Meet Bid Sheet 2015-2016

Bidding on Meets for 2015-2016

New Jersey Swimming is soliciting bids from any team interested in hosting a meet for the 2015-2016Short course season and Long course, beginning September 2015-August 2016. Bid on the meet(s) that you would like to host and choose your dates.

Please include details on any bids for distance meets, relay meets, regional invites, or any other “special” meets with your submission. Technical planning will review the bids, help rearrange any high-demand weekends, fill in the gaps and present this to the HOD in May for approval.

Fill out the meet bid form attached and available on the website. You can copy this form as many times as necessary to accommodate the meets on which you wish to bid.

Keep in mind the limitations of your facility, your club, and any and all safetyissues. Your meet information will be sanctioned after the HOD approves theschedule. In granting the sanction it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and NJ Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to any during the conduct of the meet. (Rule 2:02.2.7)

Fees are $20 for one day, $40 for two or more days.

Submit your bid(s) to the New Jersey swim office by April 15, 2015. Make sure you have attached the appropriate sanction fee for each meet.

Incomplete bids (a bid without all the paperwork and fees) will not be processed..

Club Name Club Code: -NJ Date

Contact person regarding this bid ______

Phone Email

Address of Club

Form for bids 12/31/2018

New Jersey Swimming, Inc

1933 Rt 35 Ste 105 PMB 349, Wall, NJ07719

Meet Bid Sheet 2015-2016

Line / Date / SCY
SCM / Meet Name
Level – gold silver bronze Invite no cuts / Pool
Location / New Meet for Host (Y/N) / Meet
Hired (Y/N)

If you checked yes for Meet Professionals hired (non-club members paid to complete meet tasks), please circle yes or no to the following tasks:

All meet functions: yesno

Form for bids 12/31/2018

New Jersey Swimming, Inc

1933 Rt 35 Ste 105 PMB 349, Wall, NJ07719

Meet Bid Sheet 2015-2016

Creating meet entry informationyesno

Creating Meet Mgr Meet yesno

Mailing Meet Informationyesno

Receiving Meet Entries: yesno

Processing Meet Entries: yesno

Contacting teams re: limits/cuts yesno

Assigning Warm-up lanes: yesno

Assigning timers:yesno

Running meet computer/

console: yesno

Awards ordering yesno

Awards processing yesno

Post meet emailing yesno

Post Meet contactsFor

awards/etc yesno

Form for bids 12/31/2018

New Jersey Swimming, Inc

1933 Rt 35 Ste 105 PMB 349, Wall, NJ07719

Meet Bid Sheet 2015-2016

As of September 1, 2013 the following officials are required as per USA Swimming Rule 102.10 for all sanctioned and Approved Meets:

Line / Meet Director Phone/Email / Meet Referee Phone/Email / Admin Official Phone/Email / Starter
Phone/Email / Stroke & Turn

By placing this bid, I understand that the New Jersey Swimming Board of Directors must approve the bid. I understand that the meet will be assigned only to a NJ registered club/team in complete compliance with NJS/USA-S regulations, and the club’s responsibilities to host a meet include all aspects of the meet. I also understand that, in the case of oversubscription, all teams are to be refunded, in a timely fashion, any and all moneys that are due.

Print NameSignature


USA/NJS Registration ID


Office Use:

Date Received/initials / Meets approved (line numbers)/date / Membership checked

Form for bids 12/31/2018

New Jersey Swimming, Inc

1933 Rt 35 Ste 105 PMB 349, Wall, NJ07719