March 10, 2015
The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on March 10, 2015 at Portsmouth Mosquito Control on Frederick Blvd.
Those present were Past President Jennifer Pierce, President Jay Kiser, President ElectJosh Smith, Vice President Jeff Hottenstein, First Vice President George Wojcik, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, MAMCA Representatives Tim DuBois and Ann Herring, and TMVCC representative Karen Akaratovic.
The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:18am.
The minutes for the meeting of January 20, 2015and the financial report for January 21 to March 10, 2015were reviewed and motion was made by Josh Smith to accept the minutes and the financial report, seconded by Jeff Hottenstein. All in favor, none opposed.
Officer Reports
Committee Reports
Education: The Adult mosquito ID course is scheduled for May 13-14.
Information: The deadline for article submissions to the Skeeter is March 31st.
Public Relations: Rachel Kempf is seeking information on the application process for the Governor’s proclamation of Mosquito Awareness Week.
Legislative: Conference call with Randy Buchanan to discuss the possibility of the legislative committee contacting commercial organizations that use pesticides, such as the Pest Management Council and the Virginia Turf Grass Council. The intention being to make the VMCA aware of and possibly collaborate on legislation that affects both organizations. Also for the purpose of educating private pest control companies. Concerns were raised about such organizations using the relationship to claim VMCA endorsement of their businesses and practices. Discussion was tabled until a future meeting. Jeff suggested the committee look into the possible of conducting a “Richmond Day” to speak with state legislators on the VMCA concerns and interests. Randy requests that anyone interested in participating in the AMCA Washington Day event contact Betsy Hodson.
Unfinished Business
Jay Kiser sent out thank you letters to all of the meeting presenters and the sustaining members.
Jeff Hottenstein reported on the results of the meeting surveys. Overall ratings were satisfactory, most complaints focused on time management of the speakers. No comments noted on the shortened day 1 schedule.
Jay Kiser will contact the sustaining members to see who, if anyone, is interested in being the industry representative on the VMCA board. Deadline set for April 28 to determine who will be the industry representative.
Tim DuBois, Ann Herring, and other VMCA board members will be attending the MAMCA meeting scheduled for April 14 in Newport News to discuss the 2017 joint meeting of VMCA and MAMCA. Discussion was held on the fees for membership and registration, possibly charging a slightly lower sustaining membership/registration for MAMCA with an additional greatly reduced VMCA sustaining member fee. Board would like MAMCA to consider bundling the membership and registration fees. Jay Kiser suggested expanding the schedule on Day 1 from a half day to a full day with the extra time allotted to Virginia specific topics.
New Business
The Adult Mosquito ID course will be held on May 13 and 14th and the TMVCC Calibration Rodeo sponsored by Clarke will be held on Tuesday, May 12th.
Karen Akaratovic requested that the VMCA purchase a screen to be used with the VMCA projector for presentations. Motion was made by George Wojcik and seconded by Jeff Hottenstein to purchase a screen. Amendment to the motion was made by George Wojcik and seconded by Jeff Hottenstein to spend a maximum of $100 to purchase a screen. Discussion was held, all in favor, none opposed.
Jay Kiser requested that the VMCA purchase a timer to be used during the Annual Meeting to keep presenters on schedule. George Wojick made a motion, seconded by Jeff to spend a maximum of $100 on a timer. Penny Smelser will research and purchase the timer.
Karen Akaratovic will research options for a speaker/microphone device to be used during video conferencing.
Jay Kiser created a Merchandise ad-hoc committee to be responsible for the design, ordering, and inventory of VMCA branded merchandise. The committee will include Joe Simmons, Andy Lima, Lisa Wagenbrenner, Tim DuBois, and Karen Akaratovic as chair.
Jay Kiser created a Technical Support ad-hoc committee to research electronic document storage, anti-viral software, and other technical issues. Committee consists of Charles Abadam and Jason Pevear as chair.
The Nominating committee will consist of Jennifer Pierce, Ann Herring, and Constance Gregg.
Jay Kiser created the Elections ad-hoc committee for the purposes of counting ballots and verifying results of elections. Penny Smelser will serve as chair. The by-law committee will look into proposed by-law changes that will clarify committee responsibilities for nominating candidates, creating a ballot, and counting votes.
Jay Kiser asks the by-law committee to propose by-law changes that would eliminate obsolete committees, such as the chemical review committee and the standing advisor committee.
Josh posed the question of how the VMCA handles copyrighted images that are included in presentations that are posted to the VMCA website. As an alternative, he suggested posting presentation summaries and presenter contact information to the website instead of posting presentations to the website. Presentations will remain posted and will be posted in the future, any request to remove a presentation due to copyright infringement will be honored.
The VMCA Executive Board will tentatively meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month.
The next meeting of the Executive Board will be held on April 28th, 2015 at 9:00am, location to be decided.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Penelope Smelser
Secretary/Treasurer VMCA