1. Dislocations and mechanical properties of high-nitrogen austenite.

V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, S.P. Yephimenko

Proceedings of 1st Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", May 18-20, 1988, Ed. by J. Foct and A. Hendry, Institute of Metals, London, 1989, pp. 447-451 (1989).

2.A.A. Bakharev, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, V.M. Schastlivtsev,

I.L. Yakovleva, S.P. Oshkaderov

Change of structure due to heating of cold-worked pearlitic carbon steel (in Russian).

Physics of Metals and Metallogr., vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 343-346 (1989).

3.V.N. Bugaev, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, V.A. Tatarenko

Carbon distribution in Fe-Ni-C and Fe-Mn-C with FCC lattice (in Russian).

Physics of Metals and Metallogr., vol. 68, No. 5, pp. 931-940 (1989).

4.O. Antson, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.V. Ulyanov, V.A. Kudryashov, P. Hiesmiaki,

V.A. Trunov, K. Ullakko, Yu. Pietikainen

A study of martensitic transformation in Fe-Ni-C alloy using neutron


Reprint of Leningrad Institute for Nuclear Physics, No. 1538, 20 pp (1989).

4. V.G. Gavriljuk, S.Yu. Smouk, Yu.N. Yagodzinsky

Mechanism of low-temperature strengthening of CrNiMn nitrogen steels

Proceedings of International Conference “High Nitrogen Steels”, Sofia,

Bulgaria, Ts. Rashev (Editor), vol. 1, pp. 125-127 (1989).

5. V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, O.G. Gladun

Nitrogen distribution in Fe-N austenite

Proceedings of International Conference ‘High Nitrogen Steels”, Sofia,

Bulgaria, Ts. Rashev (Editor), vol. 1, pp. 122-125 (1989).

6.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, V.L. Svechnikov

Structure and properties of nitrogen austenite strengthened by cold work and

heat treatment

Proceedings of International Conference ‘High Nitrogen Steels”, Sofia,

Bulgaria, Ts. Rashev (Editor), vol. 1, pp. 146-149 (1989).

7.V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Yephimenko, S.P. Oshkaderov

Physical principles of alloying and perspectives pf application of nitrogen


Proceedings of International Conference High Nitrogen Steels”, Sofia,

Bulgaria, Ts. Rashev (Editor), vol. 1, pp. 36-39 (1989).

8. V.G. Gavriljuk, N.A. Deyev, V.A. Duz’, S.P. Yephimenko, I.I. Krymchansky

Technology of production of steel wire (in Russian)

Patent USSR,1514802 СССР, МКИ C 21 D 8/00

Bull. “Discoveries, Inventions”, No. 38 (1989).

9.N.D. Aphanasjev, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Yephimenko, I.N. Koshits,

I.I Krymchansky, S.A. Terskikh

Corrosion-resistant austenitic steel (in Russian)

Patent USSR,1507854 СССР, МКИC 22 C 38/58

Bull. “Discoveries, Inventions”, No. 34 (1989).


10.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, O.G. Gladun

Nitrogen distribution in Fe-N austenite.

Physics of Metals and Metallogr. (in Russian), No. 3 , pp. 128-134 (1990).

11.N.D. Aphanasyev, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, V.L. Svechnikov

Ageing of cold-worked nitrogen austenitic steels.

Physics of Metals and Metallogr. (in Russian), No. 7 , pp. 105-110 (1990).

12.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, S.P. Oshkaderov, K. Ullakko, Yu. Pietikainen

Phase and magnetic transformations in an Fe-Ni-C alloy at low temperatures (in Russian).

Physics of Metals and Metallogr., No. 7 , pp. 128-33 (1990).

13.V.A. Duz’, V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu.N. Yagodzinski, Yu. Pietikainen,

O.Soederberg, K. Ullakko

Internal friction in Alloyed Fe-C martensites.

Materials Science Forum, vol. 56-58, pp. 181-184 (1990).

14.N.D. Aphanasyev, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, V.L. Svechnikov,

V.M. Nadutov

Change of structure due to cold work of stainless nitrogen austenitic steels (in Russian).

Physics of Metals and Metallogr., No. 8 , pp. 121-27 (1990).

15.O. Antson, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.V. Ulyanov, V.A. Kudryashov, P. Hiesmiaki,

V.A. Trunov, K. Ullakko, Yu. Pietikainen

Study of martensitic transformation in Fe-Ni-C alloys by means of neutron diffraction.

Physics of Metals and Metallogr. (in Russian), No. 10 , pp. 114-22 (1990).

16.Y. Liu, K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu. Pietikainen

Internal friction behaviour of Fe-Ni-C alloys during low

temperature ageing.

Materials Science Forum, vol. 56-58, pp. 207-212 (1990).

17.N.P. Baran, V.V. Vereshchak, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Maximenko, V.A.

Novokshonov, V.L. Svechnikov, B.P. Sytnik, B.D. Shanina

A study of electronic properties and structure of the resistive alloy CrVGa (in


Physics of Metals and Metallogr., No. 10 , pp. 93-99 (1990).

18.O.G. Bakharev, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov

Redistribution of carbon atoms during cold work and subsequent heating of Fe-C martensite.

Physics of Metals and Metallogr. (in Russian), No. 11 , pp. 196-198 (1990).

19.V.G. Gavriljuk,S.P. Yephimenko

Distribution of nitrogen atoms their interaction with dislocations and properties of high nitrogen austenitic steels.

Proceedings of 2nd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", Oktober 10- 12, 1990, Ed. by G. Stein and H. Witulski, Stahl&Eisen, Dusseldorf, pp. 11-21 (1990).

20.V.G. Gavriljuk, O.G. Gladun, V.A. Kononenko, V.M. Nadutov

State of the iron nitrides in cold-worked Fe-N alloys.

Proceedings of 2nd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", Oktober 10- 12, 1990, Ed. by G. Stein and H. Witulski, Stahl&Eisen, Dusseldorf, pp. 91-94 (1990).

21.V.N. Bugaev, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, V.A. Tatarenko

Distribution of nitrogen atoms in austenite.

Proceedings of 2nd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", Oktober 10- 12, 1990, Ed. by G. Stein and H. Witulski, Stahl&Eisen, Dusseldorf, pp. 95-99


22.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, S.P. Yephimenko

The structure and mechanical properties of cold-worked high nitrogen austenite.

Proceedings of 2nd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", Oktober 10-12,

1990, Ed. by G. Stein and H. Witulski, Stahl&Eisen, Dusseldorf, pp.100-103


23.V.N. Bugaev, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Yephimenko, V.M. Nadutov,

V.A. Tatarenko

Nitrogen and carbon distribution in austenite

“High Nitrogen Steels”, Proceedings of 1st Conference, Kiev 18-20 April 1990,

. Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk, pp. 147-162 (1990).

24.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, I.M. Neklyudov, V.N. Voyevodin

Structural changes and redistribution of alloying elements due tp irradiation of

nitrogen steels

High Nitrogen Steels”, Proceedings of 1st Conference, Kiev 18-20 April 1990,

Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk, pp. 298-307 (1990).

25.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, I.I. Krymchansky, S.A. Terskikh

High-strength corrosion-resistant wire from steels with increased nitrogen


High Nitrogen Steels”, Proceedings of 1st Conference, Kiev 18-20 April 1990,

Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk, pp. 413-419 (1990).

26.V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Yephimenko

Effect of nitrogen on structure and properties of - and -iron and perspective

directions of development of high-nitrogen steels

High Nitrogen Steels”, Proceedings of 1st Conference, Kiev 18-20 April 1990,

Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk, pp. 5-26 (1990).

27.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, I.I. Krymchansky,E.A. Karashtin

High-nitrogen spring steel

“High Nitrogen Steels”, Proceedings of 1st Conference, Kiev 18-20 April 1990,

.Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk, pp. 420-423 (1990).

28.V. Duz, V. Gavriljuk, Yu. Jagodzinsky, Y. Pietikainen, O. Soderberg, K. Ullakko.

Internal friction in the alloyed Fe-C martensites

Materials Science Forum, vol. 56-58, pp. 105-110 (1990).

29.O.G. Bakharev, V.G. Gavriljuk, M.B. Degtyarev, V.I. Levit, V.M. Nadutov,

V.L. Svechnikov, T.I. Chashchukhina

Effect of hydroextrusion on structure and phase composition in pearlitic steel

Physics of Metals and metallography (in Russian), No. 12, pp. 86-90 (1990).


30.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, K. Ullakko

Low temperature ageing of Fe-N martensite.

Scripta Metall., vol. 25, No. 4, pp 905-10 (1991).

31.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, K. Ullakko

Low temperature ageing of iron-carbon martensite

Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations in solid solutions MARTENSITE-91 in Commemoration of 90th Anniversary

of Academician V.G. Kurdyumov, Kosov, Ukraine, October 7-11th. Ed. by Yu.N. Koval, Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, 1992, pp. 126- 129 (1991).

32.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, K. Ullakko

Tetragonality of Fe-N martensite and low temperature ageing

Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations in solid solutions MARTENSITE-91 in Commemoration of 90th Anniversary

of Academician V.G. Kurdyumov, Kosov, Ukraine, October 7-11th. Ed. by Yu.N. Koval, Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, 1992, pp. 130- 133 (1991).

33.N.P. Baran, V.G. Gavriljuk, B.D. Shanina, S.Yu. Smouk

Conduction electron spin resonance in carbon and nitrogen austenites.

Metal Physics (in Russian), No. 8, pp. 11-15 (1991).

34.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, Yu.N. Yagodzinsky, Yu. Pietikainen, K. Ullakko,

O. Soederberg

Internal friction in alloyed Fe-C martensite.

Physics of Metals and Metallogr (in Russian), No. 4 , pp. 197-200 (1991).


35.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’, K. Ullakko

Internal friction of tempered ferrous martensite.

Scripta Metall., vol. 26, No. 4 , pp. 667-672 (1992).

36.V.G. Gavriljuk, K. Ullakko, V.V. Runov, S.V. Grigoriev, A.I. Okorokov

Observation of a relaxation phenomenon during ageing of Fe-Ni-C martensite by means of small angle neutron scattering

Scripta Metall., vol. 26, No. 4 , pp. 661-665 (1992).

37.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, K. Ullakko, H. Hanninen

The ageing of martensite of iron-nitrogen alloys

Proc. of 2nd All-Union Conference on High Nitrogen Steels, April 21-23th

1992, Kiev, Ukraine. Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk, Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, pp. 25-28 (1992).

38.K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk

Effects of coherent interfaces in the freshly formed iron-nickel-carbon martensites.

Acta Metall. et Mater., vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 2471-2482 (1992).

39.K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk

Mobility of coherent interfaces in freshly formed Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-C martensites.

Proc. of Intern. Conf. ICOMAT-92, pp. 463-468 (1992).

40.K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov

Low temperature ageing of iron-based martensites.

Proc. of Intern. Conf. ICOMAT-92, pp. 557-562 (1992).

41.K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, H. Hanninen

Structure and ageing behaviour of Fe-Ni martensites.

Proc. of Intern. Conf. ICOMAT-92, pp. 563-568 (1992).

42.N.P. Baran, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Maximenko, E.E. Smouk, S.Yu. Smouk,

B.D. Shanina

Spin resonance of conduction electrons in carbon and nitrogen austenites.

Sol. State Commn., vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 55-58 (1992).

43.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov, R. Zenker, Yu.V. Baldokhin, P.Ya. Kolotyrkin

Phase changes in nitrogen-carburized layer of steel 50CrW4 after rapid heating

Physical-Mechanical Treatment of Materials (in Russian), 5, pp. 124-130


44.N.P. Lyakishev, N.D. Aphanasyev, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Yephimrnko,

I.Ye. Kosmatenko, M.A. Loyferman, Yu.N. Yagodzinsky

Nonmagnetic steel

Patent USSR, 1774966 СССР, МКИC 22 C 38/58

Bull. “Discoveries, Inventions”, No. 41 (1992).


45.V.G. Gavriljuk, B.D. Shanina, N.P. Baran, V.M. Maximenko

Electron-spin-resonance study of electron properties in nitrogen and carbon austenite

Phys. Rev. B, vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 3224-3231 (1993).

46.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, A.S. Tereshchenko, K. Ullakko

Effects of nitrogen on hydrogen-induced phase transformations in stable austenitic steel.

Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 247-252 (1993).

47.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, Yu.N. Yagodzinsky, A.V. Tarasenko, K.


On internal friction mechanisms in hydrogen charged stable austenitic stainless steels.

Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 901-06 (1993).

48.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, A.V. Tarasenko, K. Ullakko

Effect of nitrogen on internal friction of hydrogen charged stable austenitic stainless steels.

Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 177-82 (1993).

49.K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk

Origin of an internal friction peak at 145 K in twinned Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni- C martensites.

Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 593-598 (1993).

50.E.V. Kozlov, L.N. Ignatenko, N.A. Koneva, A.V. Paul, N.A. Popova,

L.A. Teplyakova, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.Yu. Smouk, L.V. Skiba, M.M. Chernik

Effect of nitrogen alloying on cold work hardening and evolution of dislocation structure during active deformation of Cr18Ni15 steel (in Russian).

Metal Physics, vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 80-86 (1993).

51.B.D. Shanina, N.P. Baran, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Yephimenko,

V.M. Maximenko, E.E. Smouk, S.Yu. Smouk,

A study of electronic properties of nitrogen and carbon austenites by means of conduction electron spin resonance (in Russian).

Metal Physics, vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 3-16 (1993).

52.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, A.V. Tarasenko, K. Ullakko

Internal friction caused by hydrogen in stable austenitic steels (in Russian).

Metal Physics, vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 3-17 (1993).

53.V.N. Antonov, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.V. Nemoshkalenko, N.A. Plotnikov

The electronic structure of the FCC iron based phases with nitrogen and carbon.

Proceedings of 3rd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", September 14- 16, 1993, Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk and V.M. Nadutov, pp. 55-62 (1993).

54.V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu.N. Kucherenko, V.I. Moravetsky, V.M. Nadutov,

L.M. Sheludchenko

Effect of nitrogen and carbon on electronic structure of FCC iron.

Proceedings of 3rd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", September 14- 16, 1993, Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk and V.M. Nadutov, pp. 83-89 (1993).

55.N.D. Aphanasyev, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.A. Danilkin et al.

Nitrogen and carbon effects on crystal lattice dynamics in austenitic steels.

Proceedings of 3rd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", September 14-16, 1993, Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk and V.M. Nadutov, pp. 145-153 (1993).

56.H. Berns, S.N. Bugaychuk, V.A. Duz’, R. Ehrhardt, V.G. Gavriljuk,

Yu.N. Petrov, I. Yakubtsov

Effect of tempering on the microstructure of a high nitrogen 15% chromium martensitic steel.

Proceedings of 3rd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", September 14-16, 1993, Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk and V.M. Nadutov, pp. 311-319 (1993).

57.A.G. Balanyuk, S.N. Bugaychuk, V.G. Gavriljuk, A.L. Sozinov

Internal friction of Fe-Cr-Ni duplex steels with nitrogen.

Proceedings of 3rd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", September 14-16, 1993, Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk and V.M. Nadutov, pp. 449-452 (1993).

58.K. Ullakko, R.Tarkiyainen, R. Levonmaa, V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen

Hot and cold rolling of high-nitrogen Fe-Mn-Cr-N and Fe-Ni-Cr-N austenites.

Proceedings of 3rd Intern. Conf. "High Nitrogen Steels", September 14-16, 1993, Ed. by V.G. Gavriljuk and V.M. Nadutov, pp. 401-403 (1993).


59.B.D. Shanina, S.P. Kolesnik, A.A. Konchitz,V.G. Gavriljuk,S.Yu. Smouk,

A.V. Tarasenko

The influence of nitrogen on the paramagnetic properties of the multicomponent d-element iron-based alloy.

Sol. State Commn., vol. 90, No. 2, pp.109-113 (1994).

60.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, A.S. Tereshchenko, K. Ullakko

Hydrogen-induced phases in AISI 310 type steel.

Scripta Metall. et Mater., Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 781-785 (1994).

61.K. Ullakko V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov

Ageing of freshly formed iron-based martensites at low temperatures.

Metallurgical et Materials Transactions, vol. 25A, No. 5, pp. 889-910 (1994).

62.H. Berns, S.N. Bugaychuk, V.A. Duz’, R. Ehrhardt, V.G. Gavriljuk,

Yu.N. Petrov, I. Yakubtsov

Phase transformations during tempering of the Fe-15Cr-1Mo

martensites containing nitrogen or carbon.

Steel Research, vol. 65, No. 10, pp. 444-450 (1994).

63N. Bugaychuk, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Duz’

Internal friction in an alloyed martensite of high-nickel steel.

Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies (in Russian), vol. 16, No. 11, pp.

55-59 (1994).

64.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.M. Nadutov

Hyperfine structure and properties of new invar alloy Fe-Ni-C at low temperatures.

Cryogenics, vol. 34 ICEC Supplement, pp. 485-488 (1994).

65.V.M. Nadutov, V.G. Gavriljuk, V.A. Andryushchenko

Magnetic and atomic ordering in K-phase powder

Materials Science Forum, vol. 166. Pp. 591-596 (1994).

66.V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu.N. Kucherenko, V.I. Moravetsky, V.M. Nadutov,

L.M. Sheludchenko

The electronic structure of FCC Fe containing N and C impurities.

J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol. 55, No. 11, pp. 1181-1187 (1994).


67.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, A.V. Tarasenko, A.S. Tereshchenko, K. Ullakko

Phase transformations and relaxation phenomena caused by hydrogen in stable austenitic steels.

Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 559-568 (1995).

68.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, S.Yu. Smouk, A.V. Tarasenko, K. Ullakko

Internal friction and cracking in hydrogen charged stainless austenitic steels.

Proc of Intern. Conf. "Hydrogen Transport and Cracking in Metals", London, UK, April 14-17th, 1994. Ed. by A. Turnbull, Publ. The Institute of Materials, pp.321-335 (1995).

69.H. Berns, V.A. Duz’, R. Ehrhardt, V.G. Gavriljuk, A.V. Tarasenko

Mössbauer study of tempering of stainless martensitic steel alloyed

with nitrogen and/or carbon.

Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies, vol. 15, pp. 561-70 (1995).

(Russian version: vol. 17, N6, pp. 19-25).

70.V.N. Antonov, V.V. Nemoshkalenko, V.G. Gavriljuk, A.G. Vakhney, J. Foct

Electronic structure of some complex chromium carbonitrides.

Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies (in Russian), vol. 17, No. 7, pp.

23-34 (1995).

71.A. Pyzalla-Schieck, V.A. Duz’, V.G. Gavriljuk

Internal stresses and dislocation interaction in X2CrNiMo17 13 2 (AISI 316 L)

+ TiC composite.

Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies, vol. 15, pp. 491-510 (1995). (Russian version: vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 51-62 ).

72.B.D. Shanina, V.G. Gavriljuk, A.A. Konchitz,S.P. Kolesnik, A.V. Tarasenko

Exchange interaction between electron subsystems in iron-based F.C.C. alloys doped by nitrogen or carbon.

Phys. Status Solidi. (a), vol. 149, pp. 711-722 (1995).

73.S.N.Bugajchuk, V.G.Gavriljuk and V.A.Duz’

Internal friction in high-nickel martensitic steel

Phys. Metals, vol. 14, N 11, pp. 1237-1242 (1995).

74.V.G.Gavriliuk, S.A.Danilkin, et al.,

Study of effect of nitrogen, carbon and metallic components on atomic interaction in steels using inelastic neutron scattering method (in Russian), Izvestija RAN Metalli, 5, 51 (1995).


75.B.D. Shanina, V.G. Gavriljuk, A.A. Konchitz,S.P. Kolesnik, A.V.


A study of hydrogen desorption from Fe55Cr25Ni20 alloy by means of ferromagnetic resonance.

J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 8, pp. 1831-1844 (1996).

76.V.N.Antonov, V.V.Nemoshkalenko, V.G.Gavriljuk, A.G.Vakhnei and J.Foct

Electronic structure of some complex chromium carbides.

Met. Phys. Adv. Tech., vol. 15, pp. 697-709 (1996).

77.V.G. Gavriljuk, V.N. Bugaev, Yu.N. Petrov, A.V. Tarasenko, B.Z. Yanchitsky

Hydrogen-induced equilibrium vacancies in FCC iron-base alloys Scripta Materialia, vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 903-907 (1996).

78.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, S.Yu. Smouk, A.V. Tarasenko, K. Ullakko

Phase transformations and relaxation phenomena in hydrogen-

charged CrNiMn and CrNi stable austenitic stainless steels.

Proc. of 5th Intern. Conf. "Hydrogen Effects on Material Behaviour",

Jackson Hole Lake Lodge, Wyoming, USA, September 11-15th, 1994.

Ed. by N.R. Moody and A.W. Thompson, Publ. TMS, Warrendale, Pensilvania, USA, 1996, pp. 893-902 (1996).

79.V.G. Gavriljuk

Nitrogen in Iron and Steel

ISIJ International, vol. 36, No. 7. pp.738-45 (1996).

80.B.D. Shanina, J. Foct., V.G. Gavriljuk

Electron Exchange in Nitrogen and Carbon Austenites

Proc. of 4th Intern. Conf. “High Nitrogen Steels - 95”, Ed. by M.Kikuchi, Publ. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, p.39 (1996).

81.V.G.Gavriljuk, A.L.Sozinov, A.G.Balanyuk, S.V.Grigoriev

Small Angle Scattering of Neutrons in Iron-Base CrNiMn FCC Alloys Doped with Carbon or Nitrogen

Proc. of 4th Intern. Conf. “High Nitrogen Steels - 95”, Ed. by M.Kikuchi,

Publ. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, p.40 (1996).

82V.G.Gavriljuk, S.N.Bugajchuk, V.A.Duz’

Mechanisms of Relaxation in High-Nitrogen Austenitic Steels

Proc. of 4th Intern. Conf. “High Nitrogen Steels - 95”, Ed. by M.Kikuchi, Publ. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, p.42 (1996).

83.K. Ullakko, P.G. Yakovenko, V.G. Gavriljuk

High-strength shape memory steels alloyed with nitrogen.

Scripta Materialia, vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 473-478 (1996)

84.K. Ullakko, P.G. Yakovenko, V.G. Gavriljuk

New developments in actuator materials as reflected in magnetically controlled shape memory alloys and high-strength shape memory steels

SPIE, vol. 2715, pp. 42-50 (1996)

85.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Hanninen, S.Yu. Smouk, A.V. Tarasenko, K. Ullakko

Internal friction in hydrogen charged CrNi and CrNiMn austenitic stainless steels.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, vol. 27A, No. 7, pp.1815-21 (1996).


86.H. Berns, V.A. Duz’, R. Ehrhardt, V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu.N. Petrov, A.V. Tarasenko

Precipitation during tempering of chromium-rich iron-based martensite alloyed with carbon and nitrogen

Z. für Metallkunde, Bd. 88, H. 2, s. 109-116 (1997).

87.A.L. Sozinov, A.G. Balanyuk and V.G. Gavriljuk

C-C interaction in iron-base austenite and interpretation of Mössbauer spectra

Acta Materialia, vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 225-232 (1997).

88.H. Berns, V.A. Duz’, V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu.N. Petrov and A.V. Tarasenko

Structure and properties of cold-worked stainless steels alloyed with nitrogen

Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies (Russian version), vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 38-48 (1997).

89.V.G. Gavriljuk

Stickstoff in Stählen: Elektronenstruktur, Nahordnung, Phasenstabilität

Proc. of Werkstoffkolloquium, April 1997, Ed. by H.Berns, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany (1997).

90.A.G. Vakhnej, V.N. Antonov, A.N. Yaresko, V.V. Nemoshkalenko, V.G.Gavriljuk, V.N.Uvarov and S.V.Borisenko

Theoretical and Experimental Study of Electron Structure and X-Ray Emission Spectra of Fe4N and Fe4C

Met. Phys. Adv. Tech., vol 16, pp. 723-733 (1997).

91.V.G. Gavriljuk, A.L. Sozinov, A.G. Balanyuk, S.V. Grigoriev, O.A.Gubin, G.P.Kopitsa, A.I.Okorokov and V.V.Runov,

Effect of Carbon and Nitrogen on Chemical Inhomogeneity of fcc Iron-Based Alloys,

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, vol. 28A, N 11, pp. 2195- 2199 (1997).

92.V.G. Gavriljuk, J. Foct, S.N. Bugajchuk and A.L.Sozinov

Relaxation Phenomena in Nitrogen Austenitic Steels

Scripta Materialia, vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 1889-1894 (1997).

93.H. Berns, V.G. Gavriljuk

Tempering of Martensitic Stainless Steel with 0.6 w/o Nitrogen and/or Carbon

J. Phys. IV France 7, Colloque C5, Suppl. Au Journ de Physique III de novembre 1997, pp. 263-268 (1997)

94.V.G. Gavriljuk, A.V. Tarasenko, A.S. Tereshchenko,

Phase Transformations and Relaxation Phenomena Induced by

Hydrogen in Austenitic Stainless Steels

Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, vol. 22, No. 2/3, pp. 269-277 (1997)

95.V.N. Bugaev, V.G. Gavriljuk, Yu.N. Petrov, A.V. Tarasenko

Mechanism of hydrogen-induced phase transformations in metals and alloys

Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, vol. 22, No. 2/3, pp. 213-218 (1997)


96.B.D. Shanina, V.G. Gavriljuk, A.A. Konchitz, S.P. Kolesnik

The influence of substitutional atoms upon the electron structure of the iron-based transition metal alloys

J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 10, pp. 1825-1838 (1998)

97.A.G. Vakhney, A.N. Yaresko, V.N. Antonov, V.V. Nemoshkalenko,

V.G.Gavriljuk, A.V.Tarasenko, I.Smurov

The effect of hydrogen on the electronic structure and phase stability of

iron-based alloys doped with chromium and nickel

J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, vol. 10, pp. 6987-6994 (1998).

98.V.G. Gavriljuk, A.L. Sozinov, J. Foct, Yu.N. Petrov, A.A. Polushkin

Effect of nitrogen on the temperature dependence of the yield strength

of austenitic steels

Acta Materialia, vol. 46, N 4, pp. 1157-1163 (1998).

99.V.G. Gavriljuk, P.G. Yakovenko, K. Ullakko

Influence of nitrogen on vibration damping and mechanical properties

of Fe-Mn alloys.

Scripta Materialia, vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 931-935 (1998).


100.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Berns

High Nitrogen Steels (monography)

Springer Verlag, Berlin, 378 pp (1999).

101.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Berns, C. Escher, N.I. Glavatska, A. Sozinov, Yu.N. Petrov

Grain boundary strengthening in austenitic nitrogen steels

Materials Science & Engineering, vol. A271, pp. 14-21 (1999).

102.A.L. Sozinov, A.G. Balanyuk, V.G. Gavriljuk

N-N interaction and nitrogen activity in the iron base austenite

Acta Materialia, vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 927-935 (1999).

103.V.G. Gavriljuk

A comment to “On the mechanism of a hydrogen peak of internal

friction in high-alloyed fcc iron”

ScriptaMaterialia, vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1009-1010 (1999).

104.A.L. Sozinov, V.G. Gavriljuk

Estimation of interaction energies Me-(C,N) in fcc iron-based alloys

using ThermoCalc thermodynamic database

Scripta Materialia, vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 679-683 (1999).

105.B.D. Shanina, V.G. Gavriljuk, S.P. Kolesnik, V.N. Shivanyuk

Paramagnetic spin resonance in hydrogen-charged stainless austenitic


J. Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 32, pp. 298-304 (1999).

106.V.G. Gavriljuk

Atomic scale mechanisms of strengthening of nitrogen steels

High Nitrogen Steels, H.Hänninen, S.Hertzman, J.Romu (eds), Trans

Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland-Germany-UK-USA, pp. 3-11


107.A.L. Sozinov, A.G. Balanyuk, V.G. Gavriljuk

Atomic interaction and distribution of nitrogen and carbon atoms in

binary Fe-N and Fe-C alloys

High Nitrogen Steels, H.Hänninen, S.Hertzman, J.Romu (eds), Trans

Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland-Germany-UK-USA, pp. 13-18


108.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Berns

Precipitates in tempered stainless martensitic steels alloyed with

nitrogen, carbon or both

Materials Science Forum, vol. 318, pp. 71-80 (1999).

109.V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Berns, C. Escher, N.I. Glavatska, A. Sozinov,

Yu.N. Petrov

Grain boundary strengthening in austenitic nitrogen steels

High Nitrogen Steels, H.Hänninen, S.Hertzman, J.Romu (eds), Trans

Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland-Germany-UK-USA, pp. 455-460


110.O. Söderberg, P.G. Yakovenko, K. Ullakko, V.G. Gavriljuk,

V.K. Lindroos

Shape memory training and properties of Fe-Mn-based high nitrogen


High Nitrogen Steels, H.Hänninen, S.Hertzman, J.Romu (eds), Trans

Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland-Germany-UK-USA, pp. 763-768


111.Yu.N. Petrov, V.G. Gavriljuk, H. Berns, Ch. Escher

Nitrogen partitioning between matrix, grain boundaries and

precipitates in high-alloyed austenitic steels

Scripta Materialia, vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 669-674 (1999)


112.B.D. Shanina,V.G. Gavriljuk, A.A. Konchitz, S.P. Kolesnik

Influence of interstitial and substitutional atoms on the electron structure in

iron-based alloys,

Physica B, vol. 284, No. 1-3 (2000).

113.H. Berns, C. Escher, V.G. Gavriljuk, B.D. Shanina

On the hot strength of austenitic valve steels with a high nitrogen


Mat.-Wiss.u.Werkstofftech., 31, pp. 273-279 (2000).

114.V.G.Gavriljuk, A.V.Tarasenko, A.I.Tyshchenko

Low temperature ageing of the freshly formed Fe-C and Fe-N martensites

Scripta Materialia, 43(3) pp. 233-238 (2000).

115.V.G. Gavriljuk, B.D. Shanina, H. Berns

On the correlation between electron structure and short range atomic order in

iron-based alloys.

Acta Materialia, 48(15), pp. 3879-3893 (2000).

116.A.G.Balanyuk, V.G.Gavriljuk, V.N.Shivanyuk, A.I.Tyshchenko,


Mössbauer study and thermodynamic modeling of Fe-C-N alloy

Acta Materialia, 48(15), pp. 3813-3821 (2000).

117. V.G. Gavriljuk, N.I. Glavatska, Yu.N. Petrov, I.V. Bojnitska,

J.C. Rawers

Structure and Mechanical Properties of Cold Worked Nitrogen

Austenitic Steels.

Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies, vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 47-55