Book Report #2- Non-Fiction

Date Assigned: Friday, October 25, 2013

Due Date: Friday, December 6, 2013


For this book report you will choose a NON-FICTION book. Length does not matter, nor does topic when choosing your book. It does not have to be a book from our school library. You may check one out at the public library or it can be from your home, but it has to be a book. It cannot be a magazine or an article from the internet.

Non-fiction books are based on facts, real events, and real people. (ie. Biographies, history, books on animals, etc)


  1. Choose a non-fiction book to read. When choosing a topic, think about something you are interested in learning more about. Topics can be people (Michael Jackson), places (The Bermuda Triangle), things (Race Cars), events (The Titanic), diseases (Diabetes), etc. I will show you examples from now until next Friday so you will have an idea of the type of book I am looking for.
  2. Complete ONE of the two projects below to turn in as your project/test grade:
  1. ABC Topic: Create a 14 page book to organize the factual information found in the book chosen for the report. Page 1 will highlight the name of the topic, the title of the book read, and your name on the front. Pages 2-13 will highlight two letters per page. Each letter will represent a fun fact and a picture about the topic. For example, if the student chose a book on Koala Bears for the letter E one might write: Eucalyptus leaves are a staple of the koala’s diet. Then, a drawing of the koala and the Eucalyptus leaf would be included on that page. Each page should have TWO letters, TWO sentences, and TWO drawings. See the back of this sheet to clarify what I mean if you are confused. You may use loose-leaf paper, construction paper or computer paper. Color MUST be included to get full credit. You may use pictures from the internet or photocopies from your book if you are not a good artist.
  1. Scrapbook/Photo Album: Create a photo album of at least seven pages, with the first page being a cover page including the topic that was researched, the title of the book and your name. This can be done on loose-leaf paper, construction paper or computer paper of any color. Other than the cover page, each page must contain at least three pictures (they can be drawn or from the internet) and each picture must have a caption explaining what the picture is about. A caption is a brief explanation. This should look similar to a scrapbook and should be really neat, really creative and really organized. Color must be included to get full credit.