Attachment C-1


Staffing Costs and Activities
Administrative/Non-Allowable / PETS ELIGIBLE –
Staffing Costs and Activities
  1. Providing supervision of Program and/or program administrative processes (staff logs, time sheets, leave scheduling, etc.)
  1. Providing group services/training/counseling to eligible and potentially eligible PETS students

  1. Completing EPRs, hiring/interviewing staff, general office duties, program reports
  1. Actual direct service time spent with students providing PETS required services

  1. Agency staff travel, lodging, and expenses to attend or participate in generic or agency trainings, conferences, programs etc.
  1. Travel to provide direct PETS service either to students or for students

  1. Determining eligibility, entering eligibility determinations, drafting and sending eligibility determination letters
  1. Reviewing evaluations to provide PETS, researching job goals and post-secondary options, completing comprehensive assessment to provide PETS

  1. Staff Training on administrative activities such as entering leave slips, timesheets, agency policies
  1. Staff Training on strategies to increase PETS, presentations on how to establish new PETS with schools, providers, etc. (Staff & related training programs must be approved in advance by OVR)

  1. Supervisory time spent reviewing cases, managing caseloads, and other general supervisory activity
  1. Supervisory consultation on strategies to work with a PETS eligible student

  1. Copying, printing, stapling materials for training, program, event, including staff business cards
  1. Copying or printing materials directly related to training, program, or event for students, parents, schools, and other providers

  1. Interpreters for staff with disabilities
  1. Interpreters for PETS students with disabilities

  1. Processing invoices and purchase orders, entering applications or other forms into client data systems
  1. Taking application with PETS eligible student, reviewing information to provide counseling and options for services

  1. Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, finance, administration, timekeeping, payroll, staff background* and clearance* checks, certifications, custodial services, all other organizational managerial, administrative oversight, and support staff functions and duties, including any and all staff professional memberships and subscriptions
  1. Up to 10% of the total OVR-approved program PETS costs can be used to cover program administration costs and/or other non-PETS costs as designated by the vendor/service provider
*(NOTE: Some staff background or clearance checks may be eligible, BUT they must be approved in advance by OVR)
Operating Costs
Administrative/Non-Allowable / PETS ELIGIBLE –
Operating Costs
  1. Occupancy costs: office rent, mortgage payments, utilities, occupancy license fees, elevator, building and other maintenance fees
  1. Documented fair market value per square foot of space set aside for PETS student activities only

  1. Furniture, furnishings, and appointments
  1. Only those items used exclusively by and for PETS students (hint: it is best to rent furniture rather than purchase)

  1. Office supplies and equipment, copiers, printers, smartboards, and equipment supplies and maintenance fees (copier, water cooler, telephones)
  1. Program supplies and equipment used exclusively for PETS program (AV equipment rental, paper, notebooks, percentage of copier/printer expense relative to amount program usage, etc.)

  1. Equipment, electronics, and related devices for staff or general office use including computers, computer software, kitchen appliances and water coolers
  1. Equipment including electronics and adaptive devices, based on documented and professionally assessed need for PETS student use (temporary or permanent). If temporary the vendor/provider is entirely responsible to tag and inventory all equipment, and securely set it aside exclusively for future PETS program use

  1. Communications (office use landline telephones, cell phones, walkie-talkies, iPhones, Internet Service)
  1. Communications expense for staff working directly with PETS students (example: a percentage of direct staff cellphone expense)

  1. Communications – Mail, delivery services, overnight mail, messenger services, etc.
  1. Communications – mailings for PETS program only, explain any expense other than USPS bulk or mass-mailings regarding or for program participants.

  1. Security/Safety communication and related devices/equipment
  1. Security/Safety communication and related devices/equipment used for PETS program only and stored away when not in use (hint: it is best to rent rather than purchase)

  1. Certificates, plaques, pins, cards, small gifts as a “thank-you”, “acknowledgement”, recognition or appreciation for staff, volunteers, or non-PETS student participant
  1. Certificates of achievement or recognitionfor PETS students

  1. Clothing especially t-shirts, jerseys, hats, sweatshirts for staff, volunteers, or any non-PETS student participant
  1. Promotional or commemorative event items (Example: t-shirts, jerseys, hats, sweatshirts) for PETS students; Staff clothing if specifically for benefit of identification at program (uniform) for students

  1. First Aid Kits, fire extinguisher, emergency kits and supplies for general building/area use
  1. First Aid Kits, fire extinguisher, emergency kits and supplies for PETS program access and use only, and stored away when program is not in session

Non-PETS vs. PETS 6/8/16 T:\PETS Gen’l Guidance\PETS vs NonPETS Cost Chart 6-7-16