Formula Finance Code 438 – Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Federal Year 2017, State Fiscal Year 2018
This letter of intent is due on Monday, January 9, 2017, by 4:00pm (Central Standard Time). Letters of intent must be emailed to Laurie Rheault at the Minnesota Department of Education at .
Completion of this letter of intent does not obligate the state to make an award nor is required to apply for federal Adult Basic Education (ABE) funding. Entities that submit this completed letter of intent will receive additional information and technical assistance regarding the official grant application.
There will be technical assistance session on Thursday, December 8, 2016, from 9:30am-3:30pm to help potential grantees decide whether to apply, discuss state and federal expectations for local ABE providers, provide an overview on program accountability, and detail additional grant application information. The session will be held at TIES (1667 Snelling Ave N, Falcon Heights, MN 55108). Entities planning on applying for federal funding as an ABE provider are strongly encouraged to attend. For information on how to register for this session, please email Cherie Eichinger at by November 28, 2016.
The Minnesota Department of Education will be seeking competitive applications from potential local Adult Basic Education (ABE) providers, including local educational agencies; community-based organizations or faith-based organizations; volunteer literacy organizations; institutions of higher education; public or private nonprofit agencies; libraries; public housing authorities; nonprofit institutions that are not described above and have the ability to provide adult education and literacy activities to eligible individuals; consortia or coalitions of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries, or authorities described above; and partnerships between an employer and an entity described above.
The Minnesota Department of Education makes this funding available for the purpose of providing adults with educational opportunities to acquire and improve their literacy skills necessary to become self-sufficient and to participate effectively as productive workers, family members and citizens in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Estimated funding is $4.8 million to fund multiple organizations. This previously has equated to an estimated $0.50 per prior year service hour with eligible ABE participants.
The term of the initial grant period is anticipated to be from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. The grant may be renewable annually pending availability of funding and compliance with state statute, federal law, and grant expectations.
Legal Name of Applicant: (District/ Organization Name):
Name and Title:
Phone Number & Email:
Geographic Service Area INFORMATION
Name of Local Workforce Development Board(s) (formerly known as Local Workforce Investment Boards) representing the area you intend to serve:
If you have any questions about this letter of intent to apply, please contact Brad Hasskamp at or (651) 582-8594.