Unit 7 Assessment Questions
1.1How could a long period of inactivity affect an individual’s physical and mental state?
1.2Using the example of someone with dementia in your care describe the ways in which the experience of an activity can be positive.
1.3Using the example of someone with dementia in your care, describe how a positive experience of an activity can affect physical and mental well-being.
1.4Using the example of someone with dementia in your care, describe how the experience of an activity can be negative.
1.5Using the example of someone with dementia in your care, describe how a negative experience of an activity can affect physical and mental ill-being.
2.1 Using the example of someone with dementia in your care, describe the social benefits of a one-to-one activity.
2.2Using the example of someone with dementia in your care describe the social benefits of being involved in a group activity.
2.3 Describe an activity that focuses on interacting with other people.
2.4 Using the example of someone with dementia in your care explain how activities can be used to encourage social interaction.
3.1Describe how you could fit activities for those with dementia into your day to day role.
3.2 Describe how people from the community could help you with activities.
3.3Explain how you could help carers to be involved in activities.
3.4 How can activities be used to create a ‘team’ culture in a care setting.
Unit 7 Activities
Jim and Vikram spend a lot of time each day walking together around the home with no apparent purpose. When they were working, Jim was a school caretaker and Vikram worked in the Post Office. Quite often, they begin to argue and sometimes they have pushed each other about, although so far, nobody has been hurt. Both have a dementia. Stef and Jane, as care workers, have begun to wonder why they behave in this way. They start to watch their behaviour carefully and realise that both men are bored.
a) What activity could they arrange which would provide Jim and Vikram with occupation?
b) How could they find an activity which both men could do which would stop them feeling bored and help them to feel good about themselves?
Name two people with specialist knowledge and skills who come to your care home to help support people with a dementia.
The work which people have done often provides useful ideas, which can be used to provide activities and occupation for people with a dementia. Name three examples of this type of simulated work-related activity, you could provide for individuals with a dementia in your home.
a)Suggest two activities and the ways in which you can modify them, to meet the changing needs of a person with a dementia, e.g. knitting, making a fruit salad, doing jigsaw puzzles.
b)Name three household activities which can be done by a person with a dementia with some staff support.
c)Name three types of activity which can act as cues to trigger memory and reminiscence.
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© 2013 NCC Asset Management and NCC Resources 1Principles of Dementia Awareness