ENRIN (Esprit project No. 29591)


1st Call for Expressions of Interest
for Proposal Development Assistance Awards
to Russian IST Participants

The Proposal Development Assistance Awards to Russian IST participants are an initiative of the ENRIN project (cf. http://www.dlr.de/enrin/) aimed at strengthening the Russian-EU contacts and at stimulating the best Russian-EU teams for developing and submitting joint project proposals under the forthcoming IST Calls for Proposals. Submissions are invited now related to the 2nd IST call according to the following provisions:

I. General Conditions

  1. Expressions of Interest (EoI) can be submitted by prospective co-ordinators involved in the formation of EU consortia with participation of Russian IT-RTD groups assisted by the Regional Information Node (RIN) network (IST regional contact points for Russia) of the ENRIN project (cf. Appendix 1).
  2. EoIs must relate to RTD or combined RTD/demonstration projects to be submitted within Key Actions I, II, III, IV, Cross-Programme Themes and Future and Emerging Technologies and Action Lines that are declared open in the 2nd IST call published on 1 October 1999 (see http://www.cordis.lu/ist/calls/199902.htm and Appendix 2). Submission of the proposal within the 2nd IST call deadline will be a prerequisite for full payment of the Assistance Awards.
  3. The support for proposal development by the Assistance Award will consist in funding working visits of Russian partner representative(s) to the prospective consortium partner(s) from EU. During these working visits the representative(s) will take part in the joint preparation of the RTD project proposal to be submitted or/and in the first consortium meeting.
  4. The maximum travel grant available per Russian IT-RTD Group in case of positive evaluation of the corresponding is 2000 euros.

5. The filled-out EoI forms (see section III) must be submitted electronically - as a Word document, with the necessary templates provided by the RINs on request and/or available as a download from the ENRIN web pages - at any time until to 15 November 1999 noon (Moscow time) to the corresponding RIN (see Appendix 1). In parallel, an EoI Application Letter (cf. Appendix 3) must be faxed by the prospective co-ordinator to this RIN. EoIs received after the above deadline cannot be guaranteed to be included in the evaluation. It is planned to have evaluation results available to the end of November. In submitting an EoI, the applicants accept the procedures and conditions as described in this call and in the documents to which it refers. There is no legal right to receiving one of the awards in question.

  1. All EoIs received by the ENRIN consortium will be treated confidentially.

II. Details

Types of actions supported

The Proposal Development Assistance Award supports the formation phase of a project by funding working visits of Russian partners to their EU counterparts. During these working visits the contacts initiated with assistance of RINs will be intensified and personal relationship between the partners established. Although the programme of the working visits will be decided by the partners themselves it should be based on joint activities of preparation of the project proposal, including attending consortium working meetings to establish personal contacts not only with the hosting partner but also with other partners of the consortium. The result of the working visit must be a project proposal submitted under the 2nd IST Call for Proposals by the EoI consortium with explicit participation of a Russian IT-RTD group.

Relations with IST Programme

To be eligible for evaluation, all expressions of interest (EoI) submitted must conform with the IST Programme strategy and priorities, requirements concerning the consortium composition (eligibility) and other formal IST Call criteria.


EoIs must be submitted in English, with all EoI Submission Forms (see section III) filled out adequately.

Evaluation procedure

The evaluation of EoI will be implemented based on the fundamental principles of transparency and equality of treatment by the RINs and the ENRIN evaluation body which will include independent external experts both from Russia and EU.

EoIs will be evaluated according to the subset of the Commission criteria applied for the evaluation of project proposals submitted for IST Calls for proposals (Scientific/Technological quality and innovation, Community added value and contribution to EC policies, Economic development and S&T prospects, Resources, Partnership and Management).

The evaluation will be done in two steps. The preliminary assessment of EoIs will be implemented by the corresponding RIN. Those EoIs considered adequate will be pushed forward for the evaluation by the ENRIN evaluation body.

The prospective co-ordinator and the Russian IT-RTD group will be notified electronically about the evaluation result.

Payment of Travel Grants

On successful conclusion of the evaluation, ENRIN undertakes to contribute financially to the realisation of the proposal development activities by funding working visits of Russian partners up to 2000 euros. The following categories of costs are eligible for ENRIN granting: travel and subsistence.

The ENRIN grant is paid in euros. As an advance part of travel grant the corresponding RIN will grant a return ticket for the working visit just after signing a granting agreement. The ticket invoice and the original ticket will have to be provided to the RIN after the travel for being forwarded to the ENRIN co-ordinator as a prerequisite for charging the specific project funds. The final part of the grant (subsistence) will be reimbursed by the RIN within a month after receipt of the proof that the proposal developed with the support of the ENRIN Assistance Award was submitted under the 2nd IST Call for Proposals (fax copy of the Acknowledgement of receipt issued by the Commission).

III. EoI Submission Forms

A. Administrative Forms

A1. Administrative Overview

EoI No.
Proposal Acronym / IST Action Line
Proposal Full Name
Contact Person
Title / Family Name / First Name
Organisation Legal Name / Country
Telephone No. / Fax No. / E-mail
Total Costs, Euro / EC Contribution requested, Euro / Russian Partner Costs, Euro

A2. Prospective Russian Consortium Member

Legal information on the participating organisation

Participant Role: / Participant No: / Assistant to Contractor No:
Organisation Legal Name
Short name / / Legal Registration No
Activity Type / / Legal Status / / User/Supplier (U/S)

Address of the main department carrying out the work

Department/Institute Name
PO Box
Street Name and Number
Post Code / Cedex
Country Code / / Country Name /

Authorised person

Title (Dr, Prof., …) / Gender
Family Name /
First Name /
Telephone No / Fax No

Supporting RIN

City /
Contact Person /

A3. Prospective Co-Ordinator

Legal information on the participating organisation

Organisation Legal Name
Short name / / Legal Registration No
Activity Type / / Legal Status / / User/Supplier (U/S)

Address of the main department carrying out the work

Department/Institute Name
PO Box
Street Name and Number
Post Code / Cedex
Country Code / / Country Name /

Authorised person

Title (Dr, Prof., …) / Gender
Family Name /
First Name /
Telephone No / Fax No

A4. Prospective Partners

No. / Organisation Legal Name / City / Country

B. Proposal Summary

B1. / Title
Proposal full title Proposal acronym
Proposal abstract (between 10 and 20 lines)
B2. / Objectives.
This section, with a length between half a page and one page, describes the scientific/technological objectives of the proposal in a measurable and verifiable form.
B3. / Contribution to programme/key action objectives
This section, which should not exceed one page, describes how the proposed project will contribute to the objectives of the programme and/or key action.
B4. / Innovation
This section, with a length between half a page and one page, describes innovative aspects of the proposed project, and how the proposed project will advance the state of the art in the research area.
B5. / Description of the participants
Short description of the participating organisations including (no more than 10 lines per organisation): the expertise and experience of the organisation, expertise and involvement in other EC projects, i.e. list of acronyms of RTD projects implemented by the organisation within the Fourth Framework Programme with reference to the respective Specific Programme.
B6. / Project Proposal Development Workplan
This section, which should not exceed half of a page, should describe programme of activities to be implemented during exploratory phase of the project to prepare and submit a project proposal under the second Call for Proposals, including the programme of the working visit of the Russian partner to its counterparts from EU and an estimation of the visit duration.

Appendix 1. Contacts

Any questions arisen in the connection of the Call for ENRIN Expression of Interests for Proposal Development Assistance Award should be addressed to the partners of the ENRIN consortium:

Germany / the German NCP for the IST Programme
and ENRIN co-ordinator / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Dr. Erich Rathske
tel.: +49-2203-601-3274; fax: +49-2203-601-3055
Austria / the Austrian NCP for the IST Programme / Bureau for International Research and Technology Cooperation
Dr. Erich Prem
tel.: +43-1-581 16 16 119; fax: +43-1-581-16-16 18
Russian Federation / the Russian NCP for the IST Programme / Institute of Operating Systems
Prof. Valery Mikhov
tel.: +7-095-532 7241; fax: +7-095-532 0200
e-mail: ; http://www.iopsys.ru
Moscow RIN / Institute of Operating Systems
Dr. Andrey Berezin
tel.: +7-095-535-3322; fax: +7-095-532 0200
e-mail: ; http://www.iopsys.ru
Chelyabinsk RIN / Southern Ural Innovation Center of New Technology
Dr. Dmitry Sherbakov
tel.: +7-3512-656 504; fax: +7-3512-347 408
e-mail: ; http://www.urc.ac.ru
Nizhny Novgorod RIN / University of Nizhni Novgorod, Consulting-Office of UNN
Prof. Alexander Ezhevski
tel./fax: +7-8312-657906
e-mail: ,
Novosibirsk RIN / Innovation-Technology Center of Scientific Technological Park “Novosibirsk”
Dr. Sergei Golushko
tel.: +7-3832-33 18 40; fax: +7-3832-34 13 42
Samara RIN / Samara Scientific and Innovation Centre "Perspectiva"
Prof. Vadim Salmin
tel.: +7-8462-423101; fax: +7-8462-321153
e-mail: ; http://www.smr.ru/perspectiva
St. Petersburg RIN / Coordination Centre for International Scientific-Technical and Educational Programmes
Mr. Vladimir Sidelnikov
tel.: +7-812-210 4764; fax: +7-812-314 9272
e-mail: ,
Tambov RIN / Tambov Regional Centre of New Information Technologies
Dr. Vladimir Podolsky
tel./fax: +7-0752-47 13 13;
Tomsk RIN / Cybernetic Center at Tomsk Polytechnical University
Prof. Vladimir Yampolsky
tel.: +7-3822-415 479; fax: +7-3822-279 003
e-mail: ;
Tver RIN / Tver State University, Technology Transfer Center
Dr. Gennadij Mantrov
tel.: +7-0822-33 02 53; fax: +7-0822-33 12 74
e-mail: ; http://enrin.tversu.ru
Yaroslavl RIN / Yaroslavl State University, Center of New Information Technologies
Prof. Alexander Rusakov
tel.: +7-0852-30 2405; fax: +7-0852-30 2405
e-mail: ; http://www.yars.free.net/yarrin.html

Appendix 2. Action Lines opened for the 2nd IST Call

Only EoIs for preparing project proposals (proposals for RTD and combined RTD/demonstration projects) to be submitted under the following Action Lines open under the 2nd IST call are eligible for receiving Proposal Development Assistance Award:

Key Action I Systems and Services for the Citizen

Actions lines

I.1.1 New models for providing services to citizens;

I.4.2 On-line support to democratic processes;

I.6.1 Intelligent transport infrastructure and mobility management (GNSS applications and receivers only)

I.6.2 Systems for intelligent vehicles (rail and waterborne transport only);

I.6.3 Systems and services for tourism;

Key Action II New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce

Actions line

II.1.1 New perspectives for work and business;

Key Action III Multimedia Content and Tools

Actions lines

III.1.1 Social and business models for multimedia content;

III.2.4 Digital preservation of cultural heritage;

III.5.1 Multi-sensory forms of content;

III.5.2 Media representation and access: new models and standards;

Key Action IV Essential Technologies and Infrastructures

Actions lines

IV.1.1 Convergence and integration: scenarios and analyses;

IV.2.1 Concurrent systems;

IV.2.4 Technologies for network management and service-level interworking;

IV.3.1 Component-based software engineering;

IV.3.4 Information management methods;

IV.6.1 Adaptable multi-sensory interfaces;

Cross-programme Themes

Actions lines

V.1.4 CPA4: New indicators and statistical methods (indicators only);

Future and Emerging Technologies

Actions lines

VI.1.1 FET O: Open domain

Appendix 3. EoI Application Letter

The EoI Application Letter to be faxed to the RIN in question in parallel to the electronic information submission, with the official letterhead of the prospective co-ordinating organisation and signed by the authorised person within the organisation, must containing the following statement:

Being the Co-ordinator of the project proposal <project proposal acronym> <project proposal title> to be submitted under the IST Programme Call for Proposals of 1 October 1999, we herewith ask for acceptance of our corresponding EoI under the ENRIN 1st Call for Expressions of Interest for Proposal Development Assistance Awards to Russian IST Participants. We confirm that all information presented for the EoI Call corresponds to the present agreed consortium position and accept the conditions as set out in the ENRIN EoI Call.