Preschool Bulletin
Week of April 13th-17th, 2015
Our Buddy Painting and Blue Painting up on display!
This week’s theme is:
We will read Grow Flower, Grow! by Lisa Bruce and make flower art.
Next week (April 20th-24th), our theme will be “Rainbows” so get ready to wear a different color every day (Monday – Red, Tuesday – Orange, Wednesday – Yellow, Thursday – Green, Friday – Blue)!
Important Announcements:
-Marking Period 3 ends Friday, April 17th.
-Report Cards will be sent home Friday, April 24th.
-Please let me know if you are interested in scheduling a home visit for the month of April.
-Walk with our class at the Walk-A-Thon for Autism on Sunday, May 17th. Sign up at
ABA Term of the Week
What is a mand?
A mand is a request. It may be for an item (e.g., toy, food, other object), attention, a break, information, etc. Manding is requesting.
How can I practice manding at home?
1. Set aside a time to focus on manding. This can be as often as every day or once a week depending on your schedule. I recommend a 10-minute mand session.
2. Gather items your child enjoys (e.g., toys, activities, foods, drinks, etc.). If your child communicates using PECS icons, please do not hesitate to reach out to Miss Jen when you need new icons!
3. Choose a place with seats (or on the floor) to conduct your session. Make sure that you have “control” over the items (keep them in your lap, in a bin, or on your side of the table) so that your child cannot access the items without asking you.
4. Invite your child to sit with you – make it fun! Entice him by showing him all the fun things you have – as necessary, pair briefly by giving the items for free (no manding necessary) so that your child associates you with the preferred items and knows what is available. Then, assume “control” over the items (see above) and wait for him to ask!
5. If your child does not begin to mand independently, provide a prompt (say, “I want book” and allow your child to repeat or provide a physical prompt to exchange the picture icon).
6. No other demands should be placed during a mand session – the focus is on communication only! Reinforce each request during the session by providing the item immediately (within 1-2 seconds).
More on capturing and contriving mands during naturally occurring opportunities next week…
Please let me know if you have any questions – I am always willing to share more information!
Thank you! – Miss Jen J