Attachment C-1
PETS NON-ELIGIBLEStaffing Costs and Activities
Administrative/Non-Allowable / PETS ELIGIBLE –
Staffing Costs and Activities
- Providing supervision of Program and/or program administrative processes (staff logs, time sheets, leave scheduling, etc.)
- Providing group services/training/counseling to eligible and potentially eligible PETS students
- Completing EPRs, hiring/interviewing staff, general office duties, program reports
- Actual direct service time spent with students providing PETS required services
- Agency staff travel, lodging, and expenses to attend or participate in generic or agency trainings, conferences, programs etc.
- Travel to provide direct PETS service either to students or for students
- Determining eligibility, entering eligibility determinations, drafting and sending eligibility determination letters
- Reviewing evaluations to provide PETS, researching job goals and post-secondary options, completing comprehensive assessment to provide PETS
- Staff Training on administrative activities such as entering leave slips, timesheets, agency policies
- Staff Training on strategies to increase PETS, presentations on how to establish new PETS with schools, providers, etc. (Staff & related training programs must be approved in advance by OVR)
- Supervisory time spent reviewing cases, managing caseloads, and other general supervisory activity
- Supervisory consultation on strategies to work with a PETS eligible student
- Copying, printing, stapling materials for training, program, event, including staff business cards
- Copying or printing materials directly related to training, program, or event for students, parents, schools, and other providers
- Interpreters for staff with disabilities
- Interpreters for PETS students with disabilities
- Processing invoices and purchase orders, entering applications or other forms into client data systems
- Taking application with PETS eligible student, reviewing information to provide counseling and options for services
- Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, finance, administration, timekeeping, payroll, staff background* and clearance* checks, certifications, custodial services, all other organizational managerial, administrative oversight, and support staff functions and duties, including any and all staff professional memberships and subscriptions
- Up to 10% of the total OVR-approved program PETS costs can be used to cover program administration costs and/or other non-PETS costs as designated by the vendor/service provider
Operating Costs
Administrative/Non-Allowable / PETS ELIGIBLE –
Operating Costs
- Occupancy costs: office rent, mortgage payments, utilities, occupancy license fees, elevator, building and other maintenance fees
- Documented fair market value per square foot of space set aside for PETS student activities only
- Furniture, furnishings, and appointments
- Only those items used exclusively by and for PETS students (hint: it is best to rent furniture rather than purchase)
- Office supplies and equipment, copiers, printers, smartboards, and equipment supplies and maintenance fees (copier, water cooler, telephones)
- Program supplies and equipment used exclusively for PETS program (AV equipment rental, paper, notebooks, percentage of copier/printer expense relative to amount program usage, etc.)
- Equipment, electronics, and related devices for staff or general office use including computers, computer software, kitchen appliances and water coolers
- Equipment including electronics and adaptive devices, based on documented and professionally assessed need for PETS student use (temporary or permanent). If temporary the vendor/provider is entirely responsible to tag and inventory all equipment, and securely set it aside exclusively for future PETS program use
- Communications (office use landline telephones, cell phones, walkie-talkies, iPhones, Internet Service)
- Communications expense for staff working directly with PETS students (example: a percentage of direct staff cellphone expense)
- Communications – Mail, delivery services, overnight mail, messenger services, etc.
- Communications – mailings for PETS program only, explain any expense other than USPS bulk or mass-mailings regarding or for program participants.
- Security/Safety communication and related devices/equipment
- Security/Safety communication and related devices/equipment used for PETS program only and stored away when not in use (hint: it is best to rent rather than purchase)
- Certificates, plaques, pins, cards, small gifts as a “thank-you”, “acknowledgement”, recognition or appreciation for staff, volunteers, or non-PETS student participant
- Certificates of achievement or recognitionfor PETS students
- Clothing especially t-shirts, jerseys, hats, sweatshirts for staff, volunteers, or any non-PETS student participant
- Promotional or commemorative event items (Example: t-shirts, jerseys, hats, sweatshirts) for PETS students; Staff clothing if specifically for benefit of identification at program (uniform) for students
- First Aid Kits, fire extinguisher, emergency kits and supplies for general building/area use
- First Aid Kits, fire extinguisher, emergency kits and supplies for PETS program access and use only, and stored away when program is not in session
Non-PETS vs. PETS 6/8/16 T:\PETS Gen’l Guidance\PETS vs NonPETS Cost Chart 6-7-16