Chelaque Estates Homeowners’ Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

August 14, 2017

Members Attending:

Tina Brasington – TB Cher Lindenmuth – CL

Dick Collins – DC Les Lindenmuth – LL Dave Toll – DT

Ron Johnson – RJ Brad Orthmann – BO Jill Vander Hook – JV

Members Absent:

Dave Sholtes – DS Out of Town

I. Meeting Called to Order: RJ

·  Agenda Approval

II. Treasurer’s Report: BO

Report for period ended July 31, 2017:

1.  Cash Accounts & Reserves:

a.  Checking xxx1907 6,721.19

b.  Savings xxx1917 134,317.89 141,039.08

c.  Major Roads/Marina Reserves:

i.  Marina Reserve xxx9175 34,734.58

ii. 24 Mo CD: 0.95%-04/27/18 50,000.00*

iii.  36 Mo CD: 1.15%-04/29/19 50,000.00*

iv.  60 Mo CD: 1.60%-04/27/21 50,000.00*

v. FTB Investment Account 200,000.00* 384,734.58

Total Cash & Reserves 525,773.66

·  Decreased 731.84 from 06/30/17.

·  Construction deposits totaling 6,000.00 have been received for new home construction and/or renovation projects.

* Account valuations at 07/31/17:

·  FTB Investment Account - $222,699

·  CDs – Total of all three - $152,338

2.  July disbursements totaled 2,738.73: Disbursements over 500.00 are below

a.  All Seasons Landscaping, 820.00: Easement maintenance contract

b.  Reimbursement- David Sholtes, 714.59: Wheel stops for marina parking area and replace broken mirror at Muskogee Dr.

3.  Accounts Receivable Balance 10,766.83: Decrease of 1,578.90 from 06/30/17

a.  Received payment for 3 lots in July with delinquent accounts re 2017 HOA dues.

b.  As of 07/31/17, 2017 HOA dues are unpaid on 3 lots, including 2 with liens from prior year(s).

c.  Placed lien on lot P2L034 re delinquent 2017 HOA dues.

d.  Liens are held on 4 properties with assessments and other charges owing for years 2015 - 2017 totaling 4,514.75.

e.  Receiving monthly payments on one lot with lien and Board voted to postpone foreclosure proceedings on another lot.

f.  Includes 6,068.25 receivable from IRS re 2014 failure to file penalty. Melissa Hill, CPA is representing CHOA with appeal to IRS. Provide status update.

4.  Net Income Comparison - 01/01/16 – 07/31/17:

a.  Actual 122,063

b.  Budget 109,714

c.  Variance 12,349 Favorable

Profit & Loss Statement Variances from Budget: 01/01/16 – 07/31/17 - Details below:

Definitions: FAV = Favorable to Budget; UNFAV = Unfavorable to Budget

Net Income (Excluding Marina) – FAV 9,273: Primary variances are shown below:

1.  Roads Expense - FAV 6,517:

a.  Winter Maintenance- FAV 3,752: Due to mild winter weather

b.  Landscape Maintenance- FAV 1,000: Project delayed

c.  Safety- FAV 1,761: Projects incomplete

d.  Surface Maintenance- FAV 2,904: Roads assessment in progress to establish repair priorities

e.  Easement Maintenance- UNFAV 2,900: Repair 4 washout areas on Chelaque Way & tree removal

2.  Legal Expense – FAV 651:

a.  Consultations-C&R Enforcement- FAV 850: Legal consultations for review of CHOA C&R and By-Laws in process

b.  Consultations- Liens & Foreclosure- UNFAV 199: Lien placed on lot with delinquent account. Fee not charged to lot owner because payment was delivered to CHOA prior to lien placement but not received by Treasurer prior to lien placement.

3.  Access Expense – FAV 886:

a.  Cabin Maintenance- FAV 455: Repair project will begin shortly

b.  Security Monitoring System- FAV 326: Sale of access gate devices

c.  Utilities- FAV 105: Lower power usage

4.  All other non-marina income & expenses – FAV 1,219:

a.  Claims re HOA violations- FAV 600: Unauthorized tree cutting

b.  Late Fees, Interest & Miscellaneous charges - FAV 260

c.  HOA Activities Expense- FAV 251

d.  All other- FAV 108.

Net Income Marina – FAV 3,076: detail below:

1.  Marina Slip Reservations- UNFAV 400: One slip available for reservation.

2.  Marina Projects- FAV 2,891: Projects completed: Electrical repairs marina slips; 2 anchors replaced; wheel stops installed marina parking area

3.  Marina Maintenance - FAV 585: Maintenance projects in progress


·  2018 Budget

III. Committee Reports

a. Access: DC

·  ACTION ITEM: Move Shed key into Cabin Office for ease of access; done – ITEM CLOSED

b. Activities: JV

·  Address adding apron for trailer parking

·  Cleared away debris behind storage

·  Discuss cleaning of Cabin

c. Architecture: TB

·  Concern C2017-1 – Covenant violations on various Chelaque lots

Additional Corrected and complete violations: P2L086 Gas tank; Complied; P1L074 Building Materials Complied

o  Violations scheduled for completion: P1L016 AC scheduled with builder, P2L098 awaiting removal of materials;P1L079 AC; new owner will take care of it, P2L080 Construction incomplete

·  Concern C2017-7 – Tree cut on P1L103 without approval – Payment 2?

·  Gravel drivewayP2L131 andpossible encroachment on another lot – ACTION ITEM: Create a new Concern– New Concern C2017-9,Letter to present to BOD for approval Article IX Section 9 and Article X Section 13 violations. ITEM CLOSED; Concern open.

·  P1L056 Request for Driveway replacement July 18

·  P1L078 Request for Fire pit/retaining wall

·  P2L073 Request removal of 17 dead trees

·  Update request for Arc 11 Procedures for Home/Lot Improvements

·  Committee Criteria for DepositandRequest deposit change on someLevel 2 Improvements (non-ground up building) to $500

·  Update requestforArc 15 Architecture Committee Responsibilities

·  Fine schedule suggestions

d. Communications: CL

·  Have received completed Nominee Questionnaires from all candidates

e. Legal: LL

·  CCR Violation Fine Schedule – ACTION ITEM: Verify with HOA lawyer that BOD has authority to set schedule – So verified. ITEM CLOSED

·  ACTION ITEM: Find out if By-Laws are on file with County – Yes; therefore, updates must also be filed. ITEM CLOSED

·  Final review of By-Laws; vote for approval

f. Marina: DT

·  ACTION ITEM CL: Update Mar/01 and Exhibit 01d to reflect removal of Marina trash can. DT to make final revisions for official update.

·  ACTION ITEM: Investigate UTV/golf cart parking in a limited area adjacent to boat ramp.

·  ACTION ITEM CL: Update Mar/03 and 03a on payment with Covered Dock Reservation Request. DT taking lead on this update.

·  ACTION ITEM: Investigate alternatives for jon-boat in order to free up slip for rental

·  North Marina slip guards – ACTION ITEM: Investigate options and present to Board

g. Roads: DS

·  ACTION ITEM: Get bid from Lucas Price to trim tree canopy on all Chelaque roads. Bid received. ITEM CLOSED

·  Award of 2017-2020 Landscape and Road Maintenance Contract to Total Property Management by unanimous vote 8-0.

·  Washout areas: as stated in broad email to all, Chase is working on it. Four areas up above Weaver’s house. Orange cones out to avoid area.

·  Getting quotes from TPM on tree canopy clearing and also separate quote for tree debris removal and cleaning. All quotes include debris removal.

·  Expectations for winter road conditions

·  ACTION ITEM: Revise Road Scope of Services prior to next contract renewal

IV. Old Business

·  ACTION ITEM LL: Draft Community email on remote trailer parking, send to board for approval. Email approved and distributed. ITEM CLOSED

·  Policy/Procedure to follow for CCR violations (Arc/15-Leg/01 vs. Gen/09). ACTION ITEM CL: Update policies with any input received from BOD.

·  ACTION ITEM CL: Ask Webmaster to provide all web and email system log-in information for file in case of emergency. Have accurate info. ITEM CLOSED

·  Cable Internet Service – ACTION ITEM CL: Follow-up with Jody Howells and Dan Bodary on previous efforts.

·  A recommendation was made to delay the Annual Meeting Survey for a year, due to volume of documents requiring review. ACTION ITEM CL: Review policy for requirement. Gen/04c/Jul2016 calls for a Survey every three years from 2011. ITEM CLOSED

·  Code of Conduct for Board Members– TB sent out an HOA-specific Code for comparison with original proposed version

V. New Business

·  Presentation of Firewise at Annual Meeting

·  Gate access for forestry crew, Cody Lamb and Joel Blackburn

·  Annual Meeting Documents for Entry Table

·  Manning Annual Meeting Check-In Desk and Ballot Counting

VI. Next Meeting

·  The next BOD meeting will be on September 11, at 10:00 am

VII. Meeting Adjourned

·  Meeting adjourned at