Wednesday 04 January 2017
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Topics of the week
/ Degradablepolyurethane-organic release system prevents marine biofouling
/ Graffiti for science - determiningerosionrates via painting
/ Assessing the interactionbetweenmechanical and thermalproperties in concrete
/ Antifoulingproperties of marine bacteriocinincorporatedepoxybasedpaint
/ New coatings for dentalimplantspreventpotentialbacterialinfection
/ A bulk electrochemicalassessment of epoxy-phenoliccoatingdegradation
/ Covestrolifts force majeure on polyurethanerawmaterials
/ Hexionbuilds new Europeantechnology center in Germany
/ Sikaopens first concrete admixture production plant in Ethiopia
/ Evonikevaluates production processes for specialtypolyesters in theirentirety
/ RPM signsagreement to acquireleadingDutchcoatings company
/ Dunn-Edwards signs merger agreement with Nippon Paint
/ IMCD acquiresTurkishspecialitychemical distributor FezaKimya
/ Ferro and Simon & Wernerextenddistribution partnership in Germany
/ SunChemical’sMyronPetruchnamed executive officer of DIC Corporation
/ BASF offers new rawmaterialsatEuropeanCoatings Show
/ A unique additive for the ideal concrete

EuropeanCoatings Future Dialogue
Whereindustrymeets science
21 - 22 November 2017 | Berlin /
Delegatesat the last eventpraised the excellent networking opportunities, the creative presentationmethodsaswellas the quality and variety of researchprojectspresented. The next Future Dialoguewill be takingplace in Berlin from 21 to 22 November 2017. Your benefits at a glance:
  • Gatherexclusive insights into future coatingstechnology
  • Benefit from one-to-oneconversations with researchinstitutes
  • Exchange with otherscientists and innovators
  • Discoverinterdisciplinaryresearchprojects
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Degradablepolyurethane-organic release system prevents marine biofouling
/ Controlled release of antifoulantiscritical for marine antibiofouling. Researchershavepreparedpolyurethane with degradablepolyestersegments and useditas release system for organicantifoulants.
Graffiti for science - determiningerosionrates via painting
/ The determination of the spatialdistribution of erosive processesisdifficult. Thisiswhy to date there are onlyfew data available, especially on millimeter scale. In a study, scientists show how erosive processes can be visualised by simple painting.
High-performance Marine Coatings
EC Technology Forum, Marine Coatings
8 - 9 February 2017, Berlin
Ship-owners and operators are looking for innovative solutions for highlyefficientantifouling and anti-corrosion systems aswellasfrictionreducingpaints. Thesetopicswill be coveredalongside the latestresearch on Lotus and Salvinia Effect in eightinteractive and inspiring workshops whichwillreallygetyouthinking. Registernow!
Assessing the interactionbetweenmechanical and thermalproperties in concrete
/ Highly thermalinsulated building envelopes are the base of energyefficientbuildingsworldwide, however, concrete show poorthermalinsulationproperties.
Antifoulingproperties of marine bacteriocinincorporatedepoxybasedpaint
/ Bacteriocinisolated from fivedifferent marine biofilm formingbacteriawereevaluated for theirantibacterialactivitiesagainsteachother. more
New coatings for dentalimplantspreventpotentialbacterialinfection
/ Researchers are developingcoatings for dentalimplants to providethem with capabilities to ensure success whenthey are implanted. more
A bulk electrochemicalassessment of epoxy-phenoliccoatingdegradation
/ Water absorptionisbelieved to be one of the maincausesleading to the deterioration and degradation of protectiveorganiccoatings. In a study, researcherspresentevidencethat water ingressisnot the maindeterminant of damage in epoxy-phenolic can coatings.
Covestrolifts force majeure on polyurethanerawmaterials
/ Covestrohaslifted the force majeure on the polyurethanerawmaterials MDI and TDI in Europe thatitdeclared on October 6, 2016. more
Hexionbuilds new Europeantechnology center in Germany
/ HexionInc. plans to build a new Europeantechnology center in Kamp-Lintfort, Germany. The facility will consolidate activities from severalresearch and development facilities located in nearby Duisburg.
Sikaopens first concrete admixture production plant in Ethiopia
/ Approximately one yearafteritsnationalsubsidiarywasfounded in Ethiopia, Sikais opening the first concrete admixture production plant in the country.
Evonikevaluates production processes for specialtypolyesters in theirentirety
/ With an integratedconcept, Evonik can enhance the production processes for more than 120 specialtypolyesters. The polyesters are produced by companies in a large number of plants with differentdesigns.
RPM signsagreement to acquireleadingDutchcoatings company
/ RPM International Inc. hassigned an agreement to acquire SPS Group (SPS), a Dutch decorative and specialtycoatings company with annual net sales of approximately EUR57 million.
Dunn-Edwards signs merger agreement with Nippon Paint
/ Dunn-Edwards Corporation hasenteredinto a merger agreement with Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd., the world’sfourthlargestpaint company with EUR4.6 billion in sales, and certain of itssubsidiaries.
IMCD acquiresTurkishspecialitychemical distributor FezaKimya
/ IMCD N.V. hasacquired 100% of FezaKimyaİç ve DışTicaretAnonimŞirketi, based in Istanbul, Turkey. With a focus on the coatings and plasticsmarkets, FezaKimyacomplements the existing IMCD Turkeyoperations.
Ferro and Simon & Wernerextenddistribution partnership in Germany
/ Effective of January 1, 2017, Ferro and Simon & Werner GmbH extendedtheircurrentdistribution partnership in Germany for pigmentsused in coatings, construction and other industrial markets.
SunChemical’sMyronPetruchnamed executive officer of DIC Corporation
/ MyronPetruch, president of SunChemical’s performance pigmentsdivision, hasbeennamed an executive officer of DIC Corporation, SunChemical’sparent company based in Tokyo, Japan.
BASF offers new rawmaterialsatEuropeanCoatings Show
/ At the EuropeanCoatings Show 2017 (ECS), BASF willpresent new dispersions, resins, formulationadditives, light stabilisers, antioxidants, pigments, hardeners, cross-linking agents, reactivediluents and solvents for the coatings, paint and constructionindustries.
A unique additive for the ideal concrete
/ Whetherit’s for drying time, hardness, or uniformity, a new additive developed by researchers can give concrete, mortar, and cement the desiredconsistency, all in one shot.
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3-4 Apr 17
EuropeanCoatings Show Conference 2017

4-6 Apr 17
EuropeanCoatings Show 2017
Plus Adhesives, Sealants, Construction chemicals
27-29 Sep 17
CEPE Annual Conference & General Assembly 2017
Athens, Greece

€ 139,-

Film Formation
€ 149,-

FormulatingAdhesives and Sealants
€ 169,-
Images in thisissuecourtesy of: RoselEckstein/, Jens Turowski, GFZ, Uwe-Jens Kahl/, Petra Dirscherl/, UPV/EHU, Karin Schumann/, Covestro, Hexion, Sika, Evonik, RPM, Dunn-Edwards, IMCD, SunChemical, BASF, EPFL
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