Technical Programs Director Checklist

Form: / Rev: / Date:
GMM-104 / Orig. / 04/30/2012

Timeline Tasks

Weekly Tasks
Check FAA Website for FAR changes
Check status of 119 managers for filled status, full time status, qualifications ADM 3.6
Monthly Tasks
Review Inspection Personnel Training Records in individual’s training folder for completeness and accuracy.
Check all HAZMAT records for completeness and accuracy. Schedule training for personnel with missing records. See ADM 4.10.
Back up CAS Manager to ensure KLA’s list of outsource maintenance is current CAS 9.6.5
Update Manual Distribution List. ADM
Quarterly Tasks
Review Manual Interface Matrix for completeness and accuracy.
Review Forms Management Spreadsheet
Complete review of ADM duties, responsibilities and authorities of all required personnel
Review OpSpecs and ensure changes to manual references are made.
Annual Tasks
Update ADM Chapter 8 with significant terms and acronyms
Review and coordinate/update as necessary Ops Flight and Ferry Flight requirements or references in GMM, FOM, DPM
Miscellaneous Duties
Required Management
If deviations for required management, notify CHDO within 10 days. See ADM 3.6.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authority
Manages the required management personnel process.
Manages the Engineering Order process.
Responsible for monitoring escalations and extensions and scheduling compliance at the prescribed due point for the Short Term Escalation (STE) Program.
Has the duty of calculating any changes to the curtailed load envelope and has authority to modify the information in the database containing the curtailment calculations.
Manages the Outsource Maintenance Provider – Quarterly Utilization Report process and to ensure that this process is current IAW Federal Aviation Regulations, policies, and guidance along with the continued improvement process.
Responsible for the overall management of the Hazardous materials handling and training processes and for the maintenance of HM training records for KLA personnel.
Has been delegated authority to establish and modify the policies, procedures, instructions, and information for the Manual Currency, Content, and Consistency, Distribution, Availability and Supplemental Operations manual processes.
Responsible for providing oversight of the manual system. Responsible for investigating any report issued by an employee relating to a noncurrent or missing manual.
Responsible for maintaining documents housed in the Principal Base of Operations.
Responsible for ensuring the Manual Interface Matrix is current and accurate.
Manages the Computer System and Database process.
Responsible to create and update the Safety Information Card for each type aircraft.
Responsible to place Outlook "reminders" to check on currency of:
  • KLA Ops Specs.
  • Status of 119 Managers (full time, qualified, etc.).
  • Duties and Responsibilities of 119 managers.
  • To work with CM for currency of OMP personnel lists.
  • Update ADM Abbreviations/Definitions (ADM Chapter 8).
Review of test flight and ferry flight instructions and references.
Manages and oversees the currency of the KLA manuals covering the inspection program and other programs covering maintenance, preventive maintenance and servicing. (GMM, MIP, CAS, MTM, GFM, ICE).
Provides overall management of KLA Forms using the KLA Forms ManagementSpreadsheet.
Operations Specifications
Review Master Ops Specs Ensure completeness and accuracy See ADM 6.14.1
Ensure Ops Spec access table in ADM 6.14.4 is accurate
Ensure manuals have current and accurate references to Op Specs