcement.Thismodelalsoaccommodateslabormarketandtechnologytrendsandremainsontheleadingedgeinassistingparticipantsto attain self-sufficiency in career related initiatives.(Nathan Azrininvented theAzrin job club model in 1973 which had an 84% success rate.)
Job Clubs of Eastern Kentucky is a cooperative effort of
Networking, Networking, Networking!
It’s a well-known fact that the best way to find a job is through networking. Anabundance of ready-made networking opportunities exist out there, but oftentimesmost job seekers to do not have access to these networks. According to a recentlypublished article in the WashingtonPost, “The Five Best Ways to Hunt for a Job,”70ofevery100peoplewhoactivelyparticipateinajobclubhavesuccessinfindingwork.
Benefits for Business and Industry
Job Clubs create a“win-win” situation for local business and industry. With the helpof community and business leaders who believe in the value of local career clubs,area employers quickly find a more hirable pool of applicants when potentialemployeescomeupthroughtheranksofajobclub.Successfuljobclubparticipantshavespentweeksormonths,withthehelpandsupportofthegroup,upgradingtheirskillsthroughvariouscareertrainingworkshops,whileworkingone-on-onewithareacareerexpertsonvariousjob-relatedinitiativestohelpthembecomemoreattractiveemployees. Additionally, job club participants – through frequent networking opportunities with local business leaders – have established relationships with localprofessionals who have spent time with the job club participants as a featuredspeakers, guests, or individual mentors.
Furthermore,localemployersfindsomuchsuccessinhiringrecentjobclubparticipantsthat,oftentimes,theysendtheirHRrepstorecruitspecificallyfromwithintheclubs.Moreover, job club participants, through the support of their job club family, feel supported in their efforts to enroll in short term training, technical trades, or post-secondary institutions while also successfully landing a much needed job!
Thankstothisgroupeffort,thejobclubprovidesthemotivationthatmovesthejobseeker to create long term career goals, which ultimately creates a more qualifiedwork force within the local area. Having a local qualified workforce ready to meetthe demands of today’s labor market ultimately attracts larger industries into thearea–thuscreatingjobs,industryandwealthinlocalcommunities.That’sawinningfuture for everyone.
Job Clubs of Eastern Kentucky is a cooperative effort of