PACERep Meeting Minutes
Aspen 176 Conference Room
February 20, 2008
ChairLauri Watkins
RecorderConnie Stout
Reps Present
ADC - Ann Keane
Aspen - Lauri Watkins
Canyon - Revis Turner
Evergreen - Caralee Perry
Fine Arts/Maint - Robert Milligan
Gym - Ginger Nukaya filling in for Scott Rogers
Herrett - Kristi Bronson
Library - Jan Goodman
OOA - Abby Greenfield
Shields - Connie Stout for Vicki Kulm
Taylor - Elena Butler and Zetell Nelson
Execs Present
Dannette Starr
Karon Myers
Chris Anderson from the Herrett
Tina Standlee from the Training Committee
Lauricalled the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. She asked if everyone read over the minutes from January’s meeting. Ann made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Abby seconded the motion.
Old Business
PACE Rep Outlook Calendar was a great idea but after researching it was noted that the calendar will not work because of all the different operating systems on campus. It was also noted that some people do not have access to computers to retrieve the calendar information. It was decided that the best way to remind yourself of meetings is to type meeting times and dates into your own calendar and it will pop up and remind you.
New Business
There was quite a bit of discussion about the upcoming showing of the video called The Secret which is based on the law of attraction. A concern was brought up that it might not be appropriate for training at CSI and may offend some folks. The opinion was stated that the ideas in The Secret are clearly not scientific and it could be disturbing from a Christian’s point of view. It was reported that the HR office had viewed the tape and had given the OK on showing the film but it could not be called a training session. Instead, it would be referred to as a “showing”. Due to the considerable amount of pro and con it was suggested that the Exec Committee view the film and make the final decision on Friday about the matter. If the Exec Committee approves the film, it will be shown February 27th in the morning and again in the afternoon. It was suggested by some that information be posted about the film as controversial for some folks along with the possibility of giving folks a chance to think about their values regarding the showing and to possibly do some self-examination. The chair asked if the reps would like to make a motion to present a statement to the HR office regarding the film. It was decided there was no need to present a motion to HR andafter the Exec Committee watches the film they will make the final decision.
2008 Theme
Lauri asked the committee about the new PACE Themefor 2008. Connie presented four ideas and the committee voted. The new theme is Believe and Achieve.
Training Committee
Tina reported that Jan Mittleider would love put some things together for trainings to help the staff with stress. Tina asked the committee to give her some ideas of what our daily stressors are. Some of the suggestions were: communication, parents, work loads, student stressors, and balancing family and work. It was also mentioned that we need to have more training on Customer Service.
Ann reported on communication. She gave Alex a great report as far as getting the minutes on the web and helping with the newsletter. Everything is updated due to Alex and his speedy work. It was suggested everyone go in and check out the PACE website.
Everyone shared information about their buildings giving updates on recent happenings. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Next Meeting
March 12 at 2:00 (Ann will let everyone know where.)
ChairAnn Keane
RecorderAbby Greenfield