Village of Indian Point

Board of Trustees Minutes - Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Treehouse Condo Club Room

Members Present: JC Zalog, Chair; Brett Stump, Secy Treasurer, Greg Fier

Member Absent: Doug Battaglia

Elected Trustees Present: Diane Cary, Mike Kugler, Greg Fier (re-elected)

Staff Present: Tom Motley, Village Attorney; Kathy Isaacs, Village Superintendent

Chair JC Zalog called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and noting all members present except Doug Battaglia.

Approval of Minutes

Brett Stump moved to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2006 meeting as written. Greg Fier seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Swearing in Newly Elected Trustees

JC Zalog swore in Diane Cary, Mike Kugler, and Greg Fier as newly elected Trustees and Trustees assumed their duties. JC Zalog left his position as Trustee and Chair.

Mike Kugler moved to appoint Brett Stump as temporary chair. Greg Fier seconded the motion, motion carried. It was noted by Attorney, Tom Motley that the temporary chair is not allowed to vote per Missouri State Statutes and if Brett would like to vote, he could decline the chair pro tem. Brett Stump assumed the position of Chair Pro Tem to transact business.

Nominations to Fill Unexpired Trustee Term

Greg Fier moved to nominate Arno Wehr III, Diane Cary seconded the nomination. Arno Wehr III accepted the nomination.

Diane Cary moved to nominate JC Zalog, no second was received.

Mike Kugler moved to nominate Kevin McKoy, seconded by Brett Stump. Kevin McKoy accepted the nomination.

Nominations ceased. Vote was taken: Arno Wehr III – 2 Votes; Kevin McKoy – 1 Vote.

Arno Wehr III was sworn in as Trustee to fill the unexpired term of one year.

Election of Officers

Chair – Nominations – Greg Fier nominated Diane Cary, Arno Wehr III seconded.

Mike Kugler nominated Brett Stump, no second. Nominations cease, Diane Cary – 4 Votes.

Chair Diane Cary assumed her duties as Chair and called for nominations for Vice Chair.

Nominations for Vice Chair: Arno Wehr III nominated Brett Stump, Brett Stump declined the nomination. Greg Fier nominated Arno Wehr III, seconded by Mike Kugler

Nominations ceased – Vote taken: Arno Wehr III – 4 votes. Arno Wehr III assumed his duties as Vice Chair.

Chair Cary called for nominations for Secretary/Treasurer.

Brett Sump nominated Mike Kugler, Mike Kugler declined the nomination.

Arno Wehr III nominated Brett Stump, seconded by Diane Cary.

Nominations ceased – Vote taken: Brett Stump – 5 Votes. Brett Stump assumed his duties as Secretary/Treasurer.

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Trustee Minutes

April 11, 2006

Chair Cary called for nominations for Road Commissioner

Greg Fier nominated Mike Kugler, Brett Stump seconded. Nominations ceased. Vote taken: Mike Kugler – 5 Votes. Mike Kugler assumed his duties as Road Commissioner.

Financial Report

March financials were reviewed and filed for audit.

Brett Stump moved to approve the corporate signature card with Bank of America for the following to sign checks: Peggy D Cary, Chair; Arno Wehr III, Vice Chair; Brett L Stump, Secretary/Treasurer; Kathy Isaacs, Village Superintendent. Greg Fier seconded the motion, motion carried.

Call for Executive Session

Brett Stump moved to temporarily adjourn to executive session, Greg Fier seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Chair Cary adjourned the regular meeting to go into executive session for Section 610.021 (1) Legal issues. Meeting temporarily adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Chair Cary called the regular meeting back to order at 8:25 p.m and stated the executive session was to discuss legal matters concerning the Village. Chair Cary commented that due to a Trustee being ill, the agenda will be changed in order to handle the pressing issues and the meeting will be adjourned to another evening.

First Reading of Ordinance

Brett Stump read Bill 109, Ordinance 06-02 An Ordinance to Approve the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission P&Z 2-06 for a Minor Subdivision Final Plat Submitted by Kim Cook for Property Located in Block F, Lots 21, 22, 45, and 46 Table Rock Beach Subdivision to be Known as Lots 21A and 22A, Block F, Table Rock Beach Subdivision in its entirety.

Brett Stump moved to approve the first reading of Bill 109, Ordinance 06-02. Motion seconded by Greg Fier. Roll call vote taken: Mike Kugler, yea; Brett Stump, yea; Arno Wehr III, yea; Greg Fier, yea; Diane Cary, yea. Bill 109 approved first reading.

Approval Accounts Payable

Brett Stump moved to approve the accounts payable as submitted. Greg Fier seconded the motion, motion carried.

Resolution 06-2

Brett Stump read Resolution 06-2, A Resolution for the Appointment of a Representative to the Southwest Missouri Solid Waste Management District Council in its entirety.

Arno Wehr III moved to approve Resolution 06-2. Motion seconded by Greg Fier. Vote – 5 yeas; 0 nays. Resolution approved.

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Trustee Minutes

April 11, 2006

Resolution 06-3

Brett Stump read Resolution 06-3, A Resolution Expressing Support for the Indian Ridge Resort Development and the Indian Ridge Community Improvement District in its entirety. Comments were given by Greg Maycock, Chair of Planning and Zoning Commission, as to information given at the P&Z meeting and that only a concept of the development is completed. Greg Maycock also commented on another project development that was presented at Planning and Zoning

Resolution 06-3 died for lack of motion.

Second Reading Ordinance

Brett Stump Brett Stump read Bill 109, Ordinance 06-02 An Ordinance to Approve the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission P&Z 2-06 for a Minor Subdivision Final Plat Submitted by Kim Cook for Property Located in Block F, Lots 21, 22, 45, and 46 Table Rock Beach Subdivision to be Known as Lots 21A and 22A, Block F, Table Rock Beach Subdivision in its entirety.

Arno Wehr III moved to adopt Bill 109, Ordinance 06-02. Mike Kugler seconded the motion, roll call vote taken: Mike Kugler, yea; Brett Stump, yea; Arno Wehr III, yea; Greg Fier, yea; Diane Cary, yea. Bill 109, Ordinance 06-02 adopted.

Greg Fier moved to adjourn the meeting to continue on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.

Chair Cary stated that Comments from the floor will be held prior to adjourning.

Comments from the Floor

Larry & Carol Treadwell inquired if the Village had an easement in Heidler’s Laz-E-Daz. It was noted that no easements for the Village are in the subdivision. Village Attorney, Tom Motley stated that this was a civil issue and they would have to contact their own attorney.

Larry Treadwell also inquired as to the status of burned house on Spruce Lane. It was noted that the owners have been difficult to locate and all information has been turned over to Stone County Prosecutor’s office for further disposition.

Kevin McKoy inquired as to the legality of the chair pro tem voting. Tom Motley cited the Missouri State Statutes.

Jan Hoynacki inquired as to why the issue for potential leasing of the Corp of Engineers property was not on the agenda and it was noted that the office is waiting on information from the Corps.

Arno Wehr II inquired as to why the needs survey was not on the agenda.

Greg Maycock commented his concerns about tabling the agenda until another evening if a quorum was still present at the meeting.

Trustee Mike Kugler left 9:00 p.m. due to illness.

Greg Fier called his motion to adjourn the meeting to another date off the floor.

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Trustee Minutes

April 11, 2006

Committee Reports

Police & Emergency Management

Brett Stump informed the members that the City of Kimberling City has donated to the Village of Indian Point radios for emergency purposes, therefore, the property agreement for the radios is to be authorized by the Board of Trustees. Chair Diane Cary signed the agreement.

Planning & Zoning Commission – Greg Maycock

Brett Stump moved to approve one year extensions for the preliminary plats of The Cliffs, Argonaut Midwest, and Bayside, Stillwaters, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Greg Fier seconded the motion, motion carried.

Brett Stump moved to approve JC Zalog for a four (4) year term on Planning and Zoning Commission. Arno Wehr III seconded the motion, motion carried.

Diane Cary moved that Brett Stump, Greg Fier, and Arno Wehr III be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission as Trustee representatives. Arno Wehr III seconded the motion, motion carried.

Board of Public Works

Greg Maycock reported on the re bidding of the Jakes Creek Trail project and also noted that there is a vacancy for a BPW Director.


Greg Fier noted that the Jakes Creek Trail/Indian Point street sign had been replaced and thanked the volunteers for their work.


Report attached from Kent Turner.

Arno Wehr II commented regarding the master plan and it was noted that the office is working with Marci Manna to develop a needs assessment survey.


Betty Fier updated the Trustees on the center and noted that hours are Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Transportation Coalition

Jan reported on the regional transportation and an Request For Qualifications will be put together for a transportation study for the southern half of Stone County.

Old Business

BPW Vacancy – Tabled

Unpaved Platted Roads

Brett Stump moved to rescind the motion for unpaved platted roads approved at the March 14, 2006 Board of Trustees meeting. Arno Wehr III seconded the motion, motion carried.

Brett Stump moved to continue to allow Kim Cook to clear the road and crown the road and required that an indemnification agreement be signed. Arno Wehr III seconded the motion, motion carried.

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Trustee Minutes

April 11, 2006

Village Office Space

Brett Stump moved to table, Arno Wehr III seconded the motion, motion carried.

Hunter’s Friend Resort

Brett Stump moved to allow the event and close Myrtle Lane from DreamCatcher to Hunter’s Friend corner to allow access for the Chamber of Commerce office at the IP Antiques. Greg Fier seconded the motion, motion carried.

Comments from the Trustees

Arno Wehr III commented on the motorcycles leaving the area at the end of the concert and being noisy.


Brett Stump moved to adjourn, Greg Fier seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Isaacs

Village Superintendent